90 Million Workers Won't Be Needed By 2020, Study Says


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
90 Million Workers Won't Be Needed By 2020, Study Says

Tens of millions of people worldwide will be condemned to long-term joblessness unless global leaders make significant changes to address unemployment and worker training, according to a new study.

Between 90 and 95 million low-skill workers -- or 2.6 percent of the global workforce -- will not be needed by employers by 2020 and will be vulnerable to permanent joblessness, according to a report released Thursday by the McKinsey Global Institute.

90 Million Workers Won't Be Needed By 2020, Study Says

We are in heap deep s___t of this is true. Maybe washing car and dishes, flipping hamburger and taking out the garbage, cleaning toilets and mopping floors will need at leas a high school or trade school education. Low skilled jobs that we have now are not ever going away, because the higher skilled workers will have need them to clean up after them.
Lets say the scenario is true and these jobs do disappear. More then half of the nations population will be unemployed. And more then half of that will be recent Illegal Aliens. Heap deep s__t.

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