18 Real Attacks on the ‘Rule of Law’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The media attacks President Trump for attacking the rule of law. Over and over again as linked to in the article. But, here’s some worth considering:

The suffocating sanctimoniousness of the “Trump-is-threatening-the-rule-of-law” crowd is exceeded only by their hypocrisy. Don’t believe me? Here is a list of 18 actual violations of the law and Constitution done in service of removing Trump from office. I’ll bet you can’t find a single objection from any of these “rule-of-law” hand wringers to these flagrant and unpunished transgressions of the law.


Clinton and DNC money laundering during the 2016 campaign

Payoffs or offers to pay-off women who accused Trump

The Ohrs’ and their pay-for-smear Fusion GPS money:

The Sally Yates insurrection:

Andrew McCabe makes repeated false statements to FBI investigators:

The Michael Flynn set-up:

Leak of the wiretap of Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador:

Leak of President Trump’s conversation with the Russian foreign minister in which the president revealed classified information:

Rod Rosenstein’s self-appointment oversight of investigation into his own actions:

Leak of President Trump’s conversation with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto:

Mueller snatches private emails without a warrant:.

Rosenstein threatens to investigate congressional staffers if they didn’t back off investigating his actions:

Prosecution of Concord for engaging in political speech:

The raid on Michael Cohen’s law office.

The Department of Justice defies its constitutional masters:

Trampling Trump’s attorney-client privilege:

Repeated instances of non-candid statements to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court:

No matter how hard the media and the Dims try, it all rolls off the president’s shoulders.

Lin k after link show the skullduggery and inability to attack the president @ 18 Real Attacks on the ‘Rule of Law’
The media attacks President Trump for attacking the rule of law. Over and over again as linked to in the article. But, here’s some worth considering:

The suffocating sanctimoniousness of the “Trump-is-threatening-the-rule-of-law” crowd is exceeded only by their hypocrisy. Don’t believe me? Here is a list of 18 actual violations of the law and Constitution done in service of removing Trump from office. I’ll bet you can’t find a single objection from any of these “rule-of-law” hand wringers to these flagrant and unpunished transgressions of the law.


Clinton and DNC money laundering during the 2016 campaign

Payoffs or offers to pay-off women who accused Trump

The Ohrs’ and their pay-for-smear Fusion GPS money:

The Sally Yates insurrection:

Andrew McCabe makes repeated false statements to FBI investigators:

The Michael Flynn set-up:

Leak of the wiretap of Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador:

Leak of President Trump’s conversation with the Russian foreign minister in which the president revealed classified information:

Rod Rosenstein’s self-appointment oversight of investigation into his own actions:

Leak of President Trump’s conversation with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto:

Mueller snatches private emails without a warrant:.

Rosenstein threatens to investigate congressional staffers if they didn’t back off investigating his actions:

Prosecution of Concord for engaging in political speech:

The raid on Michael Cohen’s law office.

The Department of Justice defies its constitutional masters:

Trampling Trump’s attorney-client privilege:

Repeated instances of non-candid statements to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court:

No matter how hard the media and the Dims try, it all rolls off the president’s shoulders.

Lin k after link show the skullduggery and inability to attack the president @ 18 Real Attacks on the ‘Rule of Law’

How about this one?

Vander Voort says she does not believe it is a violation of individual civil liberties for intelligence agencies to monitor phones and internet activities ― at least when it comes to surveillance of Muslim communities.

So Republicans think it's ok to monitor Americans phones and internet activities without cause? At least the FBI had cause to wiretap Trump. He was colluding with Russia for god sakes.

Top Interior Press Secretary Spouted Islamophobia, Climate Denial In 2017 Podcast | HuffPost

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