A Certain Kind of Lie...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....that Liberals get away with.

Today....we use John Kennedy as the illustration of that sort of lie.

1. There is lots of talk of 'fake news,' and it seems to be the stock in trade of the Liberals who control the news media.
Lord Acton explained it this way: "“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
And complete control of the media has led to the corruption and 'fake news' that may very well end our nation.

..... these journalism-oligarchs don't have to lie outright....they simply provide only half of any story....the half that supports their view.
Without both halves of the information, the citizenry cannot make an informed analysis...

.....exactly what the Left requires.

2. Nowhere is that more evident than in the hagiography of Democrat demigod Franklin Roosevelt, where both half-truths and outright lies dominate the discussion.

But another example can be seen in an interview the conservative Larry Elder did with far Left spewer, Chris Matthews, over Matthews' book Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.
Matthews paints a glowing image of the 35th President, and when Elder points out just three glaring omissions, well....fireworks ensue.

3. Matthew's first mistake was appearing in territory he couldn't control, the way he does on his show. The tone was set early, and Matthew's wasn't ready to be treated the way he treats his guests. Elder: ‘I’m Sorry For Cutting You Off the Way You Cut Your Guests Off.’

4. Vetting his credentials, Elder asked if Chris feels he is a journalist.... “Yeah, I’m a journalist. I’m a columnist. I’m a commentator.

I’m not down the middle. I’m slightly to the left,” Matthews stated.

“Slightly to the left?” mocked Elder.

“I’d say 40-yard-line.”

To prove how fallacious that description is, Elder played this clip:

“[Republicans] want people that don’t have insurance to die on the gurney in the hospital bed. They want that to happen. …If you’re homeless — foreclosed on, if you have a home, foreclose on the people. If you’re a teacher, fireman or a cop, get rid of the guy!
I mean, this attitude of causing cruel pain on people and getting cheers for it, what’s that about…?”

- Chris Matthews, On his MSNBC show, ‘Hardball’ October 25, 2011

Having established both Matthew's bias, and his bone fides as an historian, Elder opens the discussion of Matthews' beatification of John Kennedy.

And Matthews responds in exactly the way every Liberal does when the truth about one of their heroes is revealed.

It was exciting.....

I'll go over the details of the conversation.
Coming right up.
To propel John Kennedy in the public's mind, we find his famous rescue of his PT 109 crew.
And it was heroic.

5. In August, 1943, John Kennedy was in charge of a patrol boat, and it was hit by a Japanese ship, and sever of the crewmembers died.
"....Japan’s Amaqiri hit PT-109, leaving 11 crewmen floundering in the Pacific.
Kennedy was ultimately awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, for gallantry in action.'
PT-109 sinks; Lieutenant Kennedy is instrumental in saving crew - Aug 01, 1943 - HISTORY.com

And he deserved it....for what happened after the fact.
But the above was the only part of the story that Matthews told.

6. Elders provided this addendum:

".... Japanese destroyer emerged from the black night and smashed into PT-109, slicing it in two and igniting its fuel tanks. The collision was part of a wild night of blunders by 109 and other boats that one historian later described as “the most screwed up PT boat action of World War II.” Yet American newspapers and magazines reported the PT-109 mishap as a triumph. Eleven of the 13 men aboard survived, and their tale, declared the Boston Globe, “was one of the great stories of heroism in this war.” Crew members who were initially ashamed of the accident found themselves depicted as patriots of the first order, their behavior a model of valor."
John F. Kennedy | HistoryNet

Sooo....why did it happen?
Who was at fault?


“What I really want to know is where the hell were you when the destroyer hove into sight, and exactly what were your moves?”
Lieutenant Commander Jack Gibson, Warfield’s successor, was even tougher. “He lost the 109 through very poor organization of his crew,” Gibson later said. Everything he did up until he was in the water was the wrong thing.” JFK and PT 109: Negligent Commander or Courageous Leader?

Looks very much like Kennedy caused the events that led to the loss of life and the ship.
Elders claimed that Kennedy expected to be court-marshaled....Matthews did not like this telling at all.

I doubt that even revealing Kennedy's culpability would have harmed him irreparably. The guy had just too much going for him.
But.....this sort of lie by omission is a mainstay in the Liberal playbook.

The Liberal attitude toward Americans: the Mushroom Method:
1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of .....manure
Sooo....in the PT 109 incident.....Looks very much like Kennedy caused the events that led to the loss of life and the ship.
Larry Elders claimed that Kennedy expected to be court-marshaled....Matthews did not like this telling at all.

7. "And when young John F., home from the wars (having been dismissed from his intelligence post after F.B.I. tapes disclosed his intimacy with the tainted European beauty queen), described, with much embellishment, his PT-109 misadventure (''We were kind of ashamed of our performance,'' a crew member said), an awe-struck John Hersey, hearing the tale over dinner at the Stork Club, transformed it into a New Yorker article that - though more flattering than accurate, Mr. Wills contends - became not only the basis of a legend but a foundation stone of Kennedy's career.

''Not since Theodore Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill with two journalists at his side,'' Mr. Wills writes, ''had a military episode been so expertly merchandized for its political value.''
Stomping on Camelot

a. "In the general election Kennedy ran as a war hero. This was ironic. Though he deserved praise for his courage in the aftermath of the attack on PT 109, it had apparently sunk because he had been inattentive as a commander, as Garry Wills long ago pointed out. JFK himself worried that the events could justify either a medal or a court martial. In the end he got the medal--after his father used his influence.....

... an awake and alert captain and crew would no more likely get run over by a destroyer than you would get run over by a freight train. You would hear the train and get off the tracks, unless you were asleep on the tracks..."
Radaractive: Kennedy and the PT-109

Half the story?

Seems like a pattern.....a certain kind of lie.

A far greater lie about Kennedy......

Democrat telling of history marks the Cuban Missile Crisis as the singular achievement of John F. Kennedy.
Yet, it is a primary example of the Left's hagiography: telling half the truth about their heroes.

8. The pattern here is that only the positive aspects of any tale about Democrats is told. Republicans.....there obverse. If Trump could walk on water, the NYTimes headline would be "Trump Can't Swim! An Embarrassment To Minorities Who Swim!!"

Here, a more important telling of half-truths: The Cuban Missile Crisis.
"Many contemporary observers applauded Kennedy for standing up to the Soviet Union. His insistence that Soviet missiles be dismantled and taken away from Cuba earned him widespread support. Those nuclear weapons were a direct threat to American cities."
The National Archives | Heroes & Villains | Kennedy & Cuba

The Cuban Missile Crisis is one more point of contention, with interviewer Elders pointing out the evidence that John Kennedy was as much the cause of the crisis as the hero.

"....when Elder cites historians critical of Kennedy’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Matthews says: “What is the purpose of this conversation?”
“The purpose right now is to show that you are glossing over Kennedy. You are airbrushing the bad things,” Elder answers." Larry Elder Hammers Chris Matthews in Agonizing Interview: ‘I’m Sorry For Cutting You Off the Way You Cut Your Guests Off’

Let's fill in the voids.
9. Time-line

a. The Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, in Vienna, Austria, between President John F. Kennedy of the United States and Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. Vienna summit - Wikipedia

b." In May 1962, Khrushchev announced to the Politburo his secret plan to put Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba." Cuban Missile Crisis: Kennedy's Mistakes

c. October, 1962....Cuban Missile Crisis

Here is the key question that the Democrat stenographers never pose, much less answer:
What made Khrushchev decide to take a chance on putting missiles in Cuba?

Revelations that answer that query to follow.
JFK was an incompetent playboy whose gangster father bought him the White House and a host of very good speech writers. His performance in office was abysmal in almost every respect, and he had to go to Dallas to shore up support in Texas for his reelection that Lyndon Johnson could no longer guarantee.

His legacy was saved by his assassination and the subsequent "Camelot" fantasy invented by Jackie and Theodore White. Because of their emotional effect on a generation of Americans, It will take another 50 years before "historians" will be able to objectively view his presidency.
....that Liberals get away with.

Today....we use John Kennedy as the illustration of that sort of lie.

1. There is lots of talk of 'fake news,' and it seems to be the stock in trade of the Liberals who control the news media.
Lord Acton explained it this way: "“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
And complete control of the media has led to the corruption and 'fake news' that may very well end our nation.

..... these journalism-oligarchs don't have to lie outright....they simply provide only half of any story....the half that supports their view.
Without both halves of the information, the citizenry cannot make an informed analysis...

.....exactly what the Left requires.

2. Nowhere is that more evident than in the hagiography of Democrat demigod Franklin Roosevelt, where both half-truths and outright lies dominate the discussion.

But another example can be seen in an interview the conservative Larry Elder did with far Left spewer, Chris Matthews, over Matthews' book Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.
Matthews paints a glowing image of the 35th President, and when Elder points out just three glaring omissions, well....fireworks ensue.

3. Matthew's first mistake was appearing in territory he couldn't control, the way he does on his show. The tone was set early, and Matthew's wasn't ready to be treated the way he treats his guests. Elder: ‘I’m Sorry For Cutting You Off the Way You Cut Your Guests Off.’

4. Vetting his credentials, Elder asked if Chris feels he is a journalist.... “Yeah, I’m a journalist. I’m a columnist. I’m a commentator.

I’m not down the middle. I’m slightly to the left,” Matthews stated.

“Slightly to the left?” mocked Elder.

“I’d say 40-yard-line.”

To prove how fallacious that description is, Elder played this clip:

“[Republicans] want people that don’t have insurance to die on the gurney in the hospital bed. They want that to happen. …If you’re homeless — foreclosed on, if you have a home, foreclose on the people. If you’re a teacher, fireman or a cop, get rid of the guy!
I mean, this attitude of causing cruel pain on people and getting cheers for it, what’s that about…?”

- Chris Matthews, On his MSNBC show, ‘Hardball’ October 25, 2011

Having established both Matthew's bias, and his bone fides as an historian, Elder opens the discussion of Matthews' beatification of John Kennedy.

And Matthews responds in exactly the way every Liberal does when the truth about one of their heroes is revealed.

It was exciting.....

I'll go over the details of the conversation.
Coming right up.

Larry Elder, and YOU, ridiculing Chris Matthews for being politically biased?

Now that is goddam funny.
JFK was an incompetent playboy whose gangster father bought him the White House and a host of very good speech writers. His performance in office was abysmal in almost every respect, and he had to go to Dallas to shore up support in Texas for his reelection that Lyndon Johnson could no longer guarantee.

His legacy was saved by his assassination and the subsequent "Camelot" fantasy invented by Jackie and Theodore White. Because of their emotional effect on a generation of Americans, It will take another 50 years before "historians" will be able to objectively view his presidency.

I don't believe he was incompetent, but he was average in competence.
(Obama....that's incompetence)
What this thread will prove is how errors, mistakes and...ok, some incompetence....is airbrushed by the Liberal media.

And....based on that, once can judge how utterly incompetent Bill's wife is, to lose to an untried amateur even with this going for her:
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

Later in the thread I'll provide an example of total competence, and a grasp of policy that later Democrats/Liberals couldn't and can't command.
And....based on that, once can judge how utterly incompetent Bill's wife is, to lose to an untried amateur even with this going for her:
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

I think the election was a referendum on Hillary herself and whether the country would elect a corrupt criminal as President. To Trump's credit, he was able to underscore that point and masterfully concentrated his resources on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
And....based on that, once can judge how utterly incompetent Bill's wife is, to lose to an untried amateur even with this going for her:
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

I think the election was a referendum on Hillary herself and whether the country would elect a corrupt criminal as President. To Trump's credit, he was able to underscore that point and masterfully concentrated his resources on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I'd rather believe that the major part was a rejection of Obama and his policies, and her promise to continue same.
Here is the key question that the Democrat stenographers never pose, much less answer:
What made Khrushchev decide to take a chance on putting missiles in Cuba?

10. Before Kennedy agreed to meet with Khrushchev, at the Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, his own advisers had warned him not to do so.....they recognized him as a 'lightweight' as far as foreign policy experience.

"Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats. Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year..

....Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him ...

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. ... the meeting was “just a disaster.”

Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.” Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” [Can you say 'Obama'?]

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on:
“He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. "Opinion | Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed

Now you know why Khrushchev decided to put missiles in Cuba.
Kennedy himself was the cause of the Soviet move that almost started WWIII.

And why Chris Matthews was incensed when Larry Elder revealed this about a Democrat idol.
11. The center of the JFK 'legacy' is his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis....how he forced the Russians to back down.
He didn't.

And, he was responsible for much of the crisis, and he had to back down to settle it.

I found this in an issue of my Columbia University Magazine...
A Columbia University grad wrote this in a letter to the editor in the Columbia Magazine.
Interesting piece of history...

"I was just three weeks into my one-year tour in Trabzon, Turkey, on the Black Sea ninety miles from the Soviet border, when Kennedy was assassinated. I am surprised, however, that fifty years later, the myth that he “stared down” Khrushchev over Cuba is not fully recognized for what it is.

Kennedy bargained on his own with the Soviet leader and agreed to swap out the aging US Jupiter missiles from Turkey for the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. Few people knew about this. With midterm elections pending in early November 1962, he kept it a secret from the American public.

The secret endured for more than twenty years. While I was stationed at Trabzon, I met several employees of Hawker Siddeley (diesel engines) and Marconi (electronics) who were working under NATO contract to retrain Turkish missile men in radar at Rize, on the Black Sea halfway to the Soviet border from Trabzon."
Letters Winter 2013-14 | Columbia Magazine

"...kept it a secret from the American public."
The very point of this thread: no such secret would have been kept were he a Republican.
JFK was an incompetent playboy whose gangster father bought him the White House and a host of very good speech writers. His performance in office was abysmal in almost every respect, and he had to go to Dallas to shore up support in Texas for his reelection that Lyndon Johnson could no longer guarantee.

His legacy was saved by his assassination and the subsequent "Camelot" fantasy invented by Jackie and Theodore White. Because of their emotional effect on a generation of Americans, It will take another 50 years before "historians" will be able to objectively view his presidency.

I don't believe he was incompetent, but he was average in competence.
(Obama....that's incompetence)
What this thread will prove is how errors, mistakes and...ok, some incompetence....is airbrushed by the Liberal media.

And....based on that, once can judge how utterly incompetent Bill's wife is, to lose to an untried amateur even with this going for her:
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

Later in the thread I'll provide an example of total competence, and a grasp of policy that later Democrats/Liberals couldn't and can't command.

91% of what was going on with Trump was a negative story. lol
JFK was an incompetent playboy whose gangster father bought him the White House and a host of very good speech writers. His performance in office was abysmal in almost every respect, and he had to go to Dallas to shore up support in Texas for his reelection that Lyndon Johnson could no longer guarantee.

His legacy was saved by his assassination and the subsequent "Camelot" fantasy invented by Jackie and Theodore White. Because of their emotional effect on a generation of Americans, It will take another 50 years before "historians" will be able to objectively view his presidency.

I don't believe he was incompetent, but he was average in competence.
(Obama....that's incompetence)
What this thread will prove is how errors, mistakes and...ok, some incompetence....is airbrushed by the Liberal media.

And....based on that, once can judge how utterly incompetent Bill's wife is, to lose to an untried amateur even with this going for her:
"Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump"
Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump

Later in the thread I'll provide an example of total competence, and a grasp of policy that later Democrats/Liberals couldn't and can't command.

I actually read that study, which you didn't, and the conclusion they reached was that the high percentage of negative coverage by the media was not so much a bias against Trump as it was a biased preference by the media for negative stories.

12. Liberals commit lies of omission even more than the outright lies they put over on a less than astute audience...a la the 'Father of Fake News," Dan Rather.

Chris Matthews' book is a perfect example of lying by telling half the story....

A further example of the 'Mushroom Method' of Liberal education [keep 'em in the dark, and feed 'em....manure] is how Chris Matthews skips over the singular achievement of Kennedy's economic program, the one that deserves praise.

On tax cuts, in a 1962 speech Kennedy said: "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low, and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. ... The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy, which can bring a budget surplus."

"JFK's Lasting Economic Legacy: Lower Tax Rates... the federal budget deficit did indeed shrink. Stock investors loved it. Between 1962 and 1966, the Dow Jones industrial average nearly doubled.

To this day, conservatives point to that robust period as evidence that cutting taxes will lead to higher revenues." JFK's Lasting Economic Legacy: Lower Tax Rates

Guess why Chris Matthews didn't care to discuss the tax cuts.
13. "Elder seems most upset that Matthews dedicated so little space to the Kennedy tax cuts, which Elder called his “singular economic achievement.”

“You spend about a half-page on the tax cuts, why is that. You still there?”

“How can you write a book about Kennedy and spend a half a page on the tax cuts? How can you do that? You still there?” Elder says.

“This is an embarrassment,” Matthews says. “This is why this country is being torn apart, with this kind of hatred.”

“It’s called a disagreement,” Elder says. “You perceive it as hatred...." Larry Elder Hammers Chris Matthews in Agonizing Interview: ‘I’m Sorry For Cutting You Off the Way You Cut Your Guests Off’

"Hatred".....that's what Liberals scream when the truth is revealed.


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