A double standard…

Absolutely, that motherfucker should kicked the fuck out of the Senate. What a repulsive piece of fucking shit.
Victim Shaming? MSNBC's Hunt: Franken’s Action ‘Not Actually Groping’

Hmm, it does look like groping to me:


But what do I know, of couse MSNBC must be correct.
Where the hell did all this hatred for former SNL writer and current Senator Frankin come from? What did you expect? Before y'all get your panties in a hateful twist you need to consider that the Minn. Gov. might appoint an even more liberal senator to fill Frankin's shoes. Republicans are better off letting Frankin swing in the breeze and be aware that the democrat dirty tricksters might throw Frankin under the bus and then accuse republicans of hypocrisy while they go after the bigger target in the W.H.

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