70% Of The Vaccinated Catch Delta Variant

I for one don't care if the unvaccinated die, Biden warned them and the CDC warned them and doctors warned them.
What the fuck does Biden know? He's a complete fuck up in everything. No one cares what the senile old fart has to say.

The CDC has no crediability anymore. THEY LIE their asses off...and have been snagged to many times for anyone but fools to trust them.
"But people who wear seat belts still die in car accidents."
What????????????????????????? Why are you ok with the vaccinated spreading the virus to others, causing hospitalizations and deaths? Why is it not ok for the unvaccinated to spread the virus but it IS ok for the vaccinated to spread the virus?
Pretty much, yeah.

We very much need sober discussion on the efficacy of the vaccines, and debate over the best way to use them. But the fear-mongering (from both "sides") only makes things worse. In point of fact, in terms of deaths caused by the vaccines, they've been an incredible success. We've administered close to 6 billion doses over the last year and produced very few deaths or bad reactions.

Of course it's difficult to trust the data, given how toxically political it's all become, but other countries aren't mired in our political dysfunction and they're showing similar results. The bottom line is, if we innoculated 6 billion people with ANY vaccine there would be bad outcomes. Likely many more than what we're seeing with the covid vaccines.
Everyone dying or on a ventilator is unvaccinated. This now is truly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Can't say I don't love it!

And the number dying is tiny.
But it would be even better we just stopped "flattening the curve" and ended it entirely.
And yet still have more protection than unvaccinated people. And if more people were vaccinated, their wouldn't be so much virus around to infect people. So the lesson is: get vaccinated.

Not with a fake mRNA vaccine that the CDC claims gets into your cells and makes them grow spike proteins.
That is crazy and dangerous.

The Chinese have a real vaccine that should hit the US soon however.

But since covid is not endemic to humans, there is no need for long term immunity, so best would been just to let it spike last March and burn out then.
That would have prevented over half a million deaths.

Unless an epidemic is extremely lethal, like Ebola, the one thing you never want to do is "flatten the curve".
That just prevents herd immunity and makes it last forever.
Not with a fake mRNA vaccine that the CDC claims gets into your cells and makes them grow spike proteins.
That is crazy and dangerous.

The Chinese have a real vaccine that should hit the US soon however.
LOL - the Chinese vaccine is shit.
Google is your friend, look it up, that's what members of the other political party say to me.

That Taliban has never been involved in terrorism. The US has, with drones, torture, etc.
The Taliban are honest. The US lies.
The Taliban require women to be educated. The US instead tries to condition people to be greedy.
The Taliban does demand modesty. The US blatantly tries to exploit sexuality in order to harm and manipulate.
That Taliban has never been involved in terrorism. The US has, with drones, torture, etc.
The Taliban are honest. The US lies.
The Taliban require women to be educated. The US instead tries to condition people to be greedy.
The Taliban does demand modesty. The US blatantly tries to exploit sexuality in order to harm and manipulate.
Hmmm... thinking of joining?
LOL - the Chinese vaccine is shit.


How does the Sinovac vaccine work?​

The Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is behind the CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine.
It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.
By comparison the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines being developed in the West are mRNA vaccines. This means part of the coronavirus' genetic code is injected into the body, triggering the body to begin making viral proteins, but not the whole virus, which is enough to train the immune system to attack.
"CoronaVac is a more traditional method [of vaccine] that is successfully used in many well known vaccines like rabies," Associate Prof Luo Dahai of the Nanyang Technological University told the BBC.

"mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine and there is [currently] no successful example [of them] being used in the population," Prof Luo adds.
On paper, one of Sinovac's main advantages is that it can be stored in a standard refrigerator at 2-8 degrees Celsius, like the Oxford vaccine, which is made from a genetically engineered virus that causes the common cold in chimpanzees.
Moderna's vaccine needs to be stored at -20C and Pfizer's vaccine at -70C.
It means that both Sinovac and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine are a lot more useful to developing countries which might not be able to store large amounts of vaccine at such low temperatures.

How effective is it?​

It's hard to say at this point in time.
One Chinese study published in scientific journal The Lancet, only has information from the first and second phase trials of CoronaVac in China.

Zhu Fengcai, one of the paper's authors, said those results - based on 144 participants in the phase one trial and 600 in the phase two trial - meant the vaccine was "suitable for emergency use".
CoronaVac has been undergoing phase three trials in various countries. Interim data from late-stage trials in Turkey and Indonesia showed that the vaccine was 91.25% and 65.3% effective respectively.

There is no safer vaccine than the Chinese one, and far more practical since it needs no refrigeration.
Hmmm... thinking of joining?

Back in 1979, when the CIA was recruiting, it was tempting.
They were offering a lot of money.
But Islam is too strict for me, even though it is a lot less strict than Judaism it came from.
We can't help it. At least we are vaccinated and not dying when we get it. You are. And I love it.
Famous last words, ladies and gentlemen. When this vaccinated idiot runs into ANY wild coronavirus in the next few months, they'll be singing a different tune. Let's all remember how evil and hateful this poster is being right now, when they come back after getting their next cold.

If they come back.

That's just it. You are so glad that the unvaccinated are dying that you don't care that the vaccinated spread the virus not only to themselves but to young children, killing both the vaccinated and the young children. That is a disgusting attitude. Why are you ok with the vaccinated killing people?
Vaccinated people aren't dying. And I believe unvaccinated people are spreading the Delta too.

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