80 people rich as half the world, some surprises

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Meet The 80 People Who Are As Rich As Half The World
7:01 PMJan 18 By Mona Chalabi


Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, right, nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and his wife, Princess Amira, left, arrivel in Mogadishu, Somalia, to witness the famine in the Somali capital on Aug. 27, 2011.

Farah Abdi Warsameh / AP

Eighty people hold the same amount of wealth as the world’s 3.6 billion poorest people, according to an analysis just released from Oxfam. The report from the global anti-poverty organization finds that since 2009, the wealth of those 80 richest has doubled in nominal terms — while the wealth of the poorest 50 percent of the world’s population has fallen.

To see how much wealth the richest 1 percent and the poorest 50 percent hold, Oxfam used research from Credit Suisse, a Swiss financial services company, and Forbes’s annual billionaires list. Oxfam then looked at how many of the world’s richest people would need to pool their resources to have as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent — and as of March 2014, it was just 80 people.

Four years earlier, 388 billionaires together held as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the world.

Thirty-five of the 80 richest people in the world are U.S. citizens, with combined wealth of $941 billion in 2014. Together in second place are Germany and Russia, with seven mega-rich individuals apiece. The entire list is dominated by one gender, though — 70 of the 80 richest people are men. And 68 of the people on the list are 50 or older.

If those 80 individuals were to bump into each on Svenborgia, what might they talk about? Retail could be a good conversation starter — 14 of the 80 got their wealth that way. Or they could discuss “extractives” (industries like oil, gas and mining, to which 11 of them owe their fortunes), finance (also 11 of them) or tech (10 of them).

There might be some quiet voices in the room, though, because 11 of the wealthiest people on the planet were simply born into their money (19 others inherited their wealth and then made it grow). The remaining 50 names on the list, according to Forbes, are self-made billionaires.

Oxfam notes that global wealth inequality is increasing while the rich get richer. If trends continue, the organization projects that the richest 1 percent of people will have more wealth than the remaining 99 percent by 2016.

Here’s the list of the 80 people with as much wealth as the world’s poorest 3.6 billion people:

The list is at the link. There are some surprises.
Gotta say, the Prince and The Revolution groupie in the purple is pretty hot.

I can't see too many surprises, they are either people I knew were filthy rich, people I have no clue who they are, or people looking at their last name I'd guess they were filthy rich. Heh = the three Mars people with exact same net worth, I guess someone's dad was pretty fair at probate time.
Amazing...you have to go all the way down to #68 to find a rich guy from the USA that has made his fortune in Oil...excuse me, Extractives. I guess that's the new buzzword for oil. At least it's new to me. Most of the Extractives (Oil) rich people are from Russia, then Saudi and Chile, China, Australia. Who knew?
Why are Liberals so fixated on the wealth of others? And why do they want others' wealth for themselves? :dunno:
Better question = how are people born so shallow-minded they can only view things in angles of attacking political labels?

It is just a list of rich people dude, why don't you go back to the politics forum and act the partisan retard there instead?
Why are Liberals so fixated on the wealth of others? And why do they want others' wealth for themselves? :dunno:
Better question = how are people born so shallow-minded they can only view things in angles of attacking political labels?

It is just a list of rich people dude, why don't you go back to the politics forum and act the partisan retard there instead?
Brotchmeister. :slap:
Gotta say, the Prince and The Revolution groupie in the purple is pretty hot.

I can't see too many surprises, they are either people I knew were filthy rich, people I have no clue who they are, or people looking at their last name I'd guess they were filthy rich. Heh = the three Mars people with exact same net worth, I guess someone's dad was pretty fair at probate time.
I love all these free americans and people world wide thinking they are free from kings. lol. that's funny. you idiots wouldn't know freedom if it killed you and that's the only way any of you will ever be free from your own vanity and stupidity
Why are Liberals so fixated on the wealth of others? And why do they want others' wealth for themselves? :dunno:

With several billion people on the planet, and a handful of people owning most of the wealth, might be a concern to some of us. It has nothing to do with jealousy.
With several billion people on the planet, and a handful of people owning most of the wealth, might be a concern to some of us. It has nothing to do with jealousy.

good point we'll attack Saudi Arabia and steal our money back!! Then we'll all be better off as the world descends back to the stone age!!

Liberalism is not based in jealousy its just pure 100% stupidity!!
Why are Liberals so fixated on the wealth of others?

its pure ignorance mostly. If Bill Gates has $60 billion then you know we have 1000 times more wealth in software, and that he is far more able to invest his own money in business or humanitarian projects than some flunky liberal bureaucrat in Washington.

Perhaps they want to steal all his money and thus destroy MicroSoft so they could distribute $60 billion or $133 per person to every American.
Given enough time, maybe just one guy will end up with as much as half the world.

And won't that be sweet, conservatards?
Given enough time, maybe just one guy will end up with as much as half the world.

And won't that be sweet, conservatards?

dear, when they say a guy has wealth they are fooling you by not telling you how much wealth his customers have. Get it?? To take a dollar out of a company you have to distribute $100 in goods and services wealth to others. The more wealth a person has under capitalism the more he has contributed to society.
Given enough time, maybe just one guy will end up with as much as half the world.

And won't that be sweet, conservatards?

dear, when they say a guy has wealth they are fooling you by not telling you how much wealth his customers have. Get it?? To take a dollar out of a company you have to distribute $100 in goods and services wealth to others. The more wealth a person has under capitalism the more he has contributed to society.

So you're in favor of the most amount of wealth being in the fewest number of hands?

You're a fucking idiot!
So you're in favor of the most amount of wealth being in the fewest number of hands?

You're a fucking idiot!

too stupid I just explained to you that for Steve Jobs to have $1 dollar in wealth he has to distribute $100 in Iphone wealth to other people. The more he has the 100 times more everyone else has. Maybe you'r mother can explain it to you?
Given enough time, maybe just one guy will end up with as much as half the world.

And won't that be sweet, conservatards?

dear, when they say a guy has wealth they are fooling you by not telling you how much wealth his customers have. Get it?? To take a dollar out of a company you have to distribute $100 in goods and services wealth to others. The more wealth a person has under capitalism the more he has contributed to society.

So you're in favor of the most amount of wealth being in the fewest number of hands?

You're a fucking idiot!

Losertrians are useful idiots for the super rich that fucking cheat our system. I support success and being rich, but only when it is done fairly.

Losertrians hate the middle class.
Losertrians are useful idiots for the super rich that fucking cheat our system. I support success and being rich, but only when it is done fairly.

Losertrians hate the middle class.
dear, when they say a guy has wealth they are fooling you by not telling you how much wealth his customers have. Get it?? To take a dollar out of a company you have to distribute $100 in goods and services wealth to others. The more wealth a person has under capitalism the more he has contributed to society.

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