3 Things The Democrats can do to Ensure a Election Bludgeoning in 2020

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
And By Bludgeoning I mean The Democrats getting mowed over by a RED WAVE in 2020

Great article that covers the does and don'ts for the Dem Party in the next two years.

Leslie Marshall: Democrats will soon run the House – Here are 3 things they SHOULDN'T do (and 4 they should)

1. Impeach President Donald Trump

Although 77 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of all voters want President Trump to be impeached, the Democrats should steer clear of this. Instead, they should focus on how to beat him in the 2020 election. If impeached, the president would not be removed from office because Democrats do not have the two-thirds majority needed to remove him. It would be a political disaster as Republicans learned in 1998 when they impeached President Bill Clinton. After Clinton’s impeachment, the GOP lost five House seats and rather than Bill Clinton resigning, it was House Speaker Newt Gingrich who did.

2. Investigate Ivanka’s emails

It would be beyond hypocritical for Democrats to waste taxpayer time and money slapping Ivanka Trump on the wrist for using her personal email account while in the White House. Investigation after investigation, committee after committee, found that Hillary Clinton was foolish to use her private email account while Secretary of State, but a criminal case was never pursued. The same conclusion would bear out with Ivanka and the Democrats shouldn’t touch this.

3. Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Talking about abolishing ICE may have gotten some far-left self-proclaimed socialists elected in November, but this idea doesn’t have mass appeal. The voters want and the nation needs comprehensive immigration reform – not an abolishment of one of its federal agencies.

So, now that you know what the Democrats shouldn’t do, what issues SHOULD they tackle?
Cut spending, raise taxes on the top rate to reduce the $900b deficit. Save SS & Medicare. Fix healthcare, then again, we don't want them screwing healthcare up again.
And By Bludgeoning I mean The Democrats getting mowed over by a RED WAVE in 2020

Great article that covers the does and don'ts for the Dem Party in the next two years.

Leslie Marshall: Democrats will soon run the House – Here are 3 things they SHOULDN'T do (and 4 they should)

1. Impeach President Donald Trump

Although 77 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of all voters want President Trump to be impeached, the Democrats should steer clear of this. Instead, they should focus on how to beat him in the 2020 election. If impeached, the president would not be removed from office because Democrats do not have the two-thirds majority needed to remove him. It would be a political disaster as Republicans learned in 1998 when they impeached President Bill Clinton. After Clinton’s impeachment, the GOP lost five House seats and rather than Bill Clinton resigning, it was House Speaker Newt Gingrich who did.

2. Investigate Ivanka’s emails

It would be beyond hypocritical for Democrats to waste taxpayer time and money slapping Ivanka Trump on the wrist for using her personal email account while in the White House. Investigation after investigation, committee after committee, found that Hillary Clinton was foolish to use her private email account while Secretary of State, but a criminal case was never pursued. The same conclusion would bear out with Ivanka and the Democrats shouldn’t touch this.

3. Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Talking about abolishing ICE may have gotten some far-left self-proclaimed socialists elected in November, but this idea doesn’t have mass appeal. The voters want and the nation needs comprehensive immigration reform – not an abolishment of one of its federal agencies.

So, now that you know what the Democrats shouldn’t do, what issues SHOULD they tackle?

They will still try to do those things.
And By Bludgeoning I mean The Democrats getting mowed over by a RED WAVE in 2020

Great article that covers the does and don'ts for the Dem Party in the next two years.

Leslie Marshall: Democrats will soon run the House – Here are 3 things they SHOULDN'T do (and 4 they should)

1. Impeach President Donald Trump

Although 77 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of all voters want President Trump to be impeached, the Democrats should steer clear of this. Instead, they should focus on how to beat him in the 2020 election. If impeached, the president would not be removed from office because Democrats do not have the two-thirds majority needed to remove him. It would be a political disaster as Republicans learned in 1998 when they impeached President Bill Clinton. After Clinton’s impeachment, the GOP lost five House seats and rather than Bill Clinton resigning, it was House Speaker Newt Gingrich who did.

2. Investigate Ivanka’s emails

It would be beyond hypocritical for Democrats to waste taxpayer time and money slapping Ivanka Trump on the wrist for using her personal email account while in the White House. Investigation after investigation, committee after committee, found that Hillary Clinton was foolish to use her private email account while Secretary of State, but a criminal case was never pursued. The same conclusion would bear out with Ivanka and the Democrats shouldn’t touch this.

3. Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Talking about abolishing ICE may have gotten some far-left self-proclaimed socialists elected in November, but this idea doesn’t have mass appeal. The voters want and the nation needs comprehensive immigration reform – not an abolishment of one of its federal agencies.

So, now that you know what the Democrats shouldn’t do, what issues SHOULD they tackle?

They will still try to do those things.

I believe the DemNazis Party is so out of touch with the moment that they will be like The Titanic making a date with The Hindeberg over an Iceberg.
Dem's won the house by lying just like in 2008, they will be dealt with in 2020.
They underperformed for a midterm where typically a president will lose a lot of seats President Trump actually gained seats in The Senate. There will be a big rebound in The House in 2020 for The GOP.

Let's not forget that in this midterm 41 GOP Reps retired people like Gowdy and Ryan would have easily gotten re-elected. There will be a lot of new GOP faces in 2020, so I expect the GOP to win back The House, They will already have The Senate, and Trump will be re-elected.

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