7 Big Biden Lies of 2022


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Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL

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7 Big Biden Lies of 2022

Spencer Brown | December 24, 2022 3:00 PM
As 2022 and President Biden's first full calendar year in office comes to an end, the White House has been trying to frame his year as one of significant accomplishments and lots of "building back better." But Americans — dealing with negative wage growth of more than three percent, struggling to make ends meet while living paycheck-to-paycheck, staring down a crime crisis in their neighborhoods, and watching fentanyl ravage their communities — know the opposite to be true.
In no particular order, here are seven of President Biden's biggest or most unforgivable whoppers of 2022.

1. "The economy is strong as hell"
2. I "signed a law" to cancel student loan debt that passed "by a vote or two"
3. "Jim Crow 2.0"
4. "No national plan to get Americans vaccinated"

5. "You couldn't buy a cannon"
6. Basically his whole resume
7. The border is "secure"

Each lie listed above is expanded upon in the article.

Did TOWNHALL miss your favorite or are you going to disprove one of these with your wisdom, reliable source, and working link?


GDP looks good in the first year (2021). That big deep is present from Trump in 2020. Still the US has the COVID issues that started under Trump and Biden stuck with dealing with it and it can affect the economy.

Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), GDP by Industry, and Corporate Profits (Revised), Third Quarter 2022. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the third quarter of 2022, in contrast to a decrease of 0.6 percent in the second quarter.

2nd point he did misspoke as it was the Inflation Reduction Act that he should have said and it did pass by a few votes. The student loan thing was an executive action. Trump and many presidents have misspoken. Its not a crime.

Critics of Georgia’s new voting law, including President Joe Biden, said it amounts to “Jim Crow 2.0,” trying to limit voter participation for Black Americans.

So he expressed his opinion. The Supreme court will have the final say

FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Outlines Plan to Get Americans an Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Shot and Manage COVID-19 this Fall | The White House

They have been working on a plan for COVID 19 since Sept. when it was announced

The border is secure well It is secure as the border patrol is there. Obvious there is an immigration problem but it not like they are sneaking in or the border is not secure. They are presenting themselves at the border and asking for asylum. Do people sneak in probably but the border is secure argument used for the mass immigration is a false argument. Drug dealers have been smuggling for over many years even under Trump regime and other presidencies.
Here are some of the results of Biden's lies..

The Biden List as of 12/25/2022

These are not "talking points." These are a list of things which have
occurred or are taking place during the presidency of Joe Biden.

• Promised to "end fossil fuels"

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was in 2018

• Ended Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2

• The price of oil jumped up to $130 per barrel

• Drained US Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Begged Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• U.S. household wealth down $13.5 trillion in 2022 - Second fastest decline on record

• Average middle-class family came up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropped 6,700 points in only a year

• Stock market lost $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts lost $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rose by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.75%

• Home prices soared 43% in only two years and housing sales slumped

• Median asking rent prices rose 79.7% in only two years

• Grocery prices increased by 13.5% in only two years

• The price of electricity rose by 15.8% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• A broken election system corrupt with fraud, sometimes taking months to count

• Wholesale mailing of ballots, ballot drop boxes, and illegal ballot harvesting

• Used a complicit media to lie, distort facts, and disseminate disinformation

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burned down

• Thousands of small businesses destroyed in order to benefit mega-corporations

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• Allowed Communist China to operate "Police Stations" in American cities

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Vaccine mandates which caused deaths and debilitating health conditions

• Vaccine mandates which caused massive job losses for those who refused compliance

• A whole generation of kids physically and psychologically damaged by prison-style lockdowns

• Subjecting young girls to creepy boys posing as "transgenders" in girl's locker rooms

• Stealing women's ability to fairly compete by allowing transgender males in women's sports

• Subjecting children to pornographic "Drag shows" and grooming them to be sex objects

• The promotion of transgenserism in schools, resulting in the genital and fertility mutilation
of children and adolescents by unethical medical practices and Big Pharma.

• Mass shootings occurring sometimes three times a week

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 100,000 fentanyl deaths during Biden's first year of presidency

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• Encouraged illegals to "surge" across the border without reason for amnesty

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• Border Patrol arresting 98 who were on the terror watch list in 2022, 3X the last 5 years combined

• A President who wouldn't visit the border and said he had "More important things going on."

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• A weakened US military via destructive anti-white racism and transgender-promoting policies

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Traded an America-hating doper lesbian basketball player for a Russian terrorist arms dealer

• Iran and North Korea expanded their nuclear enrichment program

• China became more energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who fell off of a bicycle, fell up stairs, insulted
half the people in America, labeled people as "terrorists", divided the country, and tried to incite
a civil war.
1. "The economy is strong as hell"
Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the third quarter of 2022 (table 1), according to the "third" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Payrolls and wages blow past expectations, flying in the face of Fed rate hikes​

That's despite the Fed raising interest rates by 4%.
Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the third quarter of 2022 (table 1), according to the "third" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Payrolls and wages blow past expectations, flying in the face of Fed rate hikes​

That's despite the Fed raising interest rates by 4%.
The real loser is what is called the United States of America. It is now moving more and more into globalist control. This belief that the goal is nice and peaceful is not the reality. History teaches us this. And yet here we go into the breach again.
The real loser is what is called the United States of America. It is now moving more and more into globalist control. This belief that the goal is nice and peaceful is not the reality. History teaches us this. And yet here we go into the breach again.
How about making a New Year's resolution not to be such an ass clown in 2023? Someone who uses the word "globalist" any time he's incapable of speaking intelligently on a subject.
Here are some of the results of Biden's lies..

The Biden List as of 12/25/2022

These are not "talking points." These are a list of things which have
occurred or are taking place during the presidency of Joe Biden.

• Promised to "end fossil fuels"

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was in 2018

• Ended Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2

• The price of oil jumped up to $130 per barrel

• Drained US Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Begged Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• U.S. household wealth down $13.5 trillion in 2022 - Second fastest decline on record

• Average middle-class family came up about $6,000 short of purchasing power

• The DOW dropped 6,700 points in only a year

• Stock market lost $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts lost $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rose by 4.43% in only two years, to 7.75%

• Home prices soared 43% in only two years and housing sales slumped

• Median asking rent prices rose 79.7% in only two years

• Grocery prices increased by 13.5% in only two years

• The price of electricity rose by 15.8% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• A broken election system corrupt with fraud, sometimes taking months to count

• Wholesale mailing of ballots, ballot drop boxes, and illegal ballot harvesting

• Used a complicit media to lie, distort facts, and disseminate disinformation

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burned down

• Thousands of small businesses destroyed in order to benefit mega-corporations

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• Allowed Communist China to operate "Police Stations" in American cities

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Vaccine mandates which caused deaths and debilitating health conditions

• Vaccine mandates which caused massive job losses for those who refused compliance

• A whole generation of kids physically and psychologically damaged by prison-style lockdowns

• Subjecting young girls to creepy boys posing as "transgenders" in girl's locker rooms

• Stealing women's ability to fairly compete by allowing transgender males in women's sports

• Subjecting children to pornographic "Drag shows" and grooming them to be sex objects

• The promotion of transgenserism in schools, resulting in the genital and fertility mutilation
of children and adolescents by unethical medical practices and Big Pharma.

• Mass shootings occurring sometimes three times a week

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 100,000 fentanyl deaths during Biden's first year of presidency

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• Encouraged illegals to "surge" across the border without reason for amnesty

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• Border Patrol arresting 98 who were on the terror watch list in 2022, 3X the last 5 years combined

• A President who wouldn't visit the border and said he had "More important things going on."

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• A weakened US military via destructive anti-white racism and transgender-promoting policies

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Traded an America-hating doper lesbian basketball player for a Russian terrorist arms dealer

• Iran and North Korea expanded their nuclear enrichment program

• China became more energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who fell off of a bicycle, fell up stairs, insulted
half the people in America, labeled people as "terrorists", divided the country, and tried to incite
a civil war.

That's a lot of lies and ignorance.


GDP looks good in the first year (2021). That big deep is present from Trump in 2020. Still the US has the COVID issues that started under Trump and Biden stuck with dealing with it and it can affect the economy.

Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), GDP by Industry, and Corporate Profits (Revised), Third Quarter 2022. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the third quarter of 2022, in contrast to a decrease of 0.6 percent in the second quarter.

2nd point he did misspoke as it was the Inflation Reduction Act that he should have said and it did pass by a few votes. The student loan thing was an executive action. Trump and many presidents have misspoken. Its not a crime.

Critics of Georgia’s new voting law, including President Joe Biden, said it amounts to “Jim Crow 2.0,” trying to limit voter participation for Black Americans.

So he expressed his opinion. The Supreme court will have the final say

FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Outlines Plan to Get Americans an Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Shot and Manage COVID-19 this Fall | The White House

They have been working on a plan for COVID 19 since Sept. when it was announced

The border is secure well It is secure as the border patrol is there. Obvious there is an immigration problem but it not like they are sneaking in or the border is not secure. They are presenting themselves at the border and asking for asylum. Do people sneak in probably but the border is secure argument used for the mass immigration is a false argument. Drug dealers have been smuggling for over many years even under Trump regime and other presidencies.
You do know that the last election cycle saw record voter turn out in Georgia ? Anyone that claims that voter laws restrict voting is full of shit and should be called out for it.
You do know that the last election cycle saw record voter turn out in Georgia ? Anyone that claims that voter laws restrict voting is full of shit and should be called out for it.

Same thing in 2020. Turn out has been record breaking.
You do know that the last election cycle saw record voter turn out in Georgia ? Anyone that claims that voter laws restrict voting is full of shit and should be called out for it.
Anyone who claims GA voting laws are not an attempt to suppress the votes of targeted demographic groups is full of shit and should be called out for it.

Anyone who claims GA voting laws are not an attempt to suppress the votes of targeted demographic groups is full of shit and should be called out for it.

Democracy Docket is a biased Democratic party group. I'll stick with the fact that Georgia saw record voter turn out.

Democracy Docket is a biased Democratic party group. I'll stick with the fact that Georgia saw record voter turn out.

Georgia has reduced drop off for ballots and won't allow the distribution of water.
The real loser is what is called the United States of America. It is now moving more and more into globalist control. This belief that the goal is nice and peaceful is not the reality. History teaches us this. And yet here we go into the breach again.

Bullshit. Globalism is on the wane because the pandemic has revealed some simple basic flaws in the plan. If you off-shore your manufacturing to China and there's a pandemic in China shutting down production, you're going to have supply chain problems.

Countries are bringing their manufacturing back home, as a result.

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