6,000 Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens Gather Under an International Bridge in Del Rio Waiting to Be Released Inside US

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

6,000 Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens Gather Under an International Bridge in Del Rio Waiting to Be Released Inside US​

16 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
It’s not about science. It’s about control.
Last month over 200,000 illegal aliens from all over the world were apprehended at the open US southern border.

Those illegals were checked in and then released into communities all over the United States.
They were not tested and not vaccinated for the coronavirus.

There are now 6,000 illegals waiting under an international bridge in Del Rio.

But American voters are required to get the questionable covid vaccines.

This is not about science.

The imposter in the White House is angry at Americans who haven’t been vaxxed. He is hoping to get them fired and blocked from participating in every aspect of life. He is blaming millions of deaths on them.
He is bringing in “migrants” who haven’t been vaxxed. He is bringing in “Refugees” and is going to distribute them among the various states.
Any death caused by the “migrants” or “Refugees” will be attributed to Whitey.
Conclusion: Bai Dung is actively helping to implement the “great replacement” or the “fundamental transformation” of America. I.E., eliminate Whitey after taking all his money.
Bai Dung has created the largest Super Spreader of Covid-19 in the history of America and for that matter the world. Even the most ignorant of people know that you have to close the borders to keep the unvaccinated from contaminating those vulnerable.
It's called the "Fundamental Transformation of America".. Now remember who said that and who's goal it was... hint: he's still in charge and controlling the senile idiot pretending to be the president.
Regrettably this will only get worse under the tyranny of this administration and senile puppet unless we stop it in it's tracks.
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