200 rockets fired at Israel's southern communities since Friday


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The IDF says the quantity and rate of fire from Gaza is unprecedented; notes terrorists are actively using civilians as human shields.

IDF officials say the 200 rockets fired at Israel's southern communities since Friday marks a “dramatic development in terms of the quantity and rate of the fire.”

“In the first three days of the current round of fighting we’ve sustained a larger quantity of rockets than the quantity fired at Israel in the two previous rounds, in August and October, which were longer,” an army official said.

More than 50 of the rockets fired in recent days were medium-range missiles, and most attacks were carried out by the Islamic Jihad, the army said. they are using civilians as “human shields.”

Rocket Fire a 'Dramatic Development' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
I'll never understand why they take that shit from those people.

Or why, when they had Arafat's compound surrounded some time a go that they just didn't blast away.
GAZA, (PIC)-- A senior Egyptian security official said Israel and the resistance factions in Gaza agreed on an Egyptian-brokered truce ending four days of Israeli deadly attacks on the densely populated enclave.

According to the official, the Palestinian side in Gaza agreed on stopping its counterattacks on Israeli targets after Israel, which started the fight, pledged to stop its assassinations as part of comprehensive and mutual calm.

He added that a ceasefire would be effective at one o'clock Tuesday morning according to an understanding between the two sides.

Israel, resistance factions agree on Egyptian-brokered truce

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel halted its airstrikes against Gaza Strip militants early Tuesday and rocket fire from the Palestinian territory ebbed as a cease-fire ending four days of clashes appeared to be taking effect.

Both sides had indicated they have no interest in seeing the fighting spiral into all-out war, and an Egyptian security official reported that Egyptian intelligence officials had brokered a truce.

Months of quiet along the Gaza-Israel border were shattered on Friday with Israel's killing of a militant commander in Gaza whom it accused of plotting to attack Israelis.

Israel-Gaza violence ebbs as truce takes effect - Yahoo! News
Hamas attacks: Deja vu all over again?


On Tuesday night, Hamas shot dead four Israelis on the outskirts of Hebron, putting an end to nearly three years of quiet on the West Bank. They struck again the following day, this time critically wounding two. Abu Ubaida, spokesman for Hamas's armed wing, announced the Qassam Brigades' "full responsibility" for the attacks, adding that they are merely "a chain in a series of attacks: Some have been executed, and others will follow." That the attacks came on the eve of Mideast peace talks is a grim reminder that spoilers will try desperately to upend hopes for negotiations seeking to end the conflict.
Hamas' latest attack is reminiscent of the tactics they employed in the 1990s, when their aim was to plant a bomb on an Israeli bus immediately preceding a key moment of peace negotiations.

Hamas attacks: Deja vu all over again? - USATODAY.com

In short, unlike Arafat during the '90s, nobody thinks that Abbas is playing a double game. Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's condemnation of the attacks as "totally against out national interests and out commitments" is undoubtedly sincere. As Abbas said, the attacks were a deliberate intent to "disrupt the political process," which he nevertheless intends to continue.

So if malevolent will is not the issue, the question could be the PA's capability. Will Abbas be effective in halting Hamas attacks prior to and even after the creation of a Palestinian state? The good news is that security coordination between Israel and the PA is excellent. While 410 Israelis were killed in suicide bombings and other attacks emanating from the West Bank in 2002, only one such fatality has occurred in the last three years prior to Tuesday's attack. Cooperation between the security services of both sides is growing to the extent that the PA no longer hides its cooperation with Israel, even inviting Israeli security forces to witness Palestinian live-fire exercises. Such coordination is a top priority of Abbas and Fayyad, who personally oversee the efforts.

In a statement following recent attacks, Hamas made clear its intention to demonstrate that the security cooperation between Israel and the PA is not strong enough to stop their terrorist activities. The answer of Abbas, no less than Israel, must be the continuation of tight Israeli-PA security cooperation to thwart those who want to sabotage the chances of peace.

Hamas says "Death to Israel and the USA" so maybe someone can let me know how you get Western peace from that kind of proposal?
Hamas attacks: Deja vu all over again?


On Tuesday night, Hamas shot dead four Israelis on the outskirts of Hebron, putting an end to nearly three years of quiet on the West Bank. They struck again the following day, this time critically wounding two. Abu Ubaida, spokesman for Hamas's armed wing, announced the Qassam Brigades' "full responsibility" for the attacks, adding that they are merely "a chain in a series of attacks: Some have been executed, and others will follow." That the attacks came on the eve of Mideast peace talks is a grim reminder that spoilers will try desperately to upend hopes for negotiations seeking to end the conflict.
Hamas' latest attack is reminiscent of the tactics they employed in the 1990s, when their aim was to plant a bomb on an Israeli bus immediately preceding a key moment of peace negotiations.

Hamas attacks: Deja vu all over again? - USATODAY.com

In short, unlike Arafat during the '90s, nobody thinks that Abbas is playing a double game. Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's condemnation of the attacks as "totally against out national interests and out commitments" is undoubtedly sincere. As Abbas said, the attacks were a deliberate intent to "disrupt the political process," which he nevertheless intends to continue.

So if malevolent will is not the issue, the question could be the PA's capability. Will Abbas be effective in halting Hamas attacks prior to and even after the creation of a Palestinian state? The good news is that security coordination between Israel and the PA is excellent. While 410 Israelis were killed in suicide bombings and other attacks emanating from the West Bank in 2002, only one such fatality has occurred in the last three years prior to Tuesday's attack. Cooperation between the security services of both sides is growing to the extent that the PA no longer hides its cooperation with Israel, even inviting Israeli security forces to witness Palestinian live-fire exercises. Such coordination is a top priority of Abbas and Fayyad, who personally oversee the efforts.

In a statement following recent attacks, Hamas made clear its intention to demonstrate that the security cooperation between Israel and the PA is not strong enough to stop their terrorist activities. The answer of Abbas, no less than Israel, must be the continuation of tight Israeli-PA security cooperation to thwart those who want to sabotage the chances of peace.

Hamas says "Death to Israel and the USA" so maybe someone can let me know how you get Western peace from that kind of proposal?

putting an end to nearly three years of quiet on the West Bank.

"Quiet" means that only Palestinians are being attacked.

That image right there tells you all you need to know about Hamas.

Says a lot about Pamela Geller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia too
Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded the Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, both of which are designated as hate groups by the Anti-defamation league and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Her blog, Atlas Shrugs, has also been criticized by progressive Media Matters for America, and called "extreme" by Chris McGreal of The Guardian.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Three Palestinian citizens were wounded on Tuesday at the hands of Israeli occupation forces (IOF) while participating in a funeral procession of two martyrs who fell in the Israeli air raid on Monday night.

Spokesman of the higher committee for ambulance and emergency Adham Abu Salmiya said that the three were hospitalized in moderate condition.

The IOF shooting is in violation of the Egyptian-brokered calm agreement that was reached between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza effective 0100 am Tuesday (local time).

IOF troops fire at funeral in violation of calm
GAZA, (PIC)-- Three Palestinian citizens were wounded on Tuesday at the hands of Israeli occupation forces (IOF) while participating in a funeral procession of two martyrs who fell in the Israeli air raid on Monday night.

Spokesman of the higher committee for ambulance and emergency Adham Abu Salmiya said that the three were hospitalized in moderate condition.

The IOF shooting is in violation of the Egyptian-brokered calm agreement that was reached between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza effective 0100 am Tuesday (local time).

IOF troops fire at funeral in violation of calm
Am I to understand that "Martyr" is PC talk for "Dead Terrorist?" Thought so.

That image right there tells you all you need to know about Hamas.

Says a lot about Pamela Geller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia too
Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded the Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, both of which are designated as hate groups by the Anti-defamation league and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Her blog, Atlas Shrugs, has also been criticized by progressive Media Matters for America, and called "extreme" by Chris McGreal of The Guardian.

the splc thinks al jolson was racist, please.....
GAZA, (PIC)-- Three Palestinian citizens were wounded on Tuesday at the hands of Israeli occupation forces (IOF) while participating in a funeral procession of two martyrs who fell in the Israeli air raid on Monday night.

Spokesman of the higher committee for ambulance and emergency Adham Abu Salmiya said that the three were hospitalized in moderate condition.

The IOF shooting is in violation of the Egyptian-brokered calm agreement that was reached between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza effective 0100 am Tuesday (local time).

IOF troops fire at funeral in violation of calm
Am I to understand that "Martyr" is PC talk for "Dead Terrorist?" Thought so.


Interesting that somehow when the IDF fire it is a violation of calm. While when the Palestinians are launching rockets it's not considered a violation.

Tinmore , thank you for that objective totally unbiased and fully trustworthy source.
I'll never understand why they take that shit from those people.

Or why, when they had Arafat's compound surrounded some time a go that they just didn't blast away.

Kinda the same reason the South African whites "took shit" from the South African blacks.

It's never what it seems.
I'll never understand why they take that shit from those people.

Or why, when they had Arafat's compound surrounded some time a go that they just didn't blast away.

Kinda the same reason the South African whites "took shit" from the South African blacks.

It's never what it seems.

Yeah sure, just bring up examples that have no connection what so ever to the issue at hand.
I'll never understand why they take that shit from those people.

Or why, when they had Arafat's compound surrounded some time a go that they just didn't blast away.

Kinda the same reason the South African whites "took shit" from the South African blacks.

It's never what it seems.

Yeah sure, just bring up examples that have no connection what so ever to the issue at hand.

Israel practices apartheid. It's a valid example.
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