A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKtusz-3I5A&feature=related]A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu - YouTube[/ame]
Is the requisite suicide bomber stick of dynamite hidden in her vagina or butthole ALLAHU AKBAR? :blowup:
Oh, and, hun, kindly wear a burqa so we don't have to see your fugly jihadist face. If you refuse, the religion of peace sez disobedient muslimas must be beaten. Just sayin' :puke:
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F5IpMPx8yQ&feature=related]Palestinian Lawyer Diana Buttu (ABC Lateline) - YouTube[/ame]
A rebuttal to Post #3:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jWWf_gVSKw]Why Didn't FOX News EXPOSE the Fraud, Diana Buttu? - YouTube[/ame]
When she starts screaming ALLAHU AKBAR, RUN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER! :blowup:
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A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu - YouTube[/url]

Thank you for the link.

I can see how this woman is being logical about the conflict, but a few points she said got to me, in the aspect of her being complitely wrong.

first one being, that the balance is between the Palestinians saying "international law" while Israel says "power".

That is a very black and white kind of way of seeing things, and I very much disagree with that way of putting it.

Israel is not for "power". when looking at the Israel-Palestine map, and taking out the WB out of the Israeli "occupation" map ("occupation" being wrong word of use. Can someone explain to me, from which official country israel "occupies" the land?)

The correct balance is, that the Palestinians, the normal community that is, not the fanatics, who sadly are many, want freedom.

While Israel want security.

Israel want rocktets attack, and terrorist attacks, to be stopped. if those were to stop, there would have neen NO NEED of "checkpoins" or "deportions".

While talking with Israelis, I would have liked to know if she LISTENED to Israelis, as well. From teaching one can learn, too.

She have spoken with the interviewer about the feeling of the every-day-man Palestinian. While Israelis may never understand the checkpoints or the other way of seeing settlements, there is great understanding of what it means to lose a loved one, because he was shot or stabbed or exploded in a buss station.

There is a great understanding about not being able to go to class, because in the middle way and alarm may catch you, and missiles are falling.

There is an understanding of your house and land being in danger, that is the exact same POV Israelis have.

to the second point which is not true, is her saying that soldiers are "immune". that is HIGHLY and TOTALLY NOT TRUE!

people should watch the news and listen. just few days ago the Israeli high court convicted and punished a female soldier who was suspected in abusing a palestinian teen on a checkpoint. in cases the soldier does something bad, his or her face are all over the news paper, and is punished for all to see.

This woman should have known that.
Former Gazan Nonie Darwish, Human Rights Activist, Founder, Arabs For Israel
An Arab-Made Misery - WSJ.com

International donors pledged almost $4.5 billion in aid for Gaza earlier this month. It has been very painful for me to witness over the past few years the deteriorating humanitarian situation in that narrow strip where I lived as a child in the 1950s.

It is Hamas, an Islamist terror organization supported by Iran, which is using and abusing Palestinians... While Hamas leaders hid in the well-stocked bunkers and tunnels they prepared before they provoked Israel into attacking them, Palestinian civilians were exposed and caught in the deadly crossfire between Hamas and Israeli soldiers.

Both Israel and Egypt are fearful of terrorist infiltration from Gaza -- all the more so since Hamas took over -- and have always maintained tight controls over their borders with Gaza. The Palestinians continue to endure hardships because Gaza continues to serve as the launching pad for terror attacks against Israeli citizens. Those attacks come in the form of Hamas missiles that indiscriminately target Israeli kindergartens, homes and businesses.

And Hamas continued these attacks more than two years after Israel withdrew from Gaza in the hope that this step would begin the process of building a Palestinian state, eventually leading to a peaceful, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There was no "cycle of violence" then, no justification for anything other than peace and prosperity. But instead, Hamas chose Islamic jihad. Gazans' and Israelis' hopes have been met with misery for Palestinians and missiles for Israelis.

Hamas, an Iran proxy, has become a danger not only to Israel, but also to Palestinians as well as to neighboring Arab states, who fear the spread of radical Islam could destabilize their countries.

Arabs claim they love the Palestinian people, but they seem more interested in sacrificing them. If they really loved their Palestinian brethren, they'd pressure Hamas to stop firing missiles at Israel. In the longer term, the Arab world must end the Palestinians' refugee status and thereby their desire to harm Israel. It's time for the 22 Arab countries to open their borders and absorb the Palestinians of Gaza who wish to start a new life. It is time for the Arab world to truly help the Palestinians, not use them.
A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu - YouTube[/url]

Thank you for the link.

I can see how this woman is being logical about the conflict, but a few points she said got to me, in the aspect of her being complitely wrong.

first one being, that the balance is between the Palestinians saying "international law" while Israel says "power".

That is a very black and white kind of way of seeing things, and I very much disagree with that way of putting it.

Israel is not for "power". when looking at the Israel-Palestine map, and taking out the WB out of the Israeli "occupation" map ("occupation" being wrong word of use. Can someone explain to me, from which official country israel "occupies" the land?)

The correct balance is, that the Palestinians, the normal community that is, not the fanatics, who sadly are many, want freedom.

While Israel want security.

Israel want rocktets attack, and terrorist attacks, to be stopped. if those were to stop, there would have neen NO NEED of "checkpoins" or "deportions".

While talking with Israelis, I would have liked to know if she LISTENED to Israelis, as well. From teaching one can learn, too.

She have spoken with the interviewer about the feeling of the every-day-man Palestinian. While Israelis may never understand the checkpoints or the other way of seeing settlements, there is great understanding of what it means to lose a loved one, because he was shot or stabbed or exploded in a buss station.

There is a great understanding about not being able to go to class, because in the middle way and alarm may catch you, and missiles are falling.

There is an understanding of your house and land being in danger, that is the exact same POV Israelis have.

to the second point which is not true, is her saying that soldiers are "immune". that is HIGHLY and TOTALLY NOT TRUE!

people should watch the news and listen. just few days ago the Israeli high court convicted and punished a female soldier who was suspected in abusing a palestinian teen on a checkpoint. in cases the soldier does something bad, his or her face are all over the news paper, and is punished for all to see.

This woman should have known that.
What about the link on post #4? Does it fortify your view?
A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu - YouTube[/url]

Thank you for the link.

I can see how this woman is being logical about the conflict, but a few points she said got to me, in the aspect of her being complitely wrong.

first one being, that the balance is between the Palestinians saying "international law" while Israel says "power".

That is a very black and white kind of way of seeing things, and I very much disagree with that way of putting it.

Israel is not for "power". when looking at the Israel-Palestine map, and taking out the WB out of the Israeli "occupation" map ("occupation" being wrong word of use. Can someone explain to me, from which official country israel "occupies" the land?)

The correct balance is, that the Palestinians, the normal community that is, not the fanatics, who sadly are many, want freedom.

While Israel want security.

Israel want rocktets attack, and terrorist attacks, to be stopped. if those were to stop, there would have neen NO NEED of "checkpoins" or "deportions".

While talking with Israelis, I would have liked to know if she LISTENED to Israelis, as well. From teaching one can learn, too.

She have spoken with the interviewer about the feeling of the every-day-man Palestinian. While Israelis may never understand the checkpoints or the other way of seeing settlements, there is great understanding of what it means to lose a loved one, because he was shot or stabbed or exploded in a buss station.

There is a great understanding about not being able to go to class, because in the middle way and alarm may catch you, and missiles are falling.

There is an understanding of your house and land being in danger, that is the exact same POV Israelis have.

to the second point which is not true, is her saying that soldiers are "immune". that is HIGHLY and TOTALLY NOT TRUE!

people should watch the news and listen. just few days ago the Israeli high court convicted and punished a female soldier who was suspected in abusing a palestinian teen on a checkpoint. in cases the soldier does something bad, his or her face are all over the news paper, and is punished for all to see.

This woman should have known that.

You are trying to present logic to PF Tinmore!!!!:lol: Have fun! The guy is a raging antisemite, Holocaust denier and a 9/11 troofer (not to mention he attributes other catrosphies to the Jews, like Hormosh and Armenian Genocide). He will ignore facts, believe outrageous lies at truth no matter how many times the lies are proven false (hence he acceptance of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and desires a second Holocaust (even through he doesn't believe in the first :cuckoo:)!

Logic is wasted on him!
What about the link on post #4? Does it fortify your view?

My view is that Hamas is not, and never will be a VICTIM.

Hamas is responsible for more Palestinian deaths then Israel was ever responsible for.

We talk about international law, in my POV, anyway, firing rockets upon schools, yards, neighborhoods, is to be incuded under the defenision of "war crime".

Ever since the beginning of 2012, over 250(!!!) rockets have been fired on south Israel. over 30 missles in less then a Twenty days! only in January there were more then a few dozens of rockes.

in the last "round", the major terrorist organization that took place in firing those rockets, were the "Islamic Jihad".

The rockets they use are Grad rockets, and unlike the "kind" lawyer says, those rockets DO have explosives in them.

To who are those rockets fired? and to what? to civilized areas.

After four days of nonestoping fire, the organizations have wanted ceasefire. After the ceasefire took place, over 20 missiles have been fired to the range of 7-12 kilomoeters of the Gaza strip.

Israel did not respond, the Israeli people werefurious, but the government and the army held back.

So that kind of pulls the ground under what that lawyer says, or does it not?

she says that the army is firing mosques and schools. That is true, because the missiles are located there! dua.

In the past they have being using that fact, cynically, i must say, that the Israeli army will not fire to schools to stop the rockets, because they will not want to harm children. because of that hundrads of Israeli children have been hurt, so the order changed.

That is what happens when one pulles the rope to much.
A Conversation with Dubai Initiative Research Fellow Diana Buttu - YouTube[/url]

Thank you for the link.

I can see how this woman is being logical about the conflict, but a few points she said got to me, in the aspect of her being complitely wrong.

first one being, that the balance is between the Palestinians saying "international law" while Israel says "power".

That is a very black and white kind of way of seeing things, and I very much disagree with that way of putting it.

Israel is not for "power". when looking at the Israel-Palestine map, and taking out the WB out of the Israeli "occupation" map ("occupation" being wrong word of use. Can someone explain to me, from which official country israel "occupies" the land?)

The correct balance is, that the Palestinians, the normal community that is, not the fanatics, who sadly are many, want freedom.

While Israel want security.

Israel want rocktets attack, and terrorist attacks, to be stopped. if those were to stop, there would have neen NO NEED of "checkpoins" or "deportions".

While talking with Israelis, I would have liked to know if she LISTENED to Israelis, as well. From teaching one can learn, too.

She have spoken with the interviewer about the feeling of the every-day-man Palestinian. While Israelis may never understand the checkpoints or the other way of seeing settlements, there is great understanding of what it means to lose a loved one, because he was shot or stabbed or exploded in a buss station.

There is a great understanding about not being able to go to class, because in the middle way and alarm may catch you, and missiles are falling.

There is an understanding of your house and land being in danger, that is the exact same POV Israelis have.

to the second point which is not true, is her saying that soldiers are "immune". that is HIGHLY and TOTALLY NOT TRUE!

people should watch the news and listen. just few days ago the Israeli high court convicted and punished a female soldier who was suspected in abusing a palestinian teen on a checkpoint. in cases the soldier does something bad, his or her face are all over the news paper, and is punished for all to see.

This woman should have known that.

You are trying to present logic to PF Tinmore!!!!:lol: Have fun! The guy is a raging antisemite, Holocaust denier and a 9/11 troofer (not to mention he attributes other catrosphies to the Jews, like Hormosh and Armenian Genocide). He will ignore facts, believe outrageous lies at truth no matter how many times the lies are proven false (hence he acceptance of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and desires a second Holocaust (even through he doesn't believe in the first :cuckoo:)!

Logic is wasted on him!
It is easier to put toothpaste back in the tube then to expect Tinmore to accept fact and logic.

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