40% of voters "uncommitted" in Arkansas andKentucky Dem Primary


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is wild. Many of us have believed Obama's internal numbers are frightening and now this is really playing out in the primaries.

It appears we have a trend, ladies and gentlemen. Significant numbers of Democratic voters in several states have now voted their displeasure against the extreme liberalism of the Obama Administration.

The president faced another embarrassment Tuesday night as over 40 percent of Democratic primary voters in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas voted against Barack Obama. The two states joined West Virginia where 43 percent of Democrats voted in favor of an imprisoned Texas felon over the imperious chief executive:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias
And we must not forget that a convicted felon took 43% of the vote in West Virginia.

Obama "The Great" is vulnerable. This time he is human. He and his administration and his policies have failed and the American public get it.

YAY! It's going to be a good day fellow conservative campers!
[News the LeftMedia will not report on. Most of the states Barry is having his troubles in are either the Bible Belt states or some of the states of the Old Confederacy. That Barry is still just so cool in the states where anal fornication is all the rage. No big deal for the Democrats. A shortage of KY Jelly would be another matter. ]

"Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama?

Democrats across the country are expressing revulsion at the prospect of Barack Obama continuing to lead their party.

Arkansas and Kentucky held primaries today. The Democrat establishment was worried about Arkansas, because polls suggested that a flake named John Wolfe was running uncomfortably close to the president. As of 11:32 p.m., with 71% of the vote counted, it appears clear that Obama has won, but by an embarrassingly narrow margin of 59-41. And Wolfe was a candidate with little name recognition, no resources, and no credibility.

In Kentucky, something similar happened. Kentucky was arguably worse for Obama than Arkansas, since he had no opponent. Still, the ballot gave the voter the alternative of selecting “uncommitted” instead of “President Obama.” That was enough for Kentucky Democrats: 42% of them voted “uncommitted,” compared with 58% who voted for Obama.

So far, Obama has had weak showings in Louisiana (76-24) and North Carolina (79-21), and squeakers in Oklahoma (57-43), West Virginia (59-41), Arkansas (59-41) and Kentucky (58-42). And Barack Obama had no credible opposition in any of these races. In some instances, his only opponent was an incarcerated felon! It appears obvious that many Democrats are trying to convey a message that the liberal media is unwilling to hear. In 1968, when Senator Eugene McCarthy won 42% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary against Lyndon Johnson’s 49%, it was enough to force Johnson out of the presidency. Moreover, McCarthy was a credible candidate–a sitting U.S. Senator who was the subject of a nationwide movement to put “Clean Gene” in the White House. How can Obama’s struggles in this year’s primaries not be a news story of at least equal magnitude to the New Hampshire primary that drove Lyndon Johnson from the presidency?"

Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama? | Power Line
And we must not forget that a convicted felon took 43% of the vote in West Virginia.

Obama "The Great" is vulnerable. This time he is human. He and his administration and his policies have failed and the American public get it.

YAY! It's going to be a good day fellow conservative campers!

Nearly losing to a no-name convicted felon looks pretty bad. This election is ABO.
[News the LeftMedia will not report on. Most of the states Barry is having his troubles in are either the Bible Belt states or some of the states of the Old Confederacy. That Barry is still just so cool in the states where anal fornication is all the rage. No big deal for the Democrats. A shortage of KY Jelly would be another matter. ]

"Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama?

Democrats across the country are expressing revulsion at the prospect of Barack Obama continuing to lead their party.

Arkansas and Kentucky held primaries today. The Democrat establishment was worried about Arkansas, because polls suggested that a flake named John Wolfe was running uncomfortably close to the president. As of 11:32 p.m., with 71% of the vote counted, it appears clear that Obama has won, but by an embarrassingly narrow margin of 59-41. And Wolfe was a candidate with little name recognition, no resources, and no credibility.

In Kentucky, something similar happened. Kentucky was arguably worse for Obama than Arkansas, since he had no opponent. Still, the ballot gave the voter the alternative of selecting “uncommitted” instead of “President Obama.” That was enough for Kentucky Democrats: 42% of them voted “uncommitted,” compared with 58% who voted for Obama.

So far, Obama has had weak showings in Louisiana (76-24) and North Carolina (79-21), and squeakers in Oklahoma (57-43), West Virginia (59-41), Arkansas (59-41) and Kentucky (58-42). And Barack Obama had no credible opposition in any of these races. In some instances, his only opponent was an incarcerated felon! It appears obvious that many Democrats are trying to convey a message that the liberal media is unwilling to hear. In 1968, when Senator Eugene McCarthy won 42% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary against Lyndon Johnson’s 49%, it was enough to force Johnson out of the presidency. Moreover, McCarthy was a credible candidate–a sitting U.S. Senator who was the subject of a nationwide movement to put “Clean Gene” in the White House. How can Obama’s struggles in this year’s primaries not be a news story of at least equal magnitude to the New Hampshire primary that drove Lyndon Johnson from the presidency?"
Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama? | Power Line

funny how you left out the first sentence.

That is probably too much to hope for.
Last edited:
This is wild. Many of us have believed Obama's internal numbers are frightening and now this is really playing out in the primaries.

It appears we have a trend, ladies and gentlemen. Significant numbers of Democratic voters in several states have now voted their displeasure against the extreme liberalism of the Obama Administration.

The president faced another embarrassment Tuesday night as over 40 percent of Democratic primary voters in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas voted against Barack Obama. The two states joined West Virginia where 43 percent of Democrats voted in favor of an imprisoned Texas felon over the imperious chief executive:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Both Kentucky and Arkansas went for Sen. John McCain in the 2008 election by large margins, and have long histories of supporting Republicans in presidential elections. So farking what?
[News the LeftMedia will not report on. Most of the states Barry is having his troubles in are either the Bible Belt states or some of the states of the Old Confederacy. That Barry is still just so cool in the states where anal fornication is all the rage. No big deal for the Democrats. A shortage of KY Jelly would be another matter. ]

"Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama?

Are Democrats Ready to Dump Obama? | Power Line

funny how you left out the first sentence.

That is probably too much to hope for.

Can't quote the entire article, remember.
Without even reading the details I bet/hope the incumbent is a Blue Dog Democrat.

Uh, the incumbent is OBAMA, dumb ass.

Are you surprised he was unaware?

Not exactly the best sign for Obama. Not that it matters since he already has the Democrat nomination. How did he do in the other primaries? You know the ones the media didnt really report on.
This is wild. Many of us have believed Obama's internal numbers are frightening and now this is really playing out in the primaries.

It appears we have a trend, ladies and gentlemen. Significant numbers of Democratic voters in several states have now voted their displeasure against the extreme liberalism of the Obama Administration.

The president faced another embarrassment Tuesday night as over 40 percent of Democratic primary voters in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas voted against Barack Obama. The two states joined West Virginia where 43 percent of Democrats voted in favor of an imprisoned Texas felon over the imperious chief executive:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Both Kentucky and Arkansas went for Sen. John McCain in the 2008 election by large margins, and have long histories of supporting Republicans in presidential elections. So farking what?

WV elected a democrat senator yet voted 42 percent for a criminal.
This is wild. Many of us have believed Obama's internal numbers are frightening and now this is really playing out in the primaries.

It appears we have a trend, ladies and gentlemen. Significant numbers of Democratic voters in several states have now voted their displeasure against the extreme liberalism of the Obama Administration.

The president faced another embarrassment Tuesday night as over 40 percent of Democratic primary voters in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas voted against Barack Obama. The two states joined West Virginia where 43 percent of Democrats voted in favor of an imprisoned Texas felon over the imperious chief executive:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Both Kentucky and Arkansas went for Sen. John McCain in the 2008 election by large margins, and have long histories of supporting Republicans in presidential elections. So farking what?

WV elected a democrat senator yet voted 42 percent for a criminal.

Is there a difference?
This is wild. Many of us have believed Obama's internal numbers are frightening and now this is really playing out in the primaries.

It appears we have a trend, ladies and gentlemen. Significant numbers of Democratic voters in several states have now voted their displeasure against the extreme liberalism of the Obama Administration.

The president faced another embarrassment Tuesday night as over 40 percent of Democratic primary voters in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas voted against Barack Obama. The two states joined West Virginia where 43 percent of Democrats voted in favor of an imprisoned Texas felon over the imperious chief executive:

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Well duhhh, there are Democratic Racists in KY and WVA. those states I know.
I did not even vote. Did not see anyone to vote for.

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