A House Race to Watch


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Can the current GOP strategy work?

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — Voters in this stretch of beach towns and retirement communities provide the first 2014 campaign test of whether Democrats can counter GOP attacks on the president's health care overhaul by accusing Republicans of threatening popular benefit programs for the elderly. -

See more at: Dems, GOP test fall strategy in Florida House race | CNS News
Talk about outside money! The Democrats spent four times what the Republicans spent on this Special Election, most of it from out of State sources, (501 c4's?), and still lost.
It's true that this district was held by a longtime Republican who died in office, but Obama took it in 08 and 12. The former Congressman from this district was a Republican but his popularity goes way back, 50 years to be sure, and that's why it was held by a Republican, not because of the popularity of the Republicans, but rather the popularity of the man.
Make no mistake, Obama Care and the other White House scandals are sinking the Democrats in this years elections!!

CRY, CRY, BOO-HOO-HOO, Tell it to yo mammy, maby she'll cry with you!! HA HA.

Jolly won the election

Well, I'd hate to be a Democrat waking up this morning.

Because they lost a race in a district that has been Republican for 30 years?

Because Obama won that district twice in the past two elections. Also, Alex Sink blew a 9 point lead and lost by 2 in the election. You know you candidate sucks when they swing 11 points in the wrong direction during an election. Jolly's election essentially ended any hope of Democrats taking back the house in November. They needed 17 seats, now they're minus one.
So a +13R district becoming into a +2R district in a low-turnout (that is, favoring R's) election spells certain doom for the Democrats.

Yeah, you run with that.
Registered democrats outnumbered republicans in Florida's 13th district but the republican candidate won the special election. Not good news for democrats.
Democrat Sink outspent republican Jolly 4-1 and the 13th had even been redistricted when democrats controlled the House. Scathing ads by democrats tried to bring up social issues. It was a must win for democrats and a referendum on the Hussein administration.
The Fla race was expected to be a shoe in for democrats. They had a liberal woman in a democrat majority district and the democrat out-spent the relatively unknown GOP candidate 4-1 with ads related to social issues and yet the republican won.

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