A Crazy Idea That Just Might Work


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Owning a gun does not make you more prone to going crazy. Nor does being a Muslim. So monitoring or controlling people just because they fall into one of these groups is missing the forest for the trees.

Crazy people come from all walks of life. Some kill with guns, some with knives, some with bombs, some with gasoline, some with drowning.

We focus on the unusual, and write that large. Muslims are a tiny minority, so when one does something bad, it gets a lot of attention, and then narrow-minded people who know nothing more about Muslims than this one thing begin to form opinions about Muslims based on this one thing. Then every subsequent bad incident involving Muslims confirms their bias.

Or one whacked out kid does a bad thing with an AR-15, suddenly all AR-15 are evils which must be removed from the face of the Earth.

This is not consistent or logical thinking.

The problem is not guns. The problem is crazy people.

So bear with me for a minute. In another topic, Missourian planted an idea in my head and from that I got an idea.

If we think we might want to vote one day, we have to prove our eligibility long before Election Day through the registration process. This gives the voter registrar time to verify you are a law-abiding citizen who is eligible to vote and put you on an approved list of voters. If you are an illegal alien, you do not end up on the eligible list.

From that point on, the onus is on the State to properly maintain that roll of registered voters. If you die, the State is required to remove you from this list, and so forth. If a dead person is on the roll, Voter ID won't remove them. The failure is on the State, not the voter.

You may then choose to vote or not vote.

So what about a gun buyer registration? If we think we might want to own a gun one day, we can prove our eligibility long before the next Gun Show through a registration process. This would give the gun registrar time to verify you are a law-abiding citizen who is eligible to buy a gun, and put you on an approved list of gun buyers.

From that point on, the onus is on the State to properly maintain that roll of registered gun buyers. If you die, the State is required to remove you from this list, and so forth. If they screw up the list, the failure is on the State, not the gun buyer.

You may then choose to buy a gun or not buy a gun.

If you do buy a gun, the seller just has to look you up on the approved buyer roll.

When you vote, no one knows who you voted for. When you buy a gun, no one knows what you bought, or how many you bought.

How's that sound?
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How about we just do away with gun ownership and voting all together.

I might not like your opinion, but I would fight to support my right to shoot you for saying it.
oh wow....!

just like illegal voting.....you come in with a fake ID and vote.....er...buy a gun......:D
Make it simple, kill a person for the commission of a crime with a gun or weapon. As for elections, we remain the only industrialized country that fails to require voter identification issued by the government, ask yourself why? We require Social Security Cards to work, why not have the Social Security Administration issue a picture ID card when you reach the age of employment that expires every 5-7 years and use it as a voter ID card. Heck, the government could track those that don't pay or file taxes each year at the same time. Make it simple!
If crazy people are the problem, shouldn't everyone be certified by a psychiatrist as 'sane' before they're allowed to do things like vote or buy firearms?
Make it simple, kill a person for the commission of a crime with a gun or weapon. As for elections, we remain the only industrialized country that fails to require voter identification issued by the government, ask yourself why?

Because we don't want to be like Yurp! They'ze a buncha nazi socialist Big Brother Is Watching You lefties over there.

We require Social Security Cards to work, why not have the Social Security Administration issue a picture ID card when you reach the age of employment that expires every 5-7 years and use it as a voter ID card. Heck, the government could track those that don't pay or file taxes each year at the same time. Make it simple!

So a national ID that tracks people, but for God's sake don't track guns!

Papers, please!
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Make it simple, kill a person for the commission of a crime with a gun or weapon. As for elections, we remain the only industrialized country that fails to require voter identification issued by the government, ask yourself why? We require Social Security Cards to work, why not have the Social Security Administration issue a picture ID card when you reach the age of employment that expires every 5-7 years and use it as a voter ID card. Heck, the government could track those that don't pay or file taxes each year at the same time. Make it simple!

Thats a very good idea, we could then use that same ID card to regulate who can work what kind of job and where, so if someone speaks out against gun confiscation, we can revoke there workers permit .......... PU....HA...... put em on the streets.
I got really mad today listening to this liberal idiot call into a talk show. He went on and on about how we are a violent people, and we think killing is ok.

What the fuck is he talking about we? A tiny, tiny minority of people go off and kill people, and this asshole says it means we all think killing is ok?
Owning a gun does not make you more prone to going crazy. Nor does being a Muslim. So monitoring or controlling people just because they fall into one of these groups is missing the forest for the trees.

Crazy people come from all walks of life. Some kill with guns, some with knives, some with bombs, some with gasoline, some with drowning.

We focus on the unusual, and write that large. Muslims are a tiny minority, so when one does something bad, it gets a lot of attention, and then narrow-minded people who know nothing more about Muslims than this one thing begin to form opinions about Muslims based on this one thing. Then every subsequent bad incident involving Muslims confirms their bias.

Or one whacked out kid does a bad thing with an AR-15, suddenly all AR-15 are evils which must be removed from the face of the Earth.

This is not consistent or logical thinking.

The problem is not guns. The problem is crazy people.

So bear with me for a minute. In another topic, Missourian planted an idea in my head and from that I got an idea.

If we think we might want to vote one day, we have to prove our eligibility long before Election Day through the registration process. This gives the voter registrar time to verify you are a law-abiding citizen who is eligible to vote and put you on an approved list of voters. If you are an illegal alien, you do not end up on the eligible list.

From that point on, the onus is on the State to properly maintain that roll of registered voters. If you die, the State is required to remove you from this list, and so forth. If a dead person is on the roll, Voter ID won't remove them. The failure is on the State, not the voter.

You may then choose to vote or not vote.

So what about a gun buyer registration? If we think we might want to own a gun one day, we can prove our eligibility long before the next Gun Show through a registration process. This would give the gun registrar time to verify you are a law-abiding citizen who is eligible to buy a gun, and put you on an approved list of gun buyers.

From that point on, the onus is on the State to properly maintain that roll of registered gun buyers. If you die, the State is required to remove you from this list, and so forth. If they screw up the list, the failure is on the State, not the gun buyer.

You may then choose to buy a gun or not buy a gun.

If you do buy a gun, the seller just has to look you up on the approved buyer roll.

When you vote, no one knows who you voted for. When you buy a gun, no one knows what you bought, or how many you bought.

How's that sound?

Of course, as with voting laws, this would be left up to the states to implement – or not.

The snag is coming up with a ‘universal’ system.
Make it simple, kill a person for the commission of a crime with a gun or weapon. As for elections, we remain the only industrialized country that fails to require voter identification issued by the government, ask yourself why? We require Social Security Cards to work, why not have the Social Security Administration issue a picture ID card when you reach the age of employment that expires every 5-7 years and use it as a voter ID card. Heck, the government could track those that don't pay or file taxes each year at the same time. Make it simple!

Thats a very good idea, we could then use that same ID card to regulate who can work what kind of job and where, so if someone speaks out against gun confiscation, we can revoke there workers permit .......... PU....HA...... put em on the streets.

A social security card is not a right to work card or workers permit, time to sober up, its time to put the bong and bottle aside. FYI, that is, if you can read, furthermore comprehend, I did not address the second amendment nor the right of a citizen to own guns. I did state, that if a person commits a violent crime with a gun or weapon they should be put to death. But keep it up, good luck with your rose colored glasses thing. Sobriety is good for the gray mater between your ears.
I got really mad today listening to this liberal idiot call into a talk show. He went on and on about how we are a violent people, and we think killing is ok.

What the fuck is he talking about we? A tiny, tiny minority of people go off and kill people, and this asshole says it means we all think killing is ok?

He’s talking about the fact that the United States has a uniquely violent culture, compared to other industrialized states. That’s one reason why the types of gun laws and regulations found in Europe and elsewhere simply won’t work here, and why comparing the US other countries with regard to gun violence is pointless.

In the United States violence is seen as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether addressing conflicts between persons or conflicts with other countries; whether administering corporal punishment in schools or capital punishment in prisons.

Consequently guns get caught-up into society’s propensity for violence, and become tools of conflict resolution.

Therefore the solution to reducing gun violence has nothing to do with reducing the number of guns available, the problem won’t be solved with more regulations, more laws, or more restrictions.

Gun violence will be solved when we have the courage to face and address many painful, embarrassing aspects of American culture, when violence is no longer perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.
I got really mad today listening to this liberal idiot call into a talk show. He went on and on about how we are a violent people, and we think killing is ok.

What the fuck is he talking about we? A tiny, tiny minority of people go off and kill people, and this asshole says it means we all think killing is ok?

He’s talking about the fact that the United States has a uniquely violent culture, compared to other industrialized states. That’s one reason why the types of gun laws and regulations found in Europe and elsewhere simply won’t work here, and why comparing the US other countries with regard to gun violence is pointless.

In the United States violence is seen as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether addressing conflicts between persons or conflicts with other countries; whether administering corporal punishment in schools or capital punishment in prisons.

Consequently guns get caught-up into society’s propensity for violence, and become tools of conflict resolution.

Therefore the solution to reducing gun violence has nothing to do with reducing the number of guns available, the problem won’t be solved with more regulations, more laws, or more restrictions.

Gun violence will be solved when we have the courage to face and address many painful, embarrassing aspects of American culture, when violence is no longer perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

People keep saying that.

I grew up across the border from a city that has one of the highest murder rates in the world, it is consistently rated one of the safest large cities in the country, even though it is in a state with lax gun control laws.

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