A 90 year old multiple sclerosis volunteer, for 60 years, kicked out of the "charity" organization for asking a question.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The "charity organization" asked the 90 year old, 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" to use her pronouns in her emails. Fran, who had no idea what they meant by that and they promptly kicke the 90 year old 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" out.

The "charity organization" asked the 90 year old, 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" to use her pronouns in her emails. Fran, who had no idea what they meant by that and they promptly kicke the 90 year old 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" out.

Yep, let's see how well those "charitable" contributions hold up next week.
The only good sex deviants are dead sex deviants!
I just LUV how our Maker can instantly reprogram the rebellious ones into making them degrade themselves in front of the viewing audience! I well remember reading about Maker getting PO'd over a certain king so Maker let him graze like a cow in a pasture for a few YEARS. My favorite was king Belshazzar & the writing on the wall. After everyone fled the great hall in a panic, even his own concubines, there remains the ole King pukin his guts out & hunched up in pain like a dog shittin razor blades!!! If Maker would take me back to that scene it would be my high point I could ever receive throughout eternity, though occasionally I would like to see reruns of it I'm sure!

The "charity organization" asked the 90 year old, 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" to use her pronouns in her emails. Fran, who had no idea what they meant by that and they promptly kicke the 90 year old 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" out.

Another day another stupid outrage. Yawn.
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The "charity organization" asked the 90 year old, 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" to use her pronouns in her emails. Fran, who had no idea what they meant by that and they promptly kicke the 90 year old 60 year volunteer of the "charity organization" out.

There is more to the story.
Of course, we should sit back and do nothing while tranny-fascists discriminate against normal people for not understanding or playing along with their lunacy.

Oh PLEASE, Bitch. Grow the fuck up and stop letting Trump wind you up every morning with irrelevant shit.

Yes, it was a dumb, stupid thing they did, but the level of hysterical mania over this on the part of the Cult as absolutely absurd. There are three threads on this already, and one on the murder of Navalny. The only other thing that seems nearly as important to this Board are the legal troubles of Donald Trump.

There's no thread on CPAC cheering for an authoritarian dictatorship, and only one thread on Nazi's at CPAC.

Putting it in perspective, which story has a greater impact on Americans? The stupidy of the MS Society, or Republican voters cheering for an authoritarian dictatorship and the overthrow of the Constitution?

All this story is, is a distraction to keep you from realizing how close the country is to failing, utterly.
Oh PLEASE, Bitch. Grow the fuck up and stop letting Trump wind you up every morning with irrelevant shit.

Yes, it was a dumb, stupid thing they did, but the level of hysterical mania over this on the part of the Cult as absolutely absurd. There are three threads on this already, and one on the murder of Navalny. The only other thing that seems nearly as important to this Board are the legal troubles of Donald Trump.

There's no thread on CPAC cheering for an authoritarian dictatorship, and only one thread on Nazi's at CPAC.

Putting it in perspective, which story has a greater impact on Americans? The stupidy of the MS Society, or Republican voters cheering for an authoritarian dictatorship and the overthrow of the Constitution?

All this story is, is a distraction to keep you from realizing how close the country is to failing, utterly.
^^ triggered.

”Authoritarian dictatorship“? WTF are you babbling about? You’re a prime example of how radically lefties are totally deranged and shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything, such as companies, volunteer organizations, people’s lives, or the government. You all belong in an insane asylum.

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