6 Right Wing claims about a second Obama term


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war
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So a judge in Lubbock TX and Herman Cain represent "the right wing"? Rly?

As for claims, that there is "taxmageddon" coming in January is not a claim. It is reality.
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war

1. "ABC News reports on a "hot mic" moment between President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:

At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.

The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
The dirty little secret about second-term presidents | Daniel W. Drezner

2. It’s helpful to have a vivid illustration of this, but is there anyone who thinks Obama, should he get a second term, wouldn’t run wild with policies and positions that the majority of the electorate oppose? Otherwise, he’d roll them out now, of course....

Elections are taken as mandates by elected officials and the media (even if the message is less clear than the winner would have us believe).

In sum, the election is not simply a referendum on President Obama’s actions to date; it’s essentially a blank check for the president’s second term. Romney should be asking wary independent and moderates: Is there a scintilla of a chance that Obama would be less liberal in a second term?"
Imagine Obama with no electoral restraints - Right Turn - The Washington Post

3. "Of the 15 previous presidents who have been elected and then re-elected, not one had a more successful second term than his first, according to presidential historian Robert Dallek. For seven, the second term was catastrophic: Felled by assassination or illness, or mired in corruption and controversy."
USATODAY.com - History not kind to presidents during second term
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war

1. "ABC News reports on a "hot mic" moment between President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:

At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.

The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
The dirty little secret about second-term presidents | Daniel W. Drezner

2. It’s helpful to have a vivid illustration of this, but is there anyone who thinks Obama, should he get a second term, wouldn’t run wild with policies and positions that the majority of the electorate oppose? Otherwise, he’d roll them out now, of course....

Elections are taken as mandates by elected officials and the media (even if the message is less clear than the winner would have us believe).

In sum, the election is not simply a referendum on President Obama’s actions to date; it’s essentially a blank check for the president’s second term. Romney should be asking wary independent and moderates: Is there a scintilla of a chance that Obama would be less liberal in a second term?"
Imagine Obama with no electoral restraints - Right Turn - The Washington Post

3. "Of the 15 previous presidents who have been elected and then re-elected, not one had a more successful second term than his first, according to presidential historian Robert Dallek. For seven, the second term was catastrophic: Felled by assassination or illness, or mired in corruption and controversy."
USATODAY.com - History not kind to presidents during second term

The president recognizes the political ramifications of dealing with weapons reduction during an election year

Is that news to you?
Obama ran operation Fast And Furious through the DOJ to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

You Lefties talk about a second term when Obama really should be impeached.

If you cared about the Constitution you'd want him out too. But you don't.
Obama ran operation Fast And Furious through the DOJ to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

You Lefties talk about a second term when Obama really should be impeached.

If you cared about the Constitution you'd want him out too. But you don't.

Do you have a link to that? The Congressional investigation couldn't find one
The 3,000 page mess called the health care law that democrats didn't even read before they authorized it amounts to taxes and regulations that will really hurt small businesses.

A CEO, a liberal and a conservative enter a room. There are ten cookies on the table. The CEO is responsible for making them while the liberal wants to create a new government agency that regulates the sale and taxation of the cookies. The conservative and the CEO walk away while the cookies get stale and the liberal tells the media how wonderful the new cookie agency will be.
Obama ran operation Fast And Furious through the DOJ to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

You Lefties talk about a second term when Obama really should be impeached.

If you cared about the Constitution you'd want him out too. But you don't.

Do you have a link to that? The Congressional investigation couldn't find one
The House is suing Obama and Holder to comply with Congressional Subpoenas on Fast and Furious:
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The 3,000 page mess called the health care law that democrats didn't even read before they authorized it amounts to taxes and regulations that will really hurt small businesses.
They didn't read it because it was just a giant gift to those who did: The Insurance Industry.
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February
Fast and the furious

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

Unless it has dog on it


4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world
Causing a division between it's citizens is weakening America.

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

He'll tell them they can't do that and they will stop, just wait and see.

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war
He's a self-proclaimed citizen of the world.
Obama ran operation Fast And Furious through the DOJ to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

You Lefties talk about a second term when Obama really should be impeached.

If you cared about the Constitution you'd want him out too. But you don't.

Do you have a link to that? The Congressional investigation couldn't find one
Been living in a cave or are you just in denial? The House is suing Obama and Holder to comply with Congressional Subpoenas on Fast and Furious:
GOP sues to force Obama, Holder compliance on Fast and Furious - Washington Times

None of it has any linkage to undermining the second amendment

More rightwing propaganda focused on gun nuts and paranoids
Do you have a link to that? The Congressional investigation couldn't find one
Been living in a cave or are you just in denial? The House is suing Obama and Holder to comply with Congressional Subpoenas on Fast and Furious:
GOP sues to force Obama, Holder compliance on Fast and Furious - Washington Times

None of it has any linkage to undermining the second amendment

More rightwing propaganda focused on gun nuts and paranoids

Democrats must always create a crisis to get support for their agenda.
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war

1. "ABC News reports on a "hot mic" moment between President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:

At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.

The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
The dirty little secret about second-term presidents | Daniel W. Drezner

2. It’s helpful to have a vivid illustration of this, but is there anyone who thinks Obama, should he get a second term, wouldn’t run wild with policies and positions that the majority of the electorate oppose? Otherwise, he’d roll them out now, of course....

Elections are taken as mandates by elected officials and the media (even if the message is less clear than the winner would have us believe).

In sum, the election is not simply a referendum on President Obama’s actions to date; it’s essentially a blank check for the president’s second term. Romney should be asking wary independent and moderates: Is there a scintilla of a chance that Obama would be less liberal in a second term?"
Imagine Obama with no electoral restraints - Right Turn - The Washington Post

3. "Of the 15 previous presidents who have been elected and then re-elected, not one had a more successful second term than his first, according to presidential historian Robert Dallek. For seven, the second term was catastrophic: Felled by assassination or illness, or mired in corruption and controversy."
USATODAY.com - History not kind to presidents during second term

The president recognizes the political ramifications of dealing with weapons reduction during an election year

Is that news to you?

"policies and positions that the majority of the electorate oppose"
Been living in a cave or are you just in denial? The House is suing Obama and Holder to comply with Congressional Subpoenas on Fast and Furious:
GOP sues to force Obama, Holder compliance on Fast and Furious - Washington Times

None of it has any linkage to undermining the second amendment

More rightwing propaganda focused on gun nuts and paranoids

Democrats must always create a crisis to get support for their agenda.

You mean like the crisis of illegal voters?
None of it has any linkage to undermining the second amendment

More rightwing propaganda focused on gun nuts and paranoids

Democrats must always create a crisis to get support for their agenda.

You mean like the crisis of illegal voters?

Still waiting


Fast and the furious

Unless it has dog on it


Causing a division between it's citizens is weakening America.

He'll tell them they can't do that and they will stop, just wait and see.

He's a self-proclaimed citizen of the world.

There was never any doubt that bigreb subscribes to all this shit

You did not have to verify for us

Is that the best you can come up with?
6 right-wing claims about a second Obama term - The Week

Most we have heard right here.....

1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."

2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war

5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons

I don't have any doubt in my mind that he will allow Iran to have multiple nukes.
And his argument will be to allow a balance of power with Israel for whom he doesn't value as a true ally any longer.
1. Obama will jack up taxes and over-regulate
Among the "disasters" awaiting America if we re-elect Obama: "Job creators will face massive tax increases" at the same time that "more Americans will come off the tax rolls," says Marc Thiessen at the American Enterprise Institute. Obama will also "finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands" and "unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business."
Currently in work and taxes are going to raise. What is incorrect with this claim?
2. He'll outlaw gun ownership
Obama didn't do much regarding gun control in his first term — he's "been so respectful of Second Amendment rights that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave him an 'F,'" notes the Chicago Tribune's Chapman — but that's "just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February

Some people are reactionary and most of them are loud. What can I say. Shultz claims if Romney wins there will never be a Democratic President ever again. Apparently he thinks that Romney is running to establish a dictatorship.

Panicky Ed Schultz Predicts: If Romney Wins, There'll 'Never Be a Democratic President Again' | NewsBusters.org

It’s from the NRA anyway. How are they supposed to stay politically relevant if they don’t have anyone to fight? Gun rights won. The NRA is still reeling from the shock that they really don’t have a fight anymore.

3. And he'll ban pizza
TIME recently asked former Republican presidential candidate and ex-Godfather's Pizza boss Herman Cain if it's "worse to imagine a world without pizza or one in which Obama gets a second term." A second Obama term would be worse, Cain replied, "because with Obama in a second term, there will be no pizza.

That’s an outright lie. Nice try but if you can’t understand what Cain was getting at I am not sure if I can help you.

4. Obama will deliberately weaken the U.S.
D'Souza's basic premise is that Obama is channeling the "anti-colonial" dreams of his "philandering, inebriated African socialist" father, says the Philadelphia Inquirer's Rea. According to D'Souza's film, that translates into sitting back and letting "the nations of the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, and Iran, band into 'the United States of Islam,' threatening the security of the United States and the world

See #2. Another person that has no claim over anything or represent anything. Also another person that has an active interest (his film) in creating controversy. He is as valid as Rush, Hannity, Norman Goldman or Shultz.
5. He'll let Iran go nuclear
Unless the U.S. attacks Iran in the next four years — and that's unlikely under Obama — "Iran will enrich enough uranium for multiple nuclear weapons
That is likely true. Where is the controversy there. If Mitt wins, the same thing is going to happen.
6. Obama will let the U.N. take over the U.S.
Tom Head, a judge in Lubbock, Texas, raised plenty of eyebrows in August when he told a local CNN affiliate that if given a second term, Obama will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations," sparking "civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war
There are cases of this taken out of context but I have no idea who this random judge is nor how he, a judge, speaks for the right. Do you know what it means to be a judge?

How is this not a Troll thread? Telling another side what they think then attacking it is the most basic form of Trolling there is...
It is a troll thread and all here know this. The MODS are pulling back on removing entire threads though if they are not overtly hostile. There are several threads in this category here atm.
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Reminder: This is the CDZ. No Trolling. No Put Downs. No Flames. Civil Discourse.

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