A conversation with a Russian immigrant.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago. He is a citizen of the US now and asked me what we are thinking. Having lived under communism, he asked why the US is going head long in that direction. Chicago and Moscow have many more similarities than differences, and both are equally corrupt, according to him.

He told me of Maobama volunteers going into his community and telling the elderly that if they don't vote for Maobama, the republicans will take away their benefits and medical care and they will die. You have to understand that these are people who have personally witnessed the horors of communism, where government had the power to kill, and have a weak knowledge of english and these Maobama people are terriorizing them. There is no place for this kind of behavior in our elections in the United States of America.

I ask that everyone who reads this joins me in calling the Federal Elections Commission and your elected representatives, to demand an investigation. This shit has got to stop.
No one will do anything unless the people come forth. Most media wouldn't bother reporting this even if there was an investigation.

ACORN and other community agitators are out in full force and probably pulling every stunt they can think of to scare people into voting for Obama.

Obama himself criticized politicians who spent their time bashing others and using scare tactics instead of running on their record. Now he's the worst offender.
No one will do anything unless the people come forth. Most media wouldn't bother reporting this even if there was an investigation.

ACORN and other community agitators are out in full force and probably pulling every stunt they can think of to scare people into voting for Obama.

Obama himself criticized politicians who spent their time bashing others and using scare tactics instead of running on their record. Now he's the worst offender.

I advised the guy to join with others in the community and engage a lawyer, but I will do what I can, I can only hope others will do the same.
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I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago.

I spoke with a man from Texas who told me people like you are a dime a dozen down there. He had some of the funniest stories about his friends and neighbors.

He told me to tell you "you're all hat and no cattle"

Post a few numbers. People are lazy.

I'll be happy to, here ya go.

Federal Elections Commission (800) 424-9530
Congressional Swithch Board (202) 225-3121 just ask for your reps office.

...and don't forget to tell them some demented idiot on the internet is asking people to tie up their lines with spam calls. There are laws against this.

Post a few numbers. People are lazy.

I'll be happy to, here ya go.

Federal Elections Commission (800) 424-9530
Congressional Swithch Board (202) 225-3121 just ask for your reps office.

...and don't forget to tell them some demented idiot on the internet is asking people to tie up their lines with spam calls. There are laws against this.


Laws against it? Really? Shutting down the DC switchboard was how we avoided amnesty in 2006.

Nobody got arrested.

You're a fucking idiot, Dante...
I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago.

I spoke with a man from Texas who told me people like you are a dime a dozen down there. He had some of the funniest stories about his friends and neighbors.

He told me to tell you "you're all hat and no cattle"


Thanks for posting and helping keep this important issue near the front page.
They'll do anything to stay in power.
Last election we had acorners using vacant houses to register and vote, now we have the Somalians:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers.

While it’s not unusual for get-out-the-vote groups to help voters get to the polls, the volunteers who talked to Human Events observed a number of troubling and questionable activities.

A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a volunteer outside the Morse Road polling center. She has witnessed Somalis who cannot speak English come to the polling center. They are brought in groups, by van or bus. The Democrats hand them a slate card and say,“vote Brown all the way down.” Given that Sherrod Brown is the incumbent Democrat Senator in Ohio, one can assume that this is the reference.

Non-English speaking voters may use an interpreter. The interpreters are permitted by law to interpret for the individual voting; however, they are forbidden from influencing their vote in any way. Another source who also wishes to remain anonymous has seen Democrat interpreters show the non-English speaking Somalis how to vote the Democrat slate that they were handed outside. According to this second source, there are not any Republican Somali interpreters available."
Post a few numbers. People are lazy.

I'll be happy to, here ya go.

Federal Elections Commission (800) 424-9530
Congressional Swithch Board (202) 225-3121 just ask for your reps office.

...and don't forget to tell them some demented idiot on the internet is asking people to tie up their lines with spam calls. There are laws against this.


Too bad there isn't a law against people with brain damage posting on political bulletin boards.
I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago.

I spoke with a man from Texas who told me people like you are a dime a dozen down there. He had some of the funniest stories about his friends and neighbors.

He told me to tell you "you're all hat and no cattle"


Must be nice making calls on that Obamaphone of yours.
I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago.

I spoke with a man from Texas who told me people like you are a dime a dozen down there. He had some of the funniest stories about his friends and neighbors.

He told me to tell you "you're all hat and no cattle"


Must be nice making calls on that Obamaphone of yours.

I spoke with a man at a trade show in Houston today, who lives in a Russian community in Chicago. He is a citizen of the US now and asked me what we are thinking. Having lived under communism, he asked why the US is going head long in that direction. Chicago and Moscow have many more similarities than differences, and both are equally corrupt, according to him.

He told me of Maobama volunteers going into his community and telling the elderly that if they don't vote for Maobama, the republicans will take away their benefits and medical care and they will die. You have to understand that these are people who have personally witnessed the horors of communism, where government had the power to kill, and have a weak knowledge of english and these Maobama people are terriorizing them. There is no place for this kind of behavior in our elections in the United States of America.

I ask that everyone who reads this joins me in calling the Federal Elections Commission and your elected representatives, to demand an investigation. This shit has got to stop.

This shit is called free speech. Republicans have been telling us for years that if we vote Democratic we are going to go socialistic then communistic. And those people aren't volunteers but Republican politicans running for office.
What kind of stuff are on these boards?
One more question do these immigrants have picture ID's?

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