9 more dead and dozens wounded including americans in bombing

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
All over the burning of a damn book. What more proof do we need that this mission is futile. These savages want to live in the 7th century, LET THEM

Bring our troops home and leave our bombers on standby to deal with terrorist issues.

Enough is enough.
I say fuk em.

Let Hamid Karzai know we will have ZERO tolerance for any terrorist activity.

I mean, you turn a couple of villages to glass and they will get the message.
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I just hope all these needless deaths teach us something about trying to fight wars with pc rules. If the cost of a few civilian deaths is too high then we shouldn't be there to begin with. We are there to gain capitulation not friends.
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You guys claim I'm an idiot or a troll. But check this out.

I write up a thread about the perils of our current situation in Afghanistan. But most of you that call me those names are wallowing in the threads about Obama being hung in effigy. A thread that has taken a predictable turn into trolling and name calling.

And here is a completely nonpartisan thread on the same subject.....completely ignored. And I'm the troll.

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