51 Documents: Hitler's Zionist Helpers

Israel exists.

A human has skin. It exists and lives. Israel has borders and militarily can protect those borders. Yes, if your Palestinians wish to start another fight over those borders that they disagree with, then let them come.

Hopefully this time they will have taken in to consideration the possibility of losing, again...

The Palestinians wish that Israel be non-existent because they wish it not to be so and they desire to "make it not so". This comes from their indoctrination from the cradle. Sadly, they continue to gain NOTHING. Sixty years of nothing when they could have had a sixty year old sovereign country.

They said no because they wanted it all. Now they have even less but they, as unrealistic children still want it all. They can not see the reality of a sovereign state and one that is accepted by the entire civilized world. The United States, Russia, China, America, France, Britain, Italy, etc. etc. etc. etc. You of small minded Arab thinking will continue to reap that which they sow. They sow terra and reap deaths of one hundred to one. The larger number will increase. This happens when a mindless fuel attacks on that they know will beat them and see winning as merely surviving. A truly pitiful backwards looking people who kill so much more of their own than anyone else. Killing their own!

No, they want it all! Not ninety nine percent of the middle east. They want it all! Palestine was administered by Great Britain under the Mandate until forty six when Trans Jordan was granted independence. In one fell swoop, sovereignty in seventy six percent of Palestine had been awarded to the Arab. Israel was created by the United Nations by vote. The British Mandate had already been dissolved.

The British Mandate CREATED Jordan with almost eighty percent of the land called Palestine. Why was an "Arab Dynasty" given almost the entirety of the "Palestinian" land? Should it be taken back PF? On November forty seven the United Nations recommended that both a Jewish State and an Arab State be created in the remainder of the Mandated territory west of the Jordan River, and that Jerusalem be internationalized. Even though this was dramatically favorable to the Arab, the Jews accepted the proposal. The Arab rejected it as they wanted it all. They still do.
Shot in the back

"After she was shot in the back outside her Gaza home, it took three hours for medical help to reach the captivatingly pretty child.

"Her uncle, Hassan Abedrabo, said that Samer was hit by an Israeli bullet which damaged her spinal cord and has left her paralysed.

"Her two sisters, aged two and six, were shot dead in the same close-range attack as they tried to escape from tanks bombarding their home in Jabaliya, north of Gaza City.

"The girls' mother was hit twice but survived; Mr Abedrabo said that their grandmother, waving a white flag at the front of the terrified family procession, lost an arm to another bullet.

"Samer has now been transferred to a Belgian hospital but the Egyptian doctors who treated her in El-Arish believe she will never walk again.

"If she is too young to grasp what her future now holds, Samer thinks she knows what happened to her. 'The Jewish shot me,' she said in Arabic. 'And they killed my little sister.'"

Bullets in the brain...
Israel exists.

A human has skin. It exists and lives. Israel has borders and militarily can protect those borders. Yes, if your Palestinians wish to start another fight over those borders that they disagree with, then let them come.

Hopefully this time they will have taken in to consideration the possibility of losing, again...

The Palestinians wish that Israel be non-existent because they wish it not to be so and they desire to "make it not so". This comes from their indoctrination from the cradle. Sadly, they continue to gain NOTHING. Sixty years of nothing when they could have had a sixty year old sovereign country.

They said no because they wanted it all. Now they have even less but they, as unrealistic children still want it all. They can not see the reality of a sovereign state and one that is accepted by the entire civilized world. The United States, Russia, China, America, France, Britain, Italy, etc. etc. etc. etc. You of small minded Arab thinking will continue to reap that which they sow. They sow terra and reap deaths of one hundred to one. The larger number will increase. This happens when a mindless fuel attacks on that they know will beat them and see winning as merely surviving. A truly pitiful backwards looking people who kill so much more of their own than anyone else. Killing their own!

No, they want it all! Not ninety nine percent of the middle east. They want it all! Palestine was administered by Great Britain under the Mandate until forty six when Trans Jordan was granted independence. In one fell swoop, sovereignty in seventy six percent of Palestine had been awarded to the Arab. Israel was created by the United Nations by vote. The British Mandate had already been dissolved.

The British Mandate CREATED Jordan with almost eighty percent of the land called Palestine. Why was an "Arab Dynasty" given almost the entirety of the "Palestinian" land? Should it be taken back PF? On November forty seven the United Nations recommended that both a Jewish State and an Arab State be created in the remainder of the Mandated territory west of the Jordan River, and that Jerusalem be internationalized. Even though this was dramatically favorable to the Arab, the Jews accepted the proposal. The Arab rejected it as they wanted it all. They still do.

The Palestinians have not lost the war with Israel. That is why Israel has no land and has no borders.

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