80 million hours JUST to comply with Obamacare regulations!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Based on Internal Revenue Service figures, the House Committee on Ways and Means has compiled an estimate of the total amount of hours it will take to comply with the tax rules. The bottom line: 79,229,503 hours, most of which will fall on small businesses.

"Given the enormous impact the regulations will have on job creators, it is no wonder that a recent survey found that over 70 percent of small businesses cite the health care law as a major obstacle to job creation," said the panel headed by Rep. David Camp.

Well just color me shocked.

Who knew that Obamacare will keep business from hiring??

Certainly not the asshole Dems who passed the damed thing.

Oh wait. I forgot. They all wanted to be part of that "Historic Moment." The hell with the folks who will be paying up the ass to support it. Never mind.
"Meanwhile, the health sector and overall economy will be forced to start answering to the 159 new agencies, programs, and bureaucracies authorized under Obamacare and complying with the 12,000 pages — and counting — of new regulations. The burden of costly mandates on businesses will kill any hopes of job recovery. And the law’s perverse incentives for employers to drop insurance will likely toss tens of millions more people into taxpayer-subsidized coverage, destroying any chances of getting the federal budget deficit under control. The legislative and legal battles over the unpopular law will go on and on."
How Many Pages of New Regulations Under ObamaCare?

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