92-year-old “Palestinian” fondly remembers Arabs massacring Jews

92-year-old “Palestinian”: “Allah willing, we will bury Israel and massacre the Jews, like we massacred them in Hebron. I lived through the massacre of the Jews in Hebron. My father massacred them and brought back stuff”

92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman in a Right-of-Return Demonstration: Palestinians Should Massacre the Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron
Well God himself condemned Israel to be destroyed and sent Jews into exile for turning away from their covenant and essentially becoming Babylon themselves.

Does modern day Israel actually adhere to their covenant with God? Or do they make up their own rules and laws based on whatever suits them?
The western world created this mess, like most others on the globe.

The tendency to blame everything on the west, denies the agency of those directly involved,
or what is sometimes called - racism of low expectation, doesn't fix much.

Here, the western world actually did much good,
with a natural mixture of bad, it's not one-sided,
And imo, the good exceeds the bad.

Its merit in the establishment of 22 independent Arab states,
outweighed by its merit from supporting the re-constitution of Israel,
despite any complaints about mess each have against western conduct.

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