1964: Southern Racist democrat vs white Conservatives


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Few people on the Left seem to know that in 1964 there were two dramatically different candidates running for President

In 1964, LBJ and Barry Goldwater ran for President; one was a white Conservative, the other a racist, Southern democrat peckerwood who called every one a ******. When he appointed Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS, he said 'Son, when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he's a ******.'

Who was the white Conservative?

Who was the racist, Southern peckerwood democrat who called every black guy a ******?
Few people on the Left seem to know that in 1964 there were two dramatically different candidates running for President

In 1964, LBJ and Barry Goldwater ran for President; one was a white Conservative, the other a racist, Southern democrat peckerwood who called every one a ******. When he appointed Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS, he said 'Son, when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he's a ******.'

Who was the white Conservative?

Who was the racist, Southern peckerwood democrat who called every black guy a ******?
I though all those good ole southern 50's/60's statist left marxinazi profe$$ional politician$ called them *******, s****s or j*****s??? Below another statist left marxinazi uses the term j****o, & folks wonder WHY we still have racism??? I say vote the statist left marxinazis out of office. The amazing part is the fact that many black folks still vote for statist left marxinazi candidates. Like can U believe it???

Yeah, the CRA passed with all southern GOP House and Barry Goldwater voted against it in `64.
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We know that Goldwater voted agaust the CRA and Johnson lost the south for signing it. Nobody black GAF what Johnson called us as long as he signed the CRA. Lincoln called us the same thing when he sgned the EP and you Republicans still want to brag about him. Calling somebody the n word is not the same as making laws treating people like you think the n word means. Goldwater was about the same states rights that made Jim Crow possible.

Nice try. Move on.
Yeah, the CRA passed with all southern GOP House and Barry Goldwater voted against it in `64.
Goldwater is one of the most maligned politicians in our history. He objected to the '64 CRA on Constitutional grounds, and said if Titles II and VII were removed he would have voted for it.

He voted for the 1957 and 1960 CRA's.

He desegregated the family department store and provided health insurance and profit sharing to his employees. He setup the Arizona Air National Guard and desegregated it in 1946, two years before Truman desegregated the rest of the Military in 1948.

He desegregated the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and the Phoenix public schools a year before Brown v. Board of Education.

He was an early member of the Phoenix NAACP and Urban League, and funded the Urban League's operating deficits out of his own pocket when they were getting started. In 1991 they gave him a humanitarian award for "50 years of loyal service to the Phoenix Urban League".

When he got to the Senate in 1953, he found out that his Legislative Assistant could not eat in the Senate cafeteria because she was black. Goldwater demanded that the Senate cafeteria be desegregated so she could eat with the rest of the Senate employees.

“I have always thought and have never lost sight of the thought that all men were and are created equal…. this is the one statement I will make now that in the years to come I will not have to retract – I love my fellow man be he white or black or yellow and I am vitally interested in his well-being for that well-being is my well-being.”
Goldwater is one of the most maligned politicians in our history. He objected to the '64 CRA on Constitutional grounds, and said if Titles II and VII were removed he would have voted for it.

He voted for the 1957 and 1960 CRA's.

He desegregated the family department store and provided health insurance and profit sharing to his employees. He setup the Arizona Air National Guard and desegregated it in 1946, two years before Truman desegregated the rest of the Military in 1948.

He desegregated the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and the Phoenix public schools a year before Brown v. Board of Education.

He was an early member of the Phoenix NAACP and Urban League, and funded the Urban League's operating deficits out of his own pocket when they were getting started. In 1991 they gave him a humanitarian award for "50 years of loyal service to the Phoenix Urban League".

When he got to the Senate in 1953, he found out that his Legislative Assistant could not eat in the Senate cafeteria because she was black. Goldwater demanded that the Senate cafeteria be desegregated so she could eat with the rest of the Senate employees.

“I have always thought and have never lost sight of the thought that all men were and are created equal…. this is the one statement I will make now that in the years to come I will not have to retract – I love my fellow man be he white or black or yellow and I am vitally interested in his well-being for that well-being is my well-being.”
Goldwater is not misunderstood. The Republican party knew what they were doing and Goldwater was the result of a plan that began before the CRA. There were no constitutional grounds to deny civil rights to anyone and the 1957 CRA really had no teeth. Republicans had been losing black support for about 20 years as Democrats had started embracing desgregration and civil rights. Goldwater was the last straw after 100 years of blacks being republican and hearing empty promises or being lied to.
We know that Goldwater voted agaust the CRA and Johnson lost the south for signing it. Nobody black GAF what Johnson called us as long as he signed the CRA. Lincoln called us the same thing when he sgned the EP and you Republicans still want to brag about him. Calling somebody the n word is not the same as making laws treating people like you think the n word means. Goldwater was about the same states rights that made Jim Crow possible.

Nice try. Move on.
These frail whites tell us all the time how very very sensitive they are to words. :laugh:
Yeah, the CRA passed with all southern GOP House and Barry Goldwater voted against it in `64.
Did you ever read WHY he voted against it? He tried to pass similar legislation in AZ and was VEHEMENTLY opposed by racist democrat peckerwoods
These frail whites tell us all the time how very very sensitive they are to words. :laugh:

Calling somebody the n word is not the same as making laws treating people like you think the n word means.

Must be why you all use it as a get out of jail free card to go ape shit on anyone who utters it and isn't black, but by all means, tell us how sensitive everyone else is over words.

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