9/12 Patriot Group in Colorado Springs a complete FRAUD.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As you're probably aware there are many 9/12 groups across Colorado and throughout this nation. Most who will stand on the principles of the U.S. Constitution including Admendment 1 of the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing ones right to Freedom Of Speech. This is this groups core foundation and what they "supposedly" stand for.

Approximately 1 month ago--I signed up for the 9/12 group for District 5 out of Colorado Springs called the 9/12 Pikes Peak Patriots Group. Last week all my posts and comments were deleted off of this political message board and I received a message that I would no longer be able to access this political forum web-site. On another computer--I noticed how some on this board were stating that they were glad to see I was gone--but my comments and threads are also GONE. They have been deleted by the administrator of this group who proclaims himself to be an authority on the United States Constitution. All my comments from issues regarding medical marijuana here in the state of Colorado--to this groups most strict opposition to me-a gubanatorial candidate, Dan Maes, that most on this political board still support. Apparently, this group of political amatures--did not like what I have had to say about Dan Maes--so they have banned me from joining in discussion--therefore, violating their own principles. When I stated I was going to vote for Tom Tancredo--the 3rd party candidate running for governor of this state--they immediately booted me from this web-site.

I have been on this board--US Message board--for several years now--and have made a thousand or so comments and written at least a hundred or more of the thread starters. I know that many on this board and even some of the administration of this board have a had a completely different political ideology than I do, and many still do. Many of us are politically polar opposite--and we have had and will continue to have some good arguments. Yet--this board has tolerated my comments over many years. Opposition and disagreement--no matter what--was always welcomed and never silenced.

In conclusion the 9/12 Pikes Peak Patriots group for district 5 in Colorado Springs is as big a fraud as the candidate they support--in Dan Maes.
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Tom Tancredo's explanation of why he jumped into this race--that also was deleted off of the 9/12 Pikes Peak Patriot group political forum website.

Why am I Doing This? The Case for Conservative Principles and Integrity over Partisanship in the Governor's Race

“Why are you doing this?” That is the question I receive more often than any other as I travel the state as a candidate for Governor. My answer is somewhat lengthy because the decision I made to run did not come easily and was based on a number of revelations that confirmed my first impressions of Dan Maes based on our initial meeting.

This is, as I am sure you will agree, the most bizarre political year we have ever experienced. Thanks to Obama and Ritter, Republicans were set to have a banner year in Colorado. We had, what appeared to be qualified and competent candidates for the major offices in the state and the wind was at our backs for a change. As I have done for years, I spent many hours stumping for Republican candidates all over the state. In the Governor’s race I first supported Josh Penry.

When Josh withdrew, I supported Scott McInnis. I agreed to every request made of me to help. Just two weeks before allegations of plagiarism sent his campaign into a tailspin, I was helping to “rally the troops” at his campaign headquarters.

Almost a year earlier I met with Dan Maes at his request. He told me he wanted to run for Governor. When I asked him about his background, he told me he was a successful businessman who was now looking for new challenges. Of course, I had no reason to doubt his claims, but also no reason to think much about it because he was on the wrong side of so many of the critical issues facing our state – a problem he has tried to rectify in the months since with numerous flip-flops.

On Immigration, first Dan said he would grant illegal aliens “probationary citizenship [so they] can be naturalized after one year”-- a far more liberal plan than existing law or even the proposed Kennedy-Reid amnesty bill. (http://replay.waybackmachine.org/200...://www.danmaes....). And again, later, when called on it, Maes changed his tune, saying he would arrest illegal aliens, “put them in jail and [call] Immigration [and Customs Enforcement].”

On Abortion, first Dan said that “Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, and people tend to forget that. I would not try to undo that.” (GOP-tea party favorite Maes wants it both ways on abortion Colorado Independent). Later Maes said “I am pro-life and disagree with Roe vs. Wade.”

On the Second Amendment, first Dan said “no to a Vermont style conceal carry law and no on the repeal of the Brady background check.” (Peoples Press Collective | Colorado Politics | Rocky Mountain Gun Owners vs. Dan Maes :...). Later Maes said he “will support a conceal carry law similar to Vermont’s if the people of Colorado ask for it.”

In addition to these disconcerting reversals and troubling statements on important policy issues, other distressing facts have come to light that raise serious questions about Dan’s integrity.

Dan has promoted himself as a successful businessman who turned around failing companies, but the record tells a different story.

Dan’s tax records show his annual income was around $20,000 in 2005 and 2006, and just $11,000 in 2008. (http://www.coloradostatesman.com/con...lican-maes-def...), and Dan has so far refused to release his 2009 records. In addition, his business has been deemed “delinquent” since March 2007 in filing annual reports with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office (http://www.coloradostatesman.com/con...lican-maes-def...).

Maes also backed off claims of undercover police work in a recent Denver Post story. The story noted: Maes said, “I was fired as a police officer in Liberal, Kansas…, after working undercover with the KBI in a gambling and drug probe. Later, a statement he wrote on his campaign website that was later removed said, “At one point in my 2 years there I was placed (sic) undercover by the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (sic) to gather information inside a bookmaking ring that was also allegedly selling drugs. I got too close to some significant people in the community who were involved in these activities and abruptly was dismissed from my position. I was blindsided and stunned to say the least.” Law enforcement sources in Kansas disputed the claim in interviews with The Denver Post. Maes later said, “Some people are probably taking that a little too literally...”

But the director of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation said it has no record of Maes working with the agency during his stint as a police officer from 1983 to 1985. “We've checked our records. We've talked to people working in that area (southwest Kansas) at the time,” said Bob Blecha, director of the law enforcement agency. “He (Maes) refers to a gambling case and possible drugs. They (agents) don't recall him working with them on any case like that.” ...[and] he stressed, “He (Maes) did not work for us or with us on an investigation.”

Maes backs off claim of 'undercover' work in Kansas - The Denver Post

Dan also suggested that access to his campaign was for sale. In an interview with Jeff Crank this past Saturday, while discussing the Freda Poundstone check scandal, Dan told Crank, “If people want a seat at the table (referring to his campaign advisory panel which Freda was already a part of), what’s the first thing they’ve got to do? Write a check.”


Finally, Dan’s actions have been in direct conflict with his message of clean, open and transparent government.

Dan has already agreed to pay a fine $17,500 for numerous campaign violations, the largest such penalty imposed in Colorado’s history. The violations included failure to report in-kind donations, failure to disclose expenditures in a timely manner, and improperly paying himself out of his campaign account. (http://www.coloradostatesman.com/con...says-complaint...)

On that last point, Dan has reimbursed himself more than $43,000 directly out of his campaign account -- at least one-quarter of all his campaign funds -- for vehicle mileage in a 12-month period, which would put him in his car roughly eight hours a day, every day. (http://www.coloradostatesman.com/con...says-complaint...)

That’s nearly four times his total income for the most recent year for he has produced financial records!

I have never been in a campaign that required me to focus on issues of integrity but this situation is absolutely beyond the pale. I have never seen a political party have to beg a candidate to get off the ballot in order to avoid the embarrassment his candidacy would create. I’ve never seen a political party disown a candidate and tell their members they have no obligation to support him.

I never imagined I would be asking you to vote for me for Governor of Colorado but that is exactly what I am doing. I tried everything I could do to get Mr. Maes to drop out and let the Republican Party fill the vacancy with a credible candidate. Eventually it became impossible because of statutory time lines, for me to enter the race as a Republican.

Let me be clear: while I have always stood up to the Republican Party when my principles required it, my candidacy in the Governor's race isn't an assault on the Republican Party itself. It is a challenge to the flukish nomination of an unqualified and unethical man in a single race at the top of the ticket.

As this election unfolds, I expect hosts of conservatives and freedom-loving men and women in other parties to cast their vote for Tom Tancredo – as well as Cory Gardner, Ryan Frazier, and Scott Tipton. I expect to see Tom Tancredo bumper stickers next to Ken Buck bumper stickers on pickup trucks across this state – along with those carrying the names of Republicans running for the statehouse and senate.

Like you, I support many of these Republican candidates, and hope to see them prevail in November.

Believe me, as your next governor, nothing would make me happier than to see Republican Frank McNulty as Speaker of the House, and my friend Mike Kopp as President of the Colorado Senate when I take the oath of office in January.

And I firmly believe that my candidacy will give otherwise disgruntled conservatives a reason to vote this November, helping buoy these down ticket prospects of Congressional and statehouse Republicans in their own critical bids.

I know with your support, I can win this race. And now that the Republican Party has disavowed Mr. Maes, I am the only candidate that can stop the Denver Mayor from doing to the state what he has done to the city – increasing taxes and killing jobs.

We all know there is a reason Mayor Hickenlooper was asked by Obama to run for Governor – and it isn’t because Obama thinks the Mayor is a “moderate.” Hickenlooper is progressive with radical tendencies – and we all know that's exactly how he will govern.

My friend, you know who I am. And you know what I stand for. I have a lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union of 97%. You know you can trust me to appoint conservative judges and to veto liberal bills. With your support, I can win this race.

I will push for tax cuts – not increases – as the best way to create jobs. I will use my experience serving in the State Legislature and as a member the Joint Budget Committee to wrestle with the bloated budget created by too many years of Democrat control of the Capitol and the Governor’s office.

I will make sure that solid Republican and conservative leaders are appointed to fill key positions in my administration and especially any vacancy on the State Supreme Court. I will strive to lead a Tenth Amendment revolution with my like-minded Governors around the country. I will work toward making Colorado a friendly place for business and industry and an unfriendly place for illegal aliens.

Let’s not squander this opportunity to beat Mayor Hickenlooper just because the Republican Party is saddled with an unfit and accidental nominee.

There is a conservative alternative.

Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder once again in this fight for our shared values.

I know that we can win this race if we hang together.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Tom Tancredo
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The 9/12 patriot group in the springs is fraudulent , however Tom tancredo is a bigger Fraud. the fact that you would carry his water is a little scary, the tea-publicans in general tend to scare the sane.
The 9/12 patriot group in the springs is fraudulent , however Tom tancredo is a bigger Fraud. the fact that you would carry his water is a little scary, the tea-publicans in general tend to scare the sane.

Tea Party membership in this country is the only thing that is growing faster than the Federal Government. Independents are joining this group in mass--and latest polling data shows that 40% of the tea party movement includes democrats and independents.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

While we have seen a few that go overboard in trying to score points for certain candidates that really do not represent these groups fundamental core values of honesty and integrity--the overwhelming majority of this group know how important it is to stand on principles and not candidates. In fact, most tea party groups will not endorse candidates--nor should they.

I as a former supporter and donor to Dan Maes--was upset with Tom Tancredo for jumping into this race. I wish he would have addressed his concerns to the people of this state regarding Scott McInnis and Dan Maes prior to announcing his 3rd party candidacy.

Dan Maes has imploded upon himself. There is absolutely no rational reason to believe his side of the story about an undercover operation involving the Kansas FBI. The final shoe on his story dropped in the Denver Post as to the reason he was fired from the Liberal Kansas police department--which is more believable than Maes explanation for it.

Kansas cop: Maes' slip blew probe - The Denver Post

Also the campaign violation fines--the largest in this state and it all adds up to a pill that is just too big to swallow for many of us.

Tancredo does have a verifiable resume and a voting record. Right now he is really the only chance we have at winning the governors position in Colorado this year. And it's a long shot. But if there ever was a year for miracles--this year is it--with the GOP polling at a 60 year record lead over democrats.


Currently with 21% of polled people still in the Maes column and 25% for Tancredo--the only way we get close to Hickenlooper is to come together in this race, and it would need to be done very quickly. Personally--with groups such as this--I don't think many of this group can be convinced of that. They have a lot invested in Dan Maes--and just will not give up on this losing battle. A good analogy:--most people will walk away from a black jack table that is losing--while a few will stay and double down. Unfortunately this happens alot in politics--especially when volunteers put in 100's of hours supporting a candidate that then implodes on them.


Obviously--no one can expect someone with integrity to vote for a person they believe to be a fraud. The Maes story does not add up. If tea party members and 9/12'er's continually attempt to support and defend his statements--(of which none can be verified)--they end up losing their credibility also.
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The apparent biggest cheerleader of this group is Richard Randall radio talk show on KVOR 740 A.M.--who himself has flip-flopped on the Dan Maes issue--when after Hank Brown a former respected Republican dropped his support for Dan Maes. Randall was on his radio program stating that he could not make calls for Maes because he had so much respect for Brown. The last two weeks--it's been the Denver Bronco's cheerleading squad for Dan Maes on this program.

Today on this show the hypocrisy is in your face.

This morning--September 22. 2010 on the Richard Randall show he states his opinion of Bristal Palin going on Dancing with the Stars......basically attacking her for doing it and then has to audacity to ask his audiance what their views are for the "American Dream."

Well Richard--I would think that the "American Dream" would include someone going on Dancing with the Stars--without some supposedly conservative radio talk show host criticizing her for it.

The hypocrisy is that I can't count the number of times that Randall has stated that children of politicians should be off limits to those kind of comments--yet he then does it himself. I certainly don't remember his comments regarding former Republican house leader--Tom Delay for doing the same.

This young woman could live in a convent and still be critized by the left in this country. So I am all for her right to the "Pursuit of Happyness"--by dancing all night--if she wants to--on "Dancing with the Stars."

Unbelievable--these people need to get a real education in politics. You can't make statements like this and get away with it. You can't stand on principles of freedom of speech and then deny it--because you may disagree with what others have to say.
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Panic and Desperation sets in on this group: A forwarded e-mail regarding a poll that was taken out of our local Newspaper showing Tancredo the 3rd party candidate has overwhelming support over Dan Maes--and is only 10 points behind Hickenlooper. Just a week ago Hickenlooper had a 20+ point lead over Tancredo. Tancredo is gaining quickly and is no longer considered a long shot in the governors race in Colorado.

OUR VIEW: Gov. Tancredo? It could happen (vote here) | view, gov, vote - Opinion - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Here is the forwarded e-mail:

Urgent!! please click on the link below, and then vote DAN MAES for Colorado Governor.

even if you are in another state, this election is about the "UNITED States" too. The opponent Tom Tancredo has run very ugly malicious and slanderous ads against Dan Maes. Dan is
principled and refuses to use dirty tactics, instead he talks about what a 'good government' in
Colorado would look like when he is Governor.

I fully support Dan Maes because of his character, integrity, and vision to serve Colorado citizens.
Dan is NOT a politician, but comes from business and understands managing and running a business.

Please help also by forwarding this.

Again we witness the amature behavior of this group. This persons suggestion that to forward this message to "out of state" family and friends--means that this group is no better than the radical left wing group, known as ACORN.

Official police records from the Liberal Kansas police department show that Dan Maes was fired for leaking information on an FBI investigation to his then girlfriend--whose family was the object of this investigation.
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As you're probably aware there are many 9/12 groups across Colorado and throughout this nation. Most who will stand on the principles of the U.S. Constitution including Admendment 1 of the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing ones right to Freedom Of Speech. This is this groups core foundation and what they "supposedly" stand for.

Approximately 1 month ago--I signed up for the 9/12 group for District 5 out of Colorado Springs called the 9/12 Pikes Peak Patriots Group. Last week all my posts and comments were deleted off of this political message board and I received a message that I would no longer be able to access this political forum web-site. On another computer--I noticed how some on this board were stating that they were glad to see I was gone--but my comments and threads are also GONE. They have been deleted by the administrator of this group who proclaims himself to be an authority on the United States Constitution. All my comments from issues regarding medical marijuana here in the state of Colorado--to this groups most strict opposition to me-a gubanatorial candidate, Dan Maes, that most on this political board still support. Apparently, this group of political amatures--did not like what I have had to say about Dan Maes--so they have banned me from joining in discussion--therefore, violating their own principles. When I stated I was going to vote for Tom Tancredo--the 3rd party candidate running for governor of this state--they immediately booted me from this web-site.

I have been on this board--US Message board--for several years now--and have made a thousand or so comments and written at least a hundred or more of the thread starters. I know that many on this board and even some of the administration of this board have a had a completely different political ideology than I do, and many still do. Many of us are politically polar opposite--and we have had and will continue to have some good arguments. Yet--this board has tolerated my comments over many years. Opposition and disagreement--no matter what--was always welcomed and never silenced.

In conclusion the 9/12 Pikes Peak Patriots group for district 5 in Colorado Springs is as big a fraud as the candidate they support--in Dan Maes.

That's what you get for being an asshole.

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