96-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Is Now the Epic Frontwoman for a Death Metal Band


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is awesome!

It’s not always easy to reinvent yourself, but it’s something that Inge Ginsberg has done over the course of her long life. Now at 96 years old, the Holocaust survivor has entered a new phase in her life: she is the frontwoman for a death metal band called Inge & the TritoneKings.

Prior to rocking out with the fast-paced guitar and drums, Ginsburg’s life sounds like the plot of a historic film. After fleeing the Holocaust, she ended up in a refugee camp in Switzerland, where she eventually looked after a spy villa for the Secret Service. Once War World II ended, Ginsberg moved again to America with her first husband Otto, and the two worked in the Hollywood music industry; they were responsible for writing songs like Dean Martin’s “Try Again” and composing with Nat King Cole and Doris Day.

96-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Is Now the Epic Frontwoman for a Death Metal Band
Germans are strange. Not quite as strange as Japanese, but still strange. Was it because we bombed them or because we didn't bomb them enough?


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