2016 fast approaches: What do Republicans have to run on?



They failed at keeping millions of Americans from health care.

They failed at blocking gay rights.

They didn't end abortion.

They didn't bring down the economy again.

They didn't start another war.

Voter suppression has been a failure.

They didn't manage to kick millions of Hispanics out of the country.

In fact, dirty air and dirty water seems to be their only real success.

So what exactly are they going to run on? I don't think Isis, Ebola and diseased children fleeing danger are going to work a second time.
Not like they need much of a platform.

After all, they will be running against Clinton or Sanders.
Only thing they need to run on.

Their candidate won't be named "Obama".

Indeed. Obama was unknown, and largely still is. It was an easy matter for the Democrats' pocketed media to create a false Messiah, and continue the ruse by lies and omission.

Try that with Hillary, and everyone will laugh their pants wet.
Only thing they need to run on.

Their candidate won't be named "Obama".

Indeed. Obama was unknown, and largely still is. It was an easy matter for the Democrats' pocketed media to create a false Messiah, and continue the ruse by lies and omission.

Try that with Hillary, and everyone will laugh their pants wet.

Yea, Hillary's only strong running point is that she's not GW either, but GW was almost 8 years ago. She was destined to fail.
Hillary will have blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, atheists, liberal Christians, educated men and everyone not related to Jethro Bodine.

Republicans will have Jethro Bodine.
Well, let's see what the Dems have given us:

$10,000,000,000,000 in new debt
Mideast is on fire
Overrun by illegal aliens
Debacle called ACA
We're a joke on the world stage
Iran goes nuclear
Worthless $

Yeah, what was I thinking.. the GOP is toast.

They've been speaking about the issues all along. Somebody isn't paying attention and those not paying attention will likely support Hillary. The black/hispanic/educated (whatever that was supposed to mean are not a sure thing. Voting by race proved disastrous as the failed obama administration has shown. Voting by gender won't be an improvement.
Well, let's see what the Dems have given us:

$10,000,000,000,000 in new debt
Mideast is on fire
Overrun by illegal aliens
Debacle called ACA
We're a joke on the world stage
Iran goes nuclear
Worthless $

Yeah, what was I thinking.. the GOP is toast.

Debt built on Bush tax cuts and unpaid for wars.

Bush left the Mideast on fire.

Overrun by illegal aliens? Lie.

Millions of Americans now have health care.

Iran is not nuclear, like North Korea, which became nuclear under Bush.

So worthless that more people than ever are investing in this country.

But you got one right. The GOP IS "toast". On that we can agree.
They've been speaking about the issues all along. Somebody isn't paying attention and those not paying attention will likely support Hillary. The black/hispanic/educated (whatever that was supposed to mean are not a sure thing. Voting by race proved disastrous as the failed obama administration has shown. Voting by gender won't be an improvement.
How about voting against stupid and failed policies? What else does the GOP have?
1. Democrat corruption.
2. Illegal aliens
3. The poor economy
4. Obama's failed foreign policy.
5. Obama's failed domestic policy.
6. Obama's failed economic policy.
7. The growth of income disparity under democrats.
8. The obamacare failure
9. National Security
10. Unemployment
11. Racial unrest
12. Out of control spending
1. Democrat corruption.
2. Illegal aliens
3. The poor economy
4. Obama's failed foreign policy.
5. Obama's failed domestic policy.
6. Obama's failed economic policy.
7. The growth of income disparity under democrats.
8. The obamacare failure
9. National Security
10. Unemployment
11. Racial unrest
12. Out of control spending

Business wants immigrants because Republicans are uneducated and not capable.
The poor economy? The one with 5 million unfilled jobs?
Obama just put together a coalition of the most powerful nations to sign a nuclear agreement with Iran.

The growth of income disparity???? But that's the GOP plan. It's what they want.

You got the talking points down. But when you look at the facts, it's all traced back the GOP. Even you know that.
They failed at keeping millions of Americans from health care.

They failed at blocking gay rights.

They didn't end abortion.

They didn't bring down the economy again.

They didn't start another war.

Voter suppression has been a failure.

They didn't manage to kick millions of Hispanics out of the country.

In fact, dirty air and dirty water seems to be their only real success.

So what exactly are they going to run on? I don't think Isis, Ebola and diseased children fleeing danger are going to work a second time.

1 - Not as dumb as Rdean.
Limited government, lower taxes, strong national defense and eliminating corruption.

Whether they will run on that and keep there promises is another story. If they truly ran and followed through on a campaign to reduce the power of the federal government and to empower individuals, they would be unstoppable.
They've been speaking about the issues all along. Somebody isn't paying attention and those not paying attention will likely support Hillary. The black/hispanic/educated (whatever that was supposed to mean are not a sure thing. Voting by race proved disastrous as the failed obama administration has shown. Voting by gender won't be an improvement.
How about voting against stupid and failed policies? What else does the GOP have?

Why exactly do you think it's bad that republicans have opposed stupid and failed policies?

Why are you so happy they are in play?

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