75 Years Ago Today, the Day the World Changed Forever


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Within 2 weeks every operational Allied Capital ship in the Pacific but for our 3 aircraft carriers was sunk. 9 months later America began offensive operations with the invasion of Guadalcanal.
Many years ago, when I visited the Arizona Memorial and saw the video presentation, I was the ONLY non-Japanese person in the theater. Weird.
FDR was desperate to get the U.S. into the "real war" in Europe and the conventional wisdom of the time indicated that the Japanese were incapable of building a ship that would float and their alleged near sightedness prevented them from piloting a plane. A reasonable assumption is that the FDR administration welcomed an attack which would be a minor incident and propel the U.S. into war. The valuable U.S. Carriers were conveniently out to sea at the time and the Battleships were left as bait. With U.S. picket ships on patrol not to mention U.S. Submarines how was it even possible for the Japanese to sail across the entire ocean undetected and back again? COS George Marshall had the decoded message of imminent attack in his hands for hours while the Military message system (conveniently?) broke down but he never thought to pick up the telephone.

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