A New Concept in Handling Welfare


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts
I always thought it would be a good idea to put these welfare clowns to work.... Only problem is the labor unions would go batshit crazy because that would just be cutting into their racket...

I do like the idea of privatizing welfare - hell, that would create jobs..
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

If "Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money." why do we always have to bail them out?
how can it cost less when you add profit to the cost?

jesus you people are idiots
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

If "Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money." why do we always have to bail them out?

"always have to bail them out?"

Really - you bailed out the banks jackass, oh and then seized GM...

You act like you're bailing out main street....

My position was let the banks fail and let GM fail....
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

I strongly support charity.... colloquially, 'welfare.'

The simplest and most dramatic change would be to define poverty correctly.

It is no home, no heat, no food.

It is not 'having a bit less than everyone else.'
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

If "Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money." why do we always have to bail them out?

Seems you are not well versed on the meaning of 'corporatism.'

Consult a library near you.
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

sure... let poor people starve.

"welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket. cut the military budget... raise taxes on people who can afford it a couple of points.

then talk to me about starving people.
how can it cost less when you add profit to the cost?

jesus you people are idiots

What don't you understand about "not for profit?"

There are plenty of not for profit organizations in the private sector...

The private sector just happens to be more efficient than our government .... Furthermore it would keep government from using welfare as a incentive to vote democrat...

Democrats don't care how much they spend or how much they waste - no to them they can either raise taxes or print more money....

The privatization of welfare would put an end to all of that corruption and fraud..
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

sure... let poor people starve.

"welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket. cut the military budget... raise taxes on people who can afford it a couple of points.

then talk to me about starving people.

1. "sure... let poor people starve."
Could you name a few who have done so, or are the process thereof?

2. You may not be aware of this, but you are free to contribute unlimited funds to help such folks. You can even volunteer in a soup kitchen.

3.' "welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket.'

I'm sure you aren't serious.
Is today's endeavor hyperbole?

Bet you are aware of the following:

"Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.
And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion to that figure. In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three."

4. "then talk to me about starving people."
I always look forward to our conversations...and will do
so as soon as you list them.
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

sure... let poor people starve.

"welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket. cut the military budget... raise taxes on people who can afford it a couple of points.

then talk to me about starving people.

Welfare is massively abused...... The government doesn't give a fuck and the second someone calls out the abuse progressives such as yourself start saying bullshit like " sure let the poor starve."

Lets not forget there are people who just live off welfare for generations - they don't need to get a job and don't want a job because government feeds them, cloths them, puts a roof over their heads, provides them with furniture, utilities (cable tv, internet, phone, heat, water electricity) oh and not to mention CASH MONEY....

Why fucking work when everything you need is handed to you????

Oh and why are those on welfare such fat asses???

I'm tired of progressives with their "oh we should just let people starve bullshit...
A New Concept in Handling Welfare

1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Welfare spending

US Welfare Spending for 2012 - Charts

sure... let poor people starve.

"welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket. cut the military budget... raise taxes on people who can afford it a couple of points.

then talk to me about starving people.

1. "sure... let poor people starve."
Could you name a few who have done so, or are the process thereof?

2. You may not be aware of this, but you are free to contribute unlimited funds to help such folks. You can even volunteer in a soup kitchen.

3.' "welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket.'

I'm sure you aren't serious.
Is today's endeavor hyperbole?

Bet you are aware of the following:

"Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.
And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion to that figure. In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three."

4. "then talk to me about starving people."
I always look forward to our conversations...and will do
so as soon as you list them.

Here in Chicago you have people driving $20,000 dollar cars that have expensive 20 inch rims with gold chains around their neck and gold grills in their mouth while flopping around in 250 dollar shoes on their feet paying for their groceries with food stamps....

Yeah they call that "Obama money"......

Oh and then you have the project bitches who sit on their asses all day doing nothing but making babies just for the extra welfare money....
sure... let poor people starve.

"welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket. cut the military budget... raise taxes on people who can afford it a couple of points.

then talk to me about starving people.

1. "sure... let poor people starve."
Could you name a few who have done so, or are the process thereof?

2. You may not be aware of this, but you are free to contribute unlimited funds to help such folks. You can even volunteer in a soup kitchen.

3.' "welfare" spending is a drop in the bucket.'

I'm sure you aren't serious.
Is today's endeavor hyperbole?

Bet you are aware of the following:

"Yet this year the federal
government will spend more than $668 billion on at
least 126 different programs to fight poverty.
And that does not even begin to count welfare
spending by state and local governments, which
adds $284 billion to that figure. In total, the
United States spends nearly $1 trillion every
year to fight poverty.
That amounts to $20,610
for every poor person in America, or $61,830 per
poor family of three."

4. "then talk to me about starving people."
I always look forward to our conversations...and will do
so as soon as you list them.

Here in Chicago you have people driving $20,000 dollar cars that have expensive 20 inch rims with gold chains around their neck and gold grills in their mouth while flopping around in 250 dollar shoes on their feet paying for their groceries with food stamps....

Yeah they call that "Obama money"......

Oh and then you have the project bitches who sit on their asses all day doing nothing but making babies just for the extra welfare money....

To be fair....or at least accurate.....the government welfare industry makes it very difficult for one to get off of the dole.

Our Liberal friends have made certain that their ‘client base’ cannot escape! There is no way out of the ‘Poverty Trap’- those who try to work to find their way out of the trap will find that, as income rises, the loss of their welfare benefits is the same as a huge tax on their earnings!

a. Take the example of someone receiving $12,000 in welfare benefits. She takes a new job earning $16,000 a year. But if she loses 50 cents in benefits for every dollar she now earns, that is the equivalent of a 50% tax! Plus, the payroll tax is another 7.65%, and federal tax is another 10% on the margin, plus state tax of 5%.... total: 72.65% tax. Where is the incentive to work? Comes to a salary of $84.15/ week. Now subtract transportation, lunches, etc., etc.
Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter five.

b. “…but the central point is obvious. Marginal tax rates for inner-city inhabitants are prohibitively high. Over the entire wage range from zero to $1,600 per month (equivalent to a gross paycheck of $1,463 per month), the family's monthly spendable income rises by $69. This corresponds to an average tax "wedge" of 95.7 percent.

More shocking, between zero and $1,200 per month in gross wages, the family loses $46 in monthly spendable income -- an average tax in excess of 100 percent. This loss in net spendable income is concentrated between gross wages of $700 and $1,200 per month. As monthly wages paid rise by $500 in this span, the family loses its entitlement to $385 in AFDC benefits and $9 in food stamps.

In addition the housing subsidy is reduced by $23 and the value of medical benefits declines an estimated $130. At the same time the family's tax liabilities increase by a total of $161 -- $8 in state income and disability insurance taxes, $68 in payroll taxes, and $85 in federal income tax. (Details of these calculations are given in the appendix.)” The Tightening Grip of the Poverty Trap

Takes a very strong and principled individual to battle this system and get off welfare.
Aid to people in need does not keep them in need.

You people just lie about that
1. If the government got out of the business of welfare spending, do you have any idea how much our taxes would go down? Welfare consists of the fourth largest expenditure of our government, at $679.2 Billion annually. How would our taxes go down if that expenditure went away completely? Enormous tax cuts for all!

2. If welfare would be considered a Charity as in American Red Cross, serviced by the states via a privatized company as a ”for profit” entity , it could be done.

3. Religious, organizations, corporations, unions, charities, philanthropists, private individuals would donate through their taxes as tax credits for any amount designated, and it would be sent to that state that the donator lived or established their residence. For businesses overseas, the home office would designate what state should receive the donation. Everyone would make use of the tax advantage because their donation comes right off their tax bill.

4. States would write their own requirements for welfare, most conforming to the “work first, education second and fiscal hand up, third. A two year limit on welfare for able bodied recipients would encourage those to seek employment or further their skills to find employment in the time they have on the welfare rolls..

5. No longer would tax payers be forced to participate on paying for welfare through their taxes. But find an incentive on their own tax bill by finding a credit. And the government who has handled the welfare problem with fraud and waste and political ammunition would be set aside.

6. This would include welfare, ADC, food stamps, and rent subsidizing. Only the infirmed and elderly would be exempt from the requirements and no executive order could overturn the requirements of each state’s mandate.

7. Private enterprise has always proven to be the most effective managers of money. It’s time we get the waste and fraud out of welfare.

Whether through government agencies or private non-profits, the need and expenditures would remain the same – the taxpayer would realize no ‘savings.’ Indeed, as a consequence of the needless complexity and waste inherent in such a proposal, the individual taxpayer would likely end up spending more on public assistance and getting less in the way of services.

Moreover, such a proposal would contribute to an increased likelihood of fraud and abuse on the part of the private non-profits, requiring additional government monitoring and oversight with the usual added expenses, including those associated with criminal investigation and prosecution.

Last, there is an array of Federal and state laws, policies, and case law which govern the appropriate and efficient administering of public assistance programs, including the effectiveness of the programs and accountability. Public monies are public monies, regardless how collected and administered, the above proposal would require the creation of a whole new bureaucracy to meet those accountability requirements.

As with most other conservatives, the OP has succeeded in exhibiting his comprehensive ignorance of the subject of public assistance, motivated only by animus toward those less fortunate and the least able to protect themselves from political attack.
Whether through government agencies or private non-profits, the need and expenditures would remain the same – the taxpayer would realize no ‘savings.’ Indeed, as a consequence of the needless complexity and waste inherent in such a proposal, the individual taxpayer would likely end up spending more on public assistance and getting less in the way of services.

The collection of funds for the "Welfare Corporation" , we'll call it is volunatary. No longer mandatory part of our tax money so our tax money, as it is could go to driving down the deficit or brought back to tax payers in terms of tax cuts.

Moreover, such a proposal would contribute to an increased likelihood of fraud and abuse on the part of the private non-profits, requiring additional government monitoring and oversight with the usual added expenses, including those associated with criminal investigation and prosecution.

The Welfare Corporation would be a for "profit organization".

Last, there is an array of Federal and state laws, policies, and case law which govern the appropriate and efficient administering of public assistance programs, including the effectiveness of the programs and accountability. Public monies are public monies, regardless how collected and administered, the above proposal would require the creation of a whole new bureaucracy to meet those accountability requirements.

This is a state issue, not a federal program. It would be open to audit as any private business would be.

As with most other conservatives, the OP has succeeded in exhibiting his comprehensive ignorance of the subject of public assistance, motivated only by animus toward those less fortunate and the least able to protect themselves from political attack.

There is no animus meant for those least able to protect themselves but a program to meet the needs of those most in need of help. With the focus first on employment, education and skills trades and temporary fiscal help for able bodied people to become marketable again.It is meant for those at the bottom to eventually come out of poverty, not dwell in it.

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