8 Reasons Why NCOs Should Write and Publish


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

What a great site for active and retired NCOs. Check it out and share it with others. It provides links to tools and sources to help and then provides sites where your writing might be published.

The NCO perspective is valuable. Many officers will say that one of the most important people in their military career was their first platoon sergeant. Often, the platoon sergeant is the first teacher and continues to serve as a mentor or friend more many years.

NCOs are considered the backbone of the military. NCOs also are the primary executors of missions. As doers, they have intimate knowledge of what works, what doesn’t, and can explain why. Despite being one third of the active duty force, and twice the size of the commissioned officer corps, NCOs are underrepresented in written professional discussions.

Much more @ 8 Reasons Why NCOs Should Write and Publish
I learned the most valuable information from senior NCOs that has kept me alive over the years. Now I had one Brigade Commander that was always on my rear about the time I spent talking with senior Green Beret, SEAL, and Marine LRRP NCOs learning their combat tactics and techniques they would share with me after they got to know me. Since I was a Lieutenant they were at first hesitant but after I talked to them about my training three years with the Special Forces in college while in ROTC and them questioning me they came to trust me. They found that though I wore Air Defense Insignia I was a ground ponder at heart and some day hoped to change my branch. Some Army guys who recognized my last name asked if I was related to a certain Airborne Infantry General in current service; he is my second cousin and the reason I am still alive today .

It's like I told my first platoon Sgt.; you know more about running a platoon than I do. My father was a platoon Sgt. in WWII and I know how this works so you help me and I will work with you. He looked at me and said, well I'll be damned a 2nd Lieutenant with brains and we worked well together too.
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