Hollywood Faces “Devastating” Costs From California Bill Targeting Gig Economy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
At what point are we going to run low on popcorn?
I guess Hollywood can always move to Georgia :aargh:

The state legislature is considering a proposal that takes aim at Uber, Lyft and others using independent contractors — but it could render the entertainment industry's tax-lucrative loan-out companies useless.”

A doomsday scenario for Hollywood would look like this: A law is enacted with no exemption for entertainment workers; companies opt to treat everyone as employees for all purposes to avoid complications; and loan-outs are effectively dead in the water. The last bit would be especially painful because 2017’s Trump tax cuts killed business deductions for employees.

Hollywood Faces "Devastating" Costs From California Bill Targeting Gig Economy
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