A Couple of Soviet 1945 Dated M1927 Shashka Cossack Swords

The Red Army did not issue swords in 1945, Those are fakes.

Untrue. That pattern sabre was issued until 1946.

"The Communist government introduced the 1927 pattern, which was very similar to the 1881 Cossack pattern; production of this pattern continued until 1946. The last pattern shashkas to be introduced were the 1940 patterns for 'line commanding personnel' and generals - both had knucklebows.[7]"

Shashka - Wikipedia
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Untrue. That pattern sabre was issued until 1946.

"The Communist government introduced the 1927 pattern, which was very similar to the 1881 Cossack pattern; production of this pattern continued until 1946. The last pattern shashkas to be introduced were the 1940 patterns for 'line commanding personnel' and generals - both had knucklebows.[7]"

Shashka - Wikipedia
I suspect there was not a lot of need for late produced examples and that's why both are in such good shape. Metric shit-tons of all manner of Soviet gear were sold off after the Soviet Union fell for hard currency. The non-IMA dagger you posted was purchased that way.

No back story on these as the former owner is dead, it was the same estate consignment I got the 7mm Mauser hunting rifle from last week.
No, or at least I can't find reference to it. There's a Russian guy on a international sword forum that would know but for some reason I can't register due to their "I'm not a robot" thingy being on the blink.
Got to be a key to the maker. Be interesting to find out. I'm very fond of Russian made weapons of any type.
A Russian member on another forum said it stood for:

IMZ / Instrumentalyy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod
Holy shit mon. I mean my Russian sucks but never would have known IM3 would have meant that. Like Zavod factory #3 or something? We wouldn't do anything but guess, cept for people who care and research. Thanks, very cool.
Yeah, it is.

It's odd though how so little info is out there from "western" sources on the M1927 swords or how few legit examples are out there. Odd really given that there were 17 Cossack Corps in the Red Army. Maybe they held on to their swords as family heirlooms.
Western is lacking on their own history, let alone that darn Russia Russia Russia...
Yup, I'll bet not many laying around, how many could they actually produce in that time slot. That's was a nice find.

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