4th Circuit Court Deals Blow Against Americans Victimized By Illegal Govt hacking


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A federal court ruled 2-1 last week against allowing Sharyl Attkisson to revive her suit over the Obama administration’s alleged efforts to hack her personal devices. The ruling spells doom for Americans victimized by government hackers in the future.

The ruling from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s dismissal of her case against President’s Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, “six unknown agents” and others. Forensic investigators working for Attkisson — a former reporter for CBS — found that proprietary government software was used to hack her home and business computers, but the court denied her any right to pursue further evidence.

The case represents a serious blow to the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees our right to be secure in our “papers and effects.”

The dissenting judge ... said the government now has a “play book” for hiding evidence when it uses clandestine methods to hack the computers of Americans. The dissent even called the government’s self-serving actions creating the obstruction “Kafkaesque.”

[FITZGIBBONS: Will Trump’s DOJ Do Anything About The Obama-Era Hacking Of Sharyl Attkisson?]

During Obama's administration he and his proven criminal Law Enforcement And Intel Collection Agencies, as well as the IRS, targeted and illegally spied on US Citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices. (The IRS was illegally used as a weapon to target US Citizens who were legally opposing President Obama's re-election.)

Sharyl Attkisson was a reporter working for CBS, specifically on a story regarding all of President Obama's scandals. In 2012, US AG Holder (the only US Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured for Perjury in an attempt to cover up the Obama Fast and Furious Scandal) reportedly attempted to intimidate CBS into silencing her. As mentioned above, forensic evidence proved the Obama administration hacked her personal / home and business computers, going through her files to see what information she had collected on Obama scandals, especially on the Benghazi scandal in 2012.

Attkisson's case is sadly and disturbingly only one of many illegal violations of both law and the Constitution by his 'rogue' agencies, like the CIA. Former CIA Director Brennan testified before Congress, for example that he and his CIA had not illegally spied on American citizens and had NOT illegally spied on the US senate. Not long after this evidence came out exposing Brennan had perjured himself and that the CIA had indeed been illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, and especially the US Senate.

In another brazen display of 'UN-Equal Justice' in America, the Democrats cut a deal with the GOP to prevent Brennan from being indicted and going to jail. For his betrayal of the American people's trust and his violations of both Constitution and Law Brennan was forced to APPEAR BEFORE CONGRESS AND ADMIT HE HAD ILLEGALLY SPIED ON THE US SENATE. That was it!

Brennan's unrepentant and unpunished crime demonstrates exactly why the Trump administration MUST investigate the crimes committed by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI in regards to their exposed coup attempt against President Trump and why the criminals MUST be held accountable!

-- Brennan got away with multiple counts of illegal spying on Americans, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices during the Obama administration - he was protected from indictment for his crimes. AND WHAT HAPPENED? Brennan was caught committing Felony Perjury AGAIN before Congress when he claimed he knew nothing about the Dossier, only to have evidence - Congressional Logs - show Brennan briefed Congress on the Dossier, a briefing in which he presented information from the Dossier he knew was unreliable as Legitimate Intel to con Congress into opening an investigation of Trump regarding non-existent 'Russian Collusion'! BRENNAN PROVED IF CRIMINALS ARE NOT PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES THEY WILL COMMIT THEM AGAIN!

Unfortunately, the 4th Circuit Court just ensured American citizens will have no option to hold the federal government accountable for spying on them / violating their Constitutional Rights again in the future, as it has in the past. As the dissenting Judge stated, "the government now has a “play book” for hiding evidence when it uses clandestine methods to hack the computers of Americans".
Everyone of these Obama crooks need to be perp walked and it looks like it may happen.

Trump in response to a question yesterday declined to implicate Obama directly but told the reported "I think you know the answer" When asked if he thought the conspiracy to frame him went all the way up to the White House.
The 4th Circuit is well-known to acquiesce to law enforcement, especially federal law enforcement.

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