A Casino Heist


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This capitalism-Utopianism vignette was inspired by the films Honeymoon in Vegas and Ocean's Eleven.


Three 'iconic Americans' (two movie stars and an Ivy League Internet blogger (Tom, Tom, and Ajay) decided to pull off a great casino-heist of a powerful druglord visiting from Amsterdam named Eddie Dash. Dash had all the connections and was really nefarious in the underworld, and Tom, Tom, and Andy (calling themselves the 'Three Amigos') decided to trick Dash into a drunken stupor during a poker-game in Dash's Trump Taj Mahal suite. However, they decided to recruit two more members --- as decoys!


The Three Amigos resolved to tape-record the conversations during the entire burglary of Dash's suite on Halloween Eve at the Trump casino in Atlantic City and then sell the recording to all kinds of news publications, claiming they were 'anti-fascism' vigilantes. They recruited the two decoys, a beautiful young couple named Damien and Shelbye to pose as a young 'gambling protege couple' interested in playing poker against Dash while the Three Amigos watched and cheered everyone on with a plethora of alcohol (two of the Amigos were popular movie-stars after all!).


Damien and Shelbye were at first very hesitant and worried that the entire burglary 'concept' could only lead to complete ruin and a life-endangering calamity, but the young couple visiting Atlantic City to win enough money to buy their dream home accepted the 'dare' of the Three Amigos and posed as a 'dreamy' young casino-couple brave enough to challenge Eddie Dash to a symbolic game of poker in his casino-suite. It was an incredible experience for Damien and Shelbye, so the idealistic two decided to stay calm and objective, since they were familiar with Dash's maniacal reputation in the underworld.


When Damien, Shelbye, and the Three Amigos walked into the Dash suite (after Eddie agreed to accept the poker-challenge of Damien posed by the Three Amigos on Damien's behalf), they noticed a wall of arrayed very impressive fluid TV sets. The 'wall of television' reminded Damien that Eddie Dash was known as nothing short of a casino and underworld monster (not just a titan). Dash was busy high on life and playing with his toy pistol, which Shelbye was convinced was a real loaded gun. Damien knew Eddie had a vault of stored precious gold items from around the world in a safe in his casino-suite bedroom.

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As Damien played Dash in poker and Shelbye danced for everyone (modestly), the Three Amigos prepared to steal Dash's gold hidden in Eddie's bedroom. Meanwhile, Eddie continued to get up every now and then to dance around in his suite and play with his 'toy-pistol,' which now the Three Amigos also believed may have been a real loaded revolver. Shelbye wondered what the outcome of this outlandish 'feat' would be exactly and if the press would demonize the thief-troop as some kind of 'anti-Dash' crusaders. She also wondered if Dash would simply shoot them all!


As Dash played with Damien in poker (it was the 8th hand --- a very very long game, extended intentionally by Damien who turned out to be a master poker-artist), Ajay (one of the Three Amigos) slipped into Eddie's bedroom, cracked his vault with his silent vault-decoding and opening device/gadget and put all the incredible gold (some from Ancient Egypt --- a museum collection Dash somehow obtained!) into a little bag which he then hid in his sweater. Ajay was bulletproof because of the gold, and when Eddie went on a shooting spree, only aiming at Ajay, the bullets did not pierce him.


The thief-troop made off with the gold, and one Tom (one of the Three Amigos) recorded the entire burglary on a voice-recorder and tape he had hidden in his pocket. The conversations during the poker-game with Dash and the ensuing burglary and Dash trying to shoot Damien were all recorded, and Tom sent the monumental tape to the Atlantic City police department and the Atlantic City Gazette. Dash was ruined, and the Three Amigos realized they destroyed a truly evil casino-tycoon. When Ajay asked them how they should remember the entire affair (especially since their ingenue young couple, Damien and Shelbye, got away with them safely), Tom and Tom told Ajay, "Our tape proves Eddie Dash was an 'anti-American devil'."



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