72% say Benghazi panel politically motivated

The hearings just started, since when are they decided by popular opinion polling? The transparent attempt to minimize their effort to overcome years of Democrat stonewalling isn't going to work. The truth is the left has politicized it and their only chance at the WH may be in deep doodoo.
Trey "backasswards" Gowdy .....woo hooo...a little man in short pants
yeah and more than that said the same when democrats were investigating some FBI desk jockey for FIVE YEARS, Valier Plame. Didn't see all you on the left whining then
RW's chasing political ghosts with nothing to show makes them seem so foolish in the eyes of the country.

Losers showcasing their inability to Convict Clinton is nothing more than showcasing their inability to run the country.


.... Losers pretty much sums it up.
yeah and more than that said the same when democrats were investigating some FBI desk jockey for FIVE YEARS, Valier Plame. Didn't see all you on the left whining then

Democrats investigate the Plame affair for five years?
I didn't know the Grand Jury hearing by a Republican appointed investigator was run by the Dems, during GOP control of Congress.
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yeah and more than that said the same when democrats were investigating some FBI desk jockey for FIVE YEARS, Valier Plame. Didn't see all you on the left whining then

Democrats investigate the Plame affair for five years?
I didn't know the Grand Jury hearing by a Republican appointed investigator was run by the Dems, during GOP control of Congress.

On Oct. 28, 2005, a grand jury handed down a five-count indictment in the 22-month-long investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame, a covert CIA agent, in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq

a grand jury handed down a five-count indictment in the 22-month-long investigation

the RW's haven't handed down a damn thing except their asses to the Dems on a silver platter ..

see the difference ?
Just another taxpayer funded GOP Dog and Pony show....go to foxnews.com and read their stuff. HILARIOUS!
From FoxNews they use the old "More important than" technique

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON tries to walk a swinging tightrope as House Republicans probing the Benghazi attacks hammer away at her communications with close friend Sidney Blumenthal suggesting she paid more attention to his emails than unanswered pleas from murdered envoy Chris Stevens to increase security in the face of growing terrorist threats.

Tonight in the Fox News cocktail lounge, and every night for the next 12 months, the pop group Clinton and the Four Dead Americans will be onstage playing their hit single, Squirt, Squirt, Squirt (Blood on Your Hands) over and over and over.

Be there!

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