A Circus That I Almost Hate To See It End


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…but the end is in sight.

1. There will have to be tons of political tomes written about the result of the 2016 presidential election, and the honest ones are gonna be fun!
Of course, this is of no interest to Liberals/Democrats, because they don't read books.

But…just imagine, chapter after whining chapter, setting up one excuse for the Bill's wife's loss…..and then the awesome plans the Left had to unseat the duly elected President!

One domino after the other, falling- to our amusement….. leaving the half-heads drooling and muttering 'yeah….but…but….just you wait!!!'

Like waiting for the Dodgers to come back to Brooklyn.

2. OK….OK….so it's our guilty pleasure, laughing at them…and kinda mean….

It is the almost…and I admit to almost feeling guilty as I write this….we're almost like the English who went to the loony hospital, Bedlam, and paid a penny to watch the nut cases 'performing'…..

Those English folk should be cut some slack….after all, there was no Oprah Winfrey show at the time….(I couldn't resist).

3. " HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes ..."
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

Pride goeth before a fall- Proverbs

4. Next….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation?
....to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

Then it turns out that officials in both the FBI and DoJ were in on developing 'insurance' that would reverse the election….

They trumpeted a fake dossier from Russia, that they paid for, walked it over to the FISA court and used it to get a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

Even with clear and evident crimes by Hillary, the DNC, Huma Abedin and and GPSFusion, et al….the 'investigation' ignored them.

"Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias"

Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Let me go over a bunch more of their plans......and failures.
More 'dominoes' falling in a moment….
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

"The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, ..."

Now, how could that be.....the facts tell a very different tale.

Under Obama:

"In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." "Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

Under Trump:

"'The engine of the economy roared back to life': US small-business confidence hit a record high in 2017
· The small-business optimism index from the National Federation of Independent Businesses came in at 104.9 in December.

· The index's average monthly reading last year was 104.8, the highest for any year in the history of its survey.

· Both the NFIB's CEO and its chief economist attributed the boost in confidence to policy changes under the Trump administration." 'The engine of the economy roared back to life': US small-business confidence hit a record high in 2017

But, wait.....I'm gonna elucidate one failure after another in the attacks against President Trump.....

The Left, throwing eggs against rocks.
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

" Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality."

I'd be happy to provide proof of the disrespect of world leaders toward Hussein Obama.

Let me know if you require same.
5. How enervating to the left must it be to have made the claim upon which you'll live or die, Trump collusion....and watch a year go by with no evidence to be had…
and see more and more fingers point to Hillary, the DNC, and Liberals operatives…
and the clear and evident fact that the Mueller farrago is corrupt and biased.

Sooo......do you Democrats have Dr. Kevorkian on speed-dial???

Not yet???

6. Wanna see yet another failed attack???
Remember how this try fell flat?

"Democrats Demand Investigation of Whether Trump Is Violating the Emoluments Clause The president’s business empire is still raising major conflict-of-interest questions."
Democrats demand investigation of whether Trump is violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause

a. And, of course….the famous 'He fired Comey: that's Obstruction of Justice…get 'em in handcuffs!!!'

Until this:
“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"
James Comey

LOL The Trumpanzees are busy throwing feces again. But it only sticks on the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Yes, Mr. President Pussy Grabber paid off a bunch of bimbos he played around with, Sloppy Steve said so. LOL And President Porcine called a bunch of people in about 60 nations shithole people. And effectively blew any chances of ever building his wall LOL Truly a wonder to see you people kissing the ass of that senile old fart.
7. Next!

"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election" Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

So sorry…..here's reality:

. "The Intelligence Community Assessment, the supposedly definitive report featuring the “high confidence” dodge, was greeted as farcically flimsy when issued January 6.

Ray McGovern calls it a disgrace to the intelligence profession. It is spotlessly free of evidence, front to back, pertaining to any events in which Russia is implicated. James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA.

ICA other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous.

It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. "
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack



What clowns these Leftists be!!
8. With panic setting in…..they try this one:

"Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan" Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan

Facts get in the way:
"US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K"

Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Did Russia’s Facebook Ads Actually Swing the Election?

Looks like every single attempt by the Leftists/Democrats......just falls apart.

But.....dunces are still muttering "Oh...yeah.........just you wait!!!!"

…but the end is in sight.

1. There will have to be tons of political tomes written about the result of the 2016 presidential election, and the honest ones are gonna be fun!
Of course, this is of no interest to Liberals/Democrats, because they don't read books.

But…just imagine, chapter after whining chapter, setting up one excuse for the Bill's wife's loss…..and then the awesome plans the Left had to unseat the duly elected President!

One domino after the other, falling- to our amusement….. leaving the half-heads drooling and muttering 'yeah….but…but….just you wait!!!'

Like waiting for the Dodgers to come back to Brooklyn.

2. OK….OK….so it's our guilty pleasure, laughing at them…and kinda mean….

It is the almost…and I admit to almost feeling guilty as I write this….we're almost like the English who went to the loony hospital, Bedlam, and paid a penny to watch the nut cases 'performing'…..

Those English folk should be cut some slack….after all, there was no Oprah Winfrey show at the time….(I couldn't resist).

3. " HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes ..."
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

Pride goeth before a fall- Proverbs

4. Next….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation?
....to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

Then it turns out that officials in both the FBI and DoJ were in on developing 'insurance' that would reverse the election….

They trumpeted a fake dossier from Russia, that they paid for, walked it over to the FISA court and used it to get a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

Even with clear and evident crimes by Hillary, the DNC, Huma Abedin and and GPSFusion, et al….the 'investigation' ignored them.

"Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias"

Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Let me go over a bunch more of their plans......and failures.
More 'dominoes' falling in a moment….

Hillary did have a 93% chance winning. Sometimes the longshot comes in.

But if you had bet even money on the person trailing in the final polls every presidential election, you would be out a lot of money.
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

" Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality."

I'd be happy to provide proof of the disrespect of world leaders toward Hussein Obama.

Let me know if you require same.

These idiots say people are laughing, yet they fail to provide any proof of it....Certainly our enemies aren't laughing, and all these idiot liberals are doing is crying...where's the laughter?:dunno:
9. Next great plan:
"Could the 25th Amendment be used to depose Donald Trump over mental health concerns?
…can Trump be removed from office on account of being mentally unfit for the job?" Could the 25th Amendment be used to depose Donald Trump over mental health concerns?

One look at the economy ended that plan.
Even from the NYTimes:

"Maybe Trump Is Not Mentally Ill. Maybe He's Just a Jerk. - The New ..."
Opinion | Maybe Trump Is Not Mentally Ill. Maybe He’s Just a Jerk.

Wanna see who's really insane?

"Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins"

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicts a "global recession with no end in sight" if Donald Trump is elected president:
Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

[Obama Guru] Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’
Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’

Have you seen the economy since Trump took office????
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

No we're laughing the most..you guys are in such hysteria....making a huge deal out of the fact that he drinks Diet Coke.....it's fucking sad how much control he has over you guys......screaming at the sky....wearing pussy hats......you guys look so fucking stupid....and you're too stupid to see it......
As for the rest of the world....they don't like the fact that he is America First.....and that he will not take shit from anyone......people get scared of people like that.....most of those world leaders are pussies...
And this is what the thread is leading up to.....

10. Michael Wolff to the rescue….by accident:

"… the one civically useful thing Mr. Wolff will have done in his adult life, he has performed almost the final evisceration of the throbbing pustule of deranged Trumpophobia.

His book is so overtly and egregiously false, so completely worthless as an account of what is happening in the White House, the respectable elements of Trumpophobia are finally taking to the lifeboats…..he has produced a work of such filth that he delighted and exploited the politically insane elements of anti-Trumpism, picking their pockets while leading them into the no-go zone of claiming the president is an idiot, a lunatic, and a belligerent menace. " Trump’s Foes Beat Retreat To a Rat-Infested Trench And Wave 25th Amendment - The New York Sun

Every attempt, every attack, has fallen flat.

Even the never-Trumpers are starting to see how wrong they were.....
...and how very much better for America, Americans, and the world, Trump is than Hussein.
11. Now the worst news of all, Leftists…..
"The Decline of Anti-Trumpism

The anti-Trump movement, of which I’m a proud member, seems to be getting dumber. It seems to be settling into a smug fairy tale version of reality that filters out discordant information. More anti-Trumpers seem to be telling themselves a “Madness of King George” narrative: Trump is a semi-literate madman surrounded by sycophants who are morally, intellectually and psychologically inferior to people like us. I’d like to think it’s possible to be fervently anti-Trump while also not reducing everything to a fairy tale."
Opinion | The Decline of Anti-Trumpism

"Mr. Trump’s candidacy was a joke;
then he was unelectable,
then his election could be invalidated,
then he could be impeached,
and then he could be removed for past harassment of women,
or violating the Logan Act,
or obstruction of justice,
and now mental incapacity."
The Sun, Op. Cit.

"Mr. Trump has mannerisms and foibles that are legitimately unattractive to many, and that is certainly adequate reason to disapprove of him, if there is a better alternative.
There isn’t. "

The Sun, Op. Cit.
The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

An alternative reality in a parallel universe. No, more like a concave octagonal universe.
Time magazine this week: Yummy. So much said with few words.

The 'circus' is the Trump presidency, and it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everyone is laughing, except Trumpettes who seem to be living in an alternative reality.

An alternative reality in a parallel universe. No, more like a concave octagonal universe.
Time magazine this week: Yummy. So much said with few words.


OK....got it....you're a dunce stuck with one partial thought, and no room for any other.

But this perfectly crafted thread lists all of the failed attempts by your side...and ends by pointing out that the hugggggggge number of Trump successes is winning over lots of fools like you....

....like you, meaning anti-Trump...but smarter than you because they recognize how good he is for America.
"Jake Tapper Dismantles The One Thing That “Fire And Fury” Author Michael Wolff Needs Most: His Credibility (WATCH)
“Wolff’s reporting should be met with skepticism. The book is riddled with errors, and rumors, and in his marketing of the book Wolff made the unbelievable assertion that 100 percent of the President’s family members and top advisers have concerns about his mental fitness for the job. One hundred percent, that’s simply not true.”

He then shows Wolff tell an outright lie, exposes an error, then another lie about the guy who made the error about, and then shows a clip of his being presented with that mess and having basically no answer except that maybe he mixed up the names of two completely different people.

Jake Tapper Dismantles the One Thing That "Fire and Fury" Author Michael Wolff Needs Most: His Credibility (WATCH)

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