1932 and 2016... Gamechanging Landslides


May 23, 2014
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
The 2016 Trump election has not been and is not a landslide election with a clear mandate. Trump and his supporters can say it over and over as many times as they can, as often as they can, but the math simply does not add up. Neither the EC vote and certainly not the PV give a margin of votes to equate to a landslide victory and mandate.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....
" in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994."

Odd, sounds like they want to undo that entire period and go back to pre Great Depression economic policies.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....

Not if folks see the continued economic cannibalization of society merely to benefit the substantial people. Thus far that's been totally bipartisan. Reckon we'll see, but the usual swamp rats and vulture capitalists are still in the inner circles of power as per usual. The fact is this entire system needs a bottom up redo and "both" of these political parties need to be put down.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....

Not if folks see the continued economic cannibalization of society merely to benefit the substantial people. Thus far that's been totally bipartisan. Reckon we'll see, but the usual swamp rats and vulture capitalists are still in the inner circles of power as per usual. The fact is this entire system needs a bottom up redo and "both" of these political parties need to be put down.
Nope.... trickle up poverty has been rejected by the people.....and democrats have nothing else.....
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....
The Republicans have a two to four-year window to produce positive results. If they don't, history will follow its course and government control will swing like a pendulum and revert back to the Democrats. It is how America stays in a sort of balance. We allow conservatives and liberals equal chances to screw up, get carried away with their ideologies and then switch to bring things into something close to a reasonable balance.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....

Not if folks see the continued economic cannibalization of society merely to benefit the substantial people. Thus far that's been totally bipartisan. Reckon we'll see, but the usual swamp rats and vulture capitalists are still in the inner circles of power as per usual. The fact is this entire system needs a bottom up redo and "both" of these political parties need to be put down.
Nope.... trickle up poverty has been rejected by the people.....and democrats have nothing else.....

The party thing is your thing pard. We're all being preyed upon, and will continue to be, watch. This is a half century old now, your vote altered nothing, neither would have a vote for her.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.

Or we can look at the facts:

This election Democrats picked up 2 more Senate seats and 6 House seats- the Republicans lost 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats

If Republicans keep 'winning' elections this way, the Democrats will have control of the Senate in 4-6 years.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.

Or we can look at the facts:

This election Democrats picked up 2 more Senate seats and 6 House seats- the Republicans lost 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats

If Republicans keep 'winning' elections this way, the Democrats will have control of the Senate in 4-6 years.
2018 will be another year of Senate gains for the GOP, like 2010 and 2014 were.

Even a bad 2020 GOP election won't give Democrats back the Senate.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.

Or we can look at the facts:

This election Democrats picked up 2 more Senate seats and 6 House seats- the Republicans lost 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats

If Republicans keep 'winning' elections this way, the Democrats will have control of the Senate in 4-6 years.
Awwww.....your Hillary lost.....poor snowflake.....
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....

But not enough to give him the popular vote. More voted against him than for him.
in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....

We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....

But not enough to give him the popular vote. More voted against him than for him.
Link to the popular vote in the constitution?
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....
I remember "the end of the Republicans" in '64 and that really was a landslide. Enjoy your daydreams while you can. They don't last.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....
I remember "the end of the Republicans" in '64 and that really was a landslide. Enjoy your daydreams while you can. They don't last.
I remember you democrats back then too....same as you are today....good luck with that,,,,

in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.

Or we can look at the facts:

This election Democrats picked up 2 more Senate seats and 6 House seats- the Republicans lost 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats

If Republicans keep 'winning' elections this way, the Democrats will have control of the Senate in 4-6 years.
Awwww.....your Hillary lost.....poor snowflake.....

I wish Hillary had won- and I also hope that Donald Trump turns out to be a fantastic President. Unlike you right wing nut jobs, I want what is best for America.

Meanwhile- the fact is that Democrats gained in both the House and the Senate in this election. The Republicans lost ground in the House and the Senate in this election- there was no 'revolution' when it came to Congress- Republicans have controlled both Houses of Congress for years.
Over 7 million people walked off the democrats plantation to vote Trump....We are seeing the beginning of the end of democrats....
I remember "the end of the Republicans" in '64 and that really was a landslide. Enjoy your daydreams while you can. They don't last.
I remember you democrats back then too....same as you are today....good luck with that,,,,

Ah Lyndon B. Johnson- here is my favorite picture of him- signing the Civil Rights Act he managed to push through Congress- seen here with MLK Jr.

in 1932 the Democrats took control of Congress for almost 30 years until 1994. Is the Trump
Revolution of 2016 the same? I think so. Democrats are so far left crybaby assed that no one likes them.

Or we can look at the facts:

This election Democrats picked up 2 more Senate seats and 6 House seats- the Republicans lost 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats

If Republicans keep 'winning' elections this way, the Democrats will have control of the Senate in 4-6 years.
2018 will be another year of Senate gains for the GOP, like 2010 and 2014 were.

Even a bad 2020 GOP election won't give Democrats back the Senate.

Depends on how Trump does- and how the U.S. does. Once again- it is my hope that the next 2 - 4- 6 years are fantastic years for the United States and if the GOP gets credit for that, that will be okay with me.
so alt and far right foolish

There was no organized resistance, where as in 2017, the resistance will be organized and massive heading right at the 2108 elections and then the 2020 elections, where the alt right and far right will be crushed for our lifetimes.

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