2200 fps, copper 9mm hollowpoints > level III armor

May 21, 2015
THAT's why you don't see such ammo offered for sale to the public. Not because it's unsafe for such bullets/guns to attain such velocities. There's nothing illegal about such ammo, in 48 states. In ILL and CA, the maker would have to epoxy or swage a #2 birdshot pellet into the large, conical base cavity of each bullet, giving it the "lead core" to fulfill state legal requirements for bullets loaded into handgun ammo.

Previously, there have been solid copper and solid aluminum, solid bronze, solid brass, solid tin and solid zinc bulleted handgun ammo sold in the US. PMC of Korea, used to sell a solid copper tubular bullet. THV =arcane sold solid brass bullets. PPS sold solid copper bullets. Zero sold solid zinc bullets, KTW sold solid bronze bullets and EYE sold solid tin bullets. :) I forget who solid the solid aluminum bullets, but they are listed in Marshall and Sanow's books on Stopping Power. There have been wooden bullets, too.

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