24: The Game


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
Pretty fun game so far. Nothing groundbreaking, really, but it's very entertaining, thus far.

The Pros:

-The cinematography is great. The cut scenes feel like they're cut straight from the show. There are times during actual gameplay when the split-screen effect is used, which is actually less jarring than you'd think. Graphics-wise, most of the characters' faces are pretty accurate, and the backgrounds and explosions are very impressive.
-The storyline is pretty much just as good as any 24 season. The only major difference being that the show offers more time to get to know the bad guys, whereas the game pretty much focuses solely on the good guys (because you only play as the good guys).
-The gameplay is unique and varied. There are some shootout missions, some foot chase missions, some driving missions, and some interrogation and decryption mini-games. They're all pretty fun, and it keeps the game fresh.

The Cons

-The aiming is horrible. Like, nearly to the point of ruining the game. If you are not facing the guy shooting at you, you will not be able to aim at him at all. You get used to it, but it is irritating.
-All the cars are rather clunky and unresponsive. This leads to a lot of accidentally hitting walls when you're trying to turn, etc.
-This is nit-picky, but the game does not really follow the real-time formula at all. I've played for about three hours total, and I'm already six hours into the game's story. Then again, I wouldn't want to do Jack Bauer's menial work, so I can't really complain when it fast-forwards me to the shootouts.
It's lots of fun. If you're a big fan of the show, I'd say go ahead and get it now, it's around $40. If you're only a casual fan, wait 'til you can get a used one for $20.

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