5 Star Review: Hacksaw

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
If you have not seen Hacksaw Ridge you can rent it at Redbox and view it at home. Best war movie I've ever seen. No cussing (to best of my recollection) , not once did they take the Lord's name in vain. Hallelujah!

Based on a true story and this time it really is BASED ON A TRUE STORY. Outstanding acting by Andrew Garfield and Vince Vaughn, everyone. Great acting, great story, great movie!

I love a great hero story!

Here is a trailer for Hacksaw Ridge:

I saw it this very evening! Very good. But then everything Mel Gibson does is good!
I saw it this very evening! Very good. But then everything Mel Gibson does is good!

I especially liked the two-hour torture fest of Jesus he did a few years back.
I refused to see that movie. I remember when it first came out and many of my Jewish friends were greatly offended by the way Gibson did that film and they felt he was an anti-Semite. I had no knowledge of what Mel Gibson's personal beliefs were and couldn't say as I never saw the film. One thing that disturbed me is that many people said that the movie was the catalyst in their really getting serious in their walk with Jesus Christ. Not long after the movie had come and gone those very same people were as lukewarm as they had been before the movie. A movie isn't what causes someone to fully commit to Jesus Christ. It's a decision based on that fact that Jesus Christ is not only our Savior but our LORD and if He is our LORD then we need to obey Him and keep His commandments.

NOTE - Not long after my Jewish friends told me that Gibson was an anti-Semite I read an news article that Gibson was arrested for Drunk Driving and has used vulgar language against the Jews proving my friends were right after all. The truth always comes out eventually.
I saw it this very evening! Very good. But then everything Mel Gibson does is good!

I especially liked the two-hour torture fest of Jesus he did a few years back.
I refused to see that movie. I remember when it first came out and many of my Jewish friends were greatly offended by the way Gibson did that film and they felt he was an anti-Semite. I had no knowledge of what Mel Gibson's personal beliefs were and couldn't say as I never saw the film. One thing that disturbed me is that many people said that the movie was the catalyst in their really getting serious in their walk with Jesus Christ. Not long after the movie had come and gone those very same people were as lukewarm as they had been before the movie. A movie isn't what causes someone to fully commit to Jesus Christ. It's a decision based on that fact that Jesus Christ is not only our Savior but our LORD and if He is our LORD then we need to obey Him and keep His commandments.
Like I said, I didn't watch the film. I know what happened at Calvary. I read my KJV Bible. I have yet to find Hollywood ever getting it right when making a biblical subject film. They didn't get it right with Moses, Jeremiah, King David or Esther so why would they get it right now? Short answer. They wouldn't. They use dialogue that is never found and often contrary to Scripture. They add to the Word of God, take away from the Word of God and change the Word of God which is forbidden and they won't be getting a pass on Judgment day by saying it was "Just a Movie."

On the other hand, the film Hacksaw Ridge is based on a true story and I found it to be very well done.
Like I said, I didn't watch the film. I know what happened at Calvary. I read my KJV Bible. I have yet to find Hollywood ever getting it right when making a biblical subject film. They didn't get it right with Moses, Jeremiah, King David or Esther so why would they get it right now? Short answer. They wouldn't. They use dialogue that is never found and often contrary to Scripture. They add to the Word of God, take away from the Word of God and change the Word of God which is forbidden and they won't be getting a pass on Judgment day by saying it was "Just a Movie."

On the other hand, the film Hacksaw Ridge is based on a true story and I found it to be very well done.

I did watch the passion of the Christ. The language in the film Iirc was Aramaic sp? The film left me numb! It was stunning.
I hear he was the Director. I haven't watched many of his films.

He did a couple of cameos in this one.
I missed that.

Remember when Doss kicked the grenade and was being carried on the stretcher? It was Gibson leaning over shouting that they were going to get him out of there!
Oh my gosh! I think I do recall seeing Gibson's face now that you mention it. Very interesting! You really were paying attention! It was an outstanding movie. I saw God's hand in protecting Doss's life and using him to save the lives of the other men so clearly. Each time that he asked God to use him to save one more life, God answered and his angels kept him protected while he did it! Truly this is a very clear picture of how God keeps us in the midst of great danger. Doss's close relationship to God sustained him and gave him that confidence to know it was God who would protect him. The military attributed it to bravery but the scriptures tell us that the righteous are as bold as a lion. Fearless because we know who it is who has our backs.

If I didn't have full confidence in my God and His ability I would never have the boldness He has instilled in me. I've seen Him do so many things on my behalf that I believe it would be impossible for me NOT TO TRUST God. He's made Himself known to me as faithful, true, just and One who Always keeps His Word and has never let me down. What friend do I have beside Jesus Christ that I could say that about? No one.

The faith Doss lived was truly a light in a dark place for those about him. Even for the Japanese soldiers he attempted to save.
I hear he was the Director. I haven't watched many of his films.

He did a couple of cameos in this one.
I missed that.

Remember when Doss kicked the grenade and was being carried on the stretcher? It was Gibson leaning over shouting that they were going to get him out of there!
Oh my gosh! I think I do recall seeing Gibson's face now that you mention it. Very interesting! You really were paying attention! It was an outstanding movie. I saw God's hand in protecting Doss's life and using him to save the lives of the other men so clearly. Each time that he asked God to use him to save one more life, God answered and his angels kept him protected while he did it! Truly this is a very clear picture of how God keeps us in the midst of great danger. Doss's close relationship to God sustained him and gave him that confidence to know it was God who would protect him. The military attributed it to bravery but the scriptures tell us that the righteous are as bold as a lion. Fearless because we know who it is who has our backs.

If I didn't have full confidence in my God and His ability I would never have the boldness He has instilled in me. I've seen Him do so many things on my behalf that I believe it would be impossible for me NOT TO TRUST God. He's made Himself known to me as faithful, true, just and One who Always keeps His Word and has never let me down. What friend do I have beside Jesus Christ that I could say that about? No one.

The faith Doss lived was truly a light in a dark place for those about him. Even for the Japanese soldiers he attempted to save.

I would challenge that, although I respect you as a believer. I do not believe a just God would allow those other guys to die such horrible deaths and show favor on Doss.
If a man rejects Jesus Christ and decides he'd rather be the devil's child, whose responsibility is it to protect him on the battlefield? God's or the Devil's? You see, the man who rejects God is a fool because the Devil is not going to save his life when he is on the battlefield and yet some men do not want to have anything to do with God. They prefer to be on their own god and God permits them to make that choice according to their own free will. With that said, God knows the end from the beginning and He knows who will come to Him later - so he saves their life by many different means including using someone like Doss.

As for the protection of God on Doss. Did God put it upon the young man's heart to join the military and serve his country? Yes. Did God allow his faith to be tested and to be willing to suffer for his faith? Yes. Was God in the midst of making the life of Doss a testimony for those who were with him? Yes. Did God arrange for him to be the last man up there? Yes. Does God hear the prayers of his own children? Yes. What did Doss ask God? Give me one more. Let me save one more life. He saved many lives that night but keep in mind that Doss's life was never on the table. Had Satan petitioned to take Doss's life God would have told him no, I sent him up there and he is on an assignment for me. YOU CAN'T TAKE HIS LIFE. I've got precedent for it. Read the Book of Job. Another example is King David. God would not permit Saul to take the life of David. God didn't permit David to be killed by his enemies and David's gratitude for God's divine protection is throughout the Book of Psalms. Does God protect His Servants? Of course he does.
Hacksaw ridge was o.k. but it wasn't that good. It wasn't Gibson's best film by a long shot. Waiting to see it through Redbox or on cable is a good idea...not worth the extra money.
If you have not seen Hacksaw Ridge you can rent it at Redbox and view it at home. Best war movie I've ever seen. No cussing (to best of my recollection) , not once did they take the Lord's name in vain. Hallelujah!

Based on a true story and this time it really is BASED ON A TRUE STORY. Outstanding acting by Andrew Garfield and Vince Vaughn, everyone. Great acting, great story, great movie!

I love a great hero story!

Here is a trailer for Hacksaw Ridge:

By FAR the most violent and gory film I have EVER seen. Stomach turning at many points. While I liked the story, it really was over the top.

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