A different path.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
This and That on Pinterest 288 Images on healing crystals chakras and reflexology

A collection on my pinterest that I thought I would share with those interested.
I am drawn to such things. This one grabbed my attention because I do it all the time when outside in the sunlight.


God speaks to us in many ways....not just through a book or other people.
There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift. So..I thought maybe this thread would be interesting for those who are on the same path I am on...or one that is similar in some way. And maybe enlightening to others who were/are like me...they didn't consider this or that....they just stumble along.

Someone told me long ago (online friend on a message board many moons ago) that God speaks to me through animals because He knows how much I distrust humans. So He speaks from those that I do trust...Animals. And they do have a lot to say if one opens their mind to LISTEN. It never crossed my mind it is God conversing with me..leading me..helping me...through His other creations..until she said that. Talk about an epiphany!

So anyway....here is the thread. Please respect my intentions with it and not insult me or others that want to talk about whatever or wherever the thread goes along this particular "path", and I invite you to join in with your own thoughts if it is positive ones and not negative.

Thanks in advance. :)
Meanwhile...I am heading to bed, but I thought I would share the latest experience I had. A few days ago (saturday), I got the stomach bug that is going around. It HURT. Both ends were in high gear for 12 hours straight. It was awful. So I finally took my biggest clear crystal and rolled it around on my stomach and lower belly and then I prayed for help to God to please make it STOP. I did this the last hour of the pain I was experiencing and within 15 minutes...the pain was gone and I was done running to the bathroom. I slept all day Sunday with brief periods of moving around a bit after 5pm when I finally woke up from pure exhaustion.
Then I took my crystal that was full of negativity and illness it absorbed and buried it in the back yard to cleanse it for the next time I need it.
I used this same crystal on my breast before the mastectomy, I held it in my hand during the ink injections just prior to the surgery, and I used it after the surgery to help speed healing of the scar. And I still use it from time to time.
No chemo. No radiation. No drugs for the RA and IBS/colitis.
I have faith in Gods Creations...whether it is gemstones or animals and so far...I am still breathing, walking, and alive. It will be 3 years this coming December of being cancer free.
There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift.

I'm pretty much the only one that ever creates Pagan topics on this board. At least every Sabbat I'll make a topic which is Pagan in Nature. Every Solstice, every Equinox, their midpoints... whether its rituals and incantations, talk about gods and goddesses, or just encouraging people to celebrate the Wheel of the Year...

There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift.

I'm pretty much the only one that ever creates Pagan topics on this board. At least every Sabbat I'll make a topic which is Pagan in Nature. Every Solstice, every Equinox, their midpoints... whether its rituals and incantations, talk about gods and goddesses, or just encouraging people to celebrate the Wheel of the Year...

If you didn't get so damn gross and hateful, I'd take ya off iggie so I could see what you are posting. But if I remember correctly, you are in to dark magik...not light. No thanks.
There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift.

I'm pretty much the only one that ever creates Pagan topics on this board. At least every Sabbat I'll make a topic which is Pagan in Nature. Every Solstice, every Equinox, their midpoints... whether its rituals and incantations, talk about gods and goddesses, or just encouraging people to celebrate the Wheel of the Year...

If you didn't get so damn gross and hateful, I'd take ya off iggie so I could see what you are posting. But if I remember correctly, you are in to dark magik...not light. No thanks.

White Magick, Black Magick... I have never encouraged one side over the other. It's all beautiful. It's all useful. There is great Power to be found in Night as well as Day.

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This and That on Pinterest 288 Images on healing crystals chakras and reflexology

A collection on my pinterest that I thought I would share with those interested.
I am drawn to such things. This one grabbed my attention because I do it all the time when outside in the sunlight.


God speaks to us in many ways....not just through a book or other people.
There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift. So..I thought maybe this thread would be interesting for those who are on the same path I am on...or one that is similar in some way. And maybe enlightening to others who were/are like me...they didn't consider this or that....they just stumble along.

Someone told me long ago (online friend on a message board many moons ago) that God speaks to me through animals because He knows how much I distrust humans. So He speaks from those that I do trust...Animals. And they do have a lot to say if one opens their mind to LISTEN. It never crossed my mind it is God conversing with me..leading me..helping me...through His other creations..until she said that. Talk about an epiphany!

So anyway....here is the thread. Please respect my intentions with it and not insult me or others that want to talk about whatever or wherever the thread goes along this particular "path", and I invite you to join in with your own thoughts if it is positive ones and not negative.

Thanks in advance. :)

Animals speak to people in Judaism. Beginning with the serpent of course, and continuing on into the Zohar (Jewish metaphysics) as in the "Mother and Nest" story where think it was a bird spoke to a rabbi delivering a message from another rabbi.

"The holy Zohar records a miraculous story, about a time when Divine compassion was aroused through this commandment.

Rabbi Elazar, the son of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, was walking with his colleagues when a dove appeared. The dove informed Rabbi Elazar that his father-in-law, Rabbi Yosi, had fallen seriously ill.

Rabbi Elazar ordered the dove to assure Rabbi Yosi that in three days he would miraculously recover, and Rabbi Elazar and his colleagues would then arrive at his home to celebrate.

Soon afterwards, the distressed dove returned to inform them that since Rabbi Elazar had annulled the heavenly decree hanging over his father-in-law, the angel of death had taken in his stead another Rabbi Yosi--Rabbi Yosi of Pekiyin."
Mother and Nest - Life s Passages - Parsha

My all-time favourite religious story. Even though I know it almost by heart, it still makes me well up towards the end. :)
Magick with a "K" was popularized by Aleister Crowley. I wouldn't call him or his methods or his lifestyle "Beautiful".
Magick with a "K" was popularized by Aleister Crowley. I wouldn't call him or his methods or his lifestyle "Beautiful".

I would. Crowley was very much the awesome ^_^

Nowadays, "magick" is often spelled with a "k" at the end of it to distinguish witchcraft from stage magic performed by illusionists.

Magick with a "K" was popularized by Aleister Crowley. I wouldn't call him or his methods or his lifestyle "Beautiful".

I would. Crowley was very much the awesome ^_^

Nowadays, "magick" is often spelled with a "k" at the end of it to distinguish witchcraft from stage magic performed by illusionists.

What are you implying? ...That, that stage magic isn't real? (eyes well up and tears begin to flow) :)
This and That on Pinterest 288 Images on healing crystals chakras and reflexology

A collection on my pinterest that I thought I would share with those interested.
I am drawn to such things. This one grabbed my attention because I do it all the time when outside in the sunlight.


God speaks to us in many ways....not just through a book or other people.
There are many topics in this forum on many different religions but I don't recall seeing anything that could be construed as wiccan or pagan or pantheist or...or...or. You get my drift. So..I thought maybe this thread would be interesting for those who are on the same path I am on...or one that is similar in some way. And maybe enlightening to others who were/are like me...they didn't consider this or that....they just stumble along.

Someone told me long ago (online friend on a message board many moons ago) that God speaks to me through animals because He knows how much I distrust humans. So He speaks from those that I do trust...Animals. And they do have a lot to say if one opens their mind to LISTEN. It never crossed my mind it is God conversing with me..leading me..helping me...through His other creations..until she said that. Talk about an epiphany!

So anyway....here is the thread. Please respect my intentions with it and not insult me or others that want to talk about whatever or wherever the thread goes along this particular "path", and I invite you to join in with your own thoughts if it is positive ones and not negative.

Thanks in advance. :)

Why should I respect your intentions or anything you post when you post things that are intended to belittle others who believe differently than you do? You give no respect, yet you expect to receive it? Now that's amusing. lol

Part of me would like to try and be nice to you, Gracie, but it's difficult because you are just so racist... and judgmental of others who are different than what you are used to.

Part of me would like to try and be nice to you, Gracie, but it's difficult because you are just so racist... and judgmental of others who are different than what you are used to.

Racist? lol. ok. LOL
And I am far from judgemental. But...whats meant to be is meant to be and us meeting twixt both our worlds looks like it ain't gonna happen.

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