90's Scandals Taking Its Toll Among Clinton's Women's Support

Bill Clinton's rabid sexual escapades and Hillary's support thereof appears to be taking its toll among her women voters. It appears Bill is a liability.

’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women
I can't believe she is actually having him stump for her! She is just asking for bad press! And voters are going to worry about his behavior in the W H if she is elected. The man cannot stop abusing women and Hillary will do her best to go after the women! What a hot mess.
Bill's, er, hobby is a bit like STDs. Eventually it comes back around in uncomfortable ways.
Bubba always was a risk for her. Sure he's popular, but she's not, and at the end of the day people won't be voting for him. Having him around risks people being reminded of her role in the destruction of the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.

He has the ability to openly lie to people and have them admire him for doing it. She doesn't. He sounds like every girl's secret crush, she sounds like every guy's ex-wife.
Bill Clinton's rabid sexual escapades and Hillary's support thereof appears to be taking its toll among her women voters. It appears Bill is a liability.

’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women
I can't believe she is actually having him stump for her! She is just asking for bad press! And voters are going to worry about his behavior in the W H if she is elected. The man cannot stop abusing women and Hillary will do her best to go after the women! What a hot mess.
The "the_human_being" is on spot! Think about all the additional blunders, past and present, that Hillary has made ... ok, still think this dazed and confused woman should occupy the White House? If you do, see a shrink.
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Bill Clinton's rabid sexual escapades and Hillary's support thereof appears to be taking its toll among her women voters. It appears Bill is a liability.

’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women

Did she really think she was going to base her campaign on being a "champion of women" and NOT be called to account for this? For that matter, did she think she was going to campaign on ANY basis, and not be called to account for this?

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