4 of 5 Town Hall Debate Undecideds Now Support Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Erika Eichelberger

At the second presidential debate, a town hall forum held at Hofstra University, 11 undecided voters from Long Island asked President Obama and Mitt Romney questions on a range of issues, including unemployment, gun control, and equal pay for women. Mother Jones caught up with five of them, all of whom are still dealing with the aftermath of Sandy, and asked if they finally have decided. Results? Four of the five say they're voting for Obama. Here's why:

Details: 4 of 5 Town Hall Debate Undecideds Now Support Obama | Mother Jones
4 of 5 Town Hall Debate Undecideds Now Support Obama

Here's a clue for you, twinkle toes, 4 of 5 Town Hall Debate "Undecideds" supported Obama before the debate. They pretended to be undecided. Only morons like you were fooled.
La-Sploda is into some serious ball licking right now.

You guys need to be nice to him.
Polls Suggest Undecideds Won’t Help Romney (If They Show Up)

The latest WSJ/NBC national poll puts Obama up over Romney by the narrowest margin, 48 percent to 47 percent. But it’s the poll’s breakdown of respondents who are either undecided or still willing to consider switching that stands out. According to NBC, the 9 percent of voters who fit the bill are overwhelmingly warmer to Obama. They approve of his performance by a 48-41 margin and like him personally by a 46-29 margin, both better than his national averages. Romney, by contrast, fares much worse with a 22-46 favorability rating.

More: Polls: Undecided Voters Aren’t Breaking To Romney En Masse | TPM2012
Polls Suggest Undecideds Won’t Help Romney (If They Show Up)

The latest WSJ/NBC national poll puts Obama up over Romney by the narrowest margin, 48 percent to 47 percent. But it’s the poll’s breakdown of respondents who are either undecided or still willing to consider switching that stands out. According to NBC, the 9 percent of voters who fit the bill are overwhelmingly warmer to Obama. They approve of his performance by a 48-41 margin and like him personally by a 46-29 margin, both better than his national averages. Romney, by contrast, fares much worse with a 22-46 favorability rating.

More: Polls: Undecided Voters Aren’t Breaking To Romney En Masse | TPM2012

Says a former writer for the Daily Beast.
4 of 5 Town Hall Debate Undecideds Now Support Obama

Here's a clue for you, twinkle toes, 4 of 5 Town Hall Debate "Undecideds" supported Obama before the debate. They pretended to be undecided. Only morons like you were fooled.
link or you are full of shit. What say you sir.

Oh Puhleeze. Do you really believe that CNN would choose a bunch of "undecideds" that would actually consider voting for Romney?
By Erika Eichelberger

At the second presidential debate, a town hall forum held at Hofstra University, 11 undecided voters from Long Island asked President Obama and Mitt Romney questions on a range of issues, including unemployment, gun control, and equal pay for women. Mother Jones caught up with five of them, all of whom are still dealing with the aftermath of Sandy, and asked if they finally have decided. Results? Four of the five say they're voting for Obama. Here's why:

Details: 4 of 5 Town Hall Debate Undecideds Now Support Obama | Mother Jones

wow... Mother Jones. Almost as credible as Daily KOS! :rofl:

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