2 best books I've ever read.

May 21, 2015
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES by John Ross, and MOLON LABE by Boston T. Party. If you are not a statist, you will love them both, I promise!
1984 by George Orville.
Any book by Michael CoNelly.

And strong endorsement of Nine Tomorrow's by Isaac Asimov, the greatest science fiction writers of all time.
Tote Temperature

"A People's History of the United States" (1980) by Howard Zinn and "The Icarus Agenda" (1988) by Robert Ludlum.

I'm Asian-Indian and a U.S. citizen. Growing up in New Jersey (USA) with my parents and sister, I attended various Indian social-cultural events with my family. At these events, some of them which were potluck community dinners, there were 'goodie bags' (i.e., party favors) distributed which contained various Americana toys, candies, etc.

I thought about how these Indian party goodie bags could be likened to the gift-containing Halloween trick-or-treat candy baskets.


Party Favor


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