9-11 vs. KATRINA


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
9-11 vs. KATRINA
There is not comparison when it come to responding. A monument has been built at the site where the world trade center stood, cost $700million to build now needs $1million per WEEK to run.
How 9/11 memorial which cost $700million to build now needs $1million per week to run | Mail Online
But we don’t have money to rebuild home (lives) for victims of Katrina. Trailers that were given them were unfit to live in and had to be destroyed. New Orleans never to the money the government promised them. And “man of the cloth” Huckaee make fun of Obama when he talked about it as needing to take lessons from “Honey Boo Boo” on how to speak southern? WTF Huckabee? No matter where or whom Obama speak to he always speak the language of all Americans. Maybe Huckabee feels he “talks too white?” Obama don’t have to talk “southern” when he talks before a group of Southerners.
When Andrew hit Florida the response was prompt. What does all this tell you? You have to be a Village Idiot like Huckabee not to know.
Huckabe no one is going after Romney’s Mormon faith like the radical right went after Obama’s faith and still is when the occasion arises.
Man of the Cloth Huckaee need to take a lesson from his own faith and ask himself if he is qualified to cast the first stone at Obama and remove the speck in Obama’s.

Obama slandered America as racist using dishonest claims about the response to Hurricane Katrina
Obama slandered America as racist using dishonest claims about the response to Hurricane Katrina | Power Line
Speech Obama made in 2007 as racist?

Katrina Survivors Still Under Attack
“The result in New Orleans was a ‘perfect storm’ of all the ugly features of American capitalism, and it led to perhaps the greatest single act of racist mass murder ever to take place in this country.”
The word “Katrina” has come to mean the deliberate racial and class cleansing of a major Black city.
“Whether we like it or not, New Orleans is not going to be 500,000 people for a long time. New Orleans is not going to be as Black as it was for a long time, if ever again.”
Katrina Survivors Still Under Attack

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