155 Years Ago Today, July 3 1863


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
155 years ago today, Pickett’s charge. 12,500 Confederate soldiers marched a mile over open field to assault the center of the Union line. They would reach the line, but being so decimated by canon and rifle fire the charge collapsed. Proceeding this charge was the largest artillery barrage ever on US soil. But because of the smoke from the canons obscuring view, most of the shells flew over the Union line. This would be the last frontal assault by an Army until sadly in WW1 they would repeat the same mistakes.
Lee's biggest mistake of the war. Going on the offensive against a force much larger and better provisioned, without his cavalry.

Pickett's Charge was pure idiocy.

Vicksburg fall the same day...the end of the Confederacy was sealed.

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