6 years of Barrack Hussein Obama and it ain't purty

Destruction of the family
Gays marriage in most states
Men are being thrown out of their families
Race relations set back 40 years
Truth and evidence be damned!
Ebola and old diseases coming into our country
Middle east burning

Obama praising thugs
If I had to choose the single worst element of Regime Obama it'd be the former Justice Department. It, under Obama's affirmative action choice of a leader, has made a total mockery of the word "justice".
Oh my, things are so fucking bad. Market at 17,000+, unemployment at 6%-.
Destruction of the family? By whom?

Gay marriage in most states. And? Doesn't matter to me, I don't plan to marry any of them.

Men are being thrown out of their families? Maybe if they got a job, that might not be the case.

Race relations set back 40 years? As in them thar damned darkies actually think that they are also people?

Truth and evidence be damned? Boy, and how. The GOP has all the truth and evidence on global warming, correct?

Ebola and old diseases coming into our country? One death, and others cured. Real silly to diseases are political. Kind of like all them thar commie glaciers melting.

Middle east burning. Been the case the whole of my life.

Well, yes, let us go back to those glorious GOP days of 500,000 a month being thrown out of work. Of the market dropping to 6550. Of foreclosures throwing former middle class earners into the street. Oh, yes, those were the days, my freind.

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