A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization


Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Let’s take a look at the pattern….

1.”Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.”
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, right…and certainly not ‘slaughter.’ They could get another cab…..

2. How about this?

“Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump”? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OK….we deal with it…..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. But….take it up a notch, to assault and battery… “Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis”
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. “The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.” Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, say…a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, there’d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You don’t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next post…..

Which “side” mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which “side” shot up a Republican softball game? We could play tit for tat all day long, but it’ll never get us anywhere.

My point exactly…there are nut jobs in every ideology. The multiple claims of some sort of conservative purity are moronic. Agreed?

You've seen my list.....where's yours?

......every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.


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