14 Ways We're Stealling Our Children's Future

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Distractify 14 Ways This Generation Is Being Screwed Over

In the past, children have generally been able to experience a better quality of life than their parents did. With the economic crisis of 2007, the mounting political tension in the US, and innumerable other factors, that cycle has come to an end. Millennials, those of us born between 1982 and 2002, are now facing some of the harshest times in US history and will likely be the victims of another “lost generation.” These are just some of the reasons.

We could stop most of these if we could stop blaming the other side.

Won't happen though.

As I read this, all I could think is how the right is against education, against science, drill baby drill and owned by foreign interests and big money. Partisan to the end.
My millennial kids are doing fine and earning 750-1000 bucks a week and they don't have to work as hard as I did to earn it..
My millennial kids are doing fine and earning 750-1000 bucks a week and they don't have to work as hard as I did to earn it..

Mine too but he got an excellent education and started his career with no debt. He was also born before the years listed in the OP. Parents have to plan far far ahead and many don't.

Nonetheless, most of the points are valid.
I took mine to work with me starting at an early age and made them labor, so they would be smarter than I and get a good job where heavy labor was not involved. My last child will not get to experience that, but he's a straight A student and a good kid....
oh for crying out. You world didn't start until 2007 for some of you


Millennials, those of us born between 1982 and 2002, are now facing some of the harshest times in US history and will likely be the victims of another “lost generation.”
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thing are HARD where's my mommy and daddy

who the hell HAS been in charge since THIS BIG CRASH and why are why are we still struggling?

because of people like you who thinks we are made of frikken money to give to all your pet causes. you calls for business to pay a certain WAGE that you pull of your asses and call a "living wage". Your wails for taxing the rich has caused businesses to either leave or STOP HIRING. you cheer a new GOVERNMENT entitlement strapped on our backs called, OsamCare where taxes were raised and now we are facing a fine if we don't fall in line and buy it.....you sit and cheer our borders being invaded with MORE PEOPLE TO FEED for FREE
you sit here high in your ivory tower throwing stink bombs all over the place. and then act like you don't BLAME others.

just ONE example of how you divide us and blame others
Senate Republicans Filibuster Elizabeth Warren?s Bill to Refinance Student Loans | Occupy Democrats
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And that too. they don't care about the children's futures they are FLUSHING down the drains.
awww, one of the whiny thing on there is

they won't be able to RETIRE at 60. Well who hell is these days?
They're paying more for education. Well welcome to real world
they should be making $21 an hour. what I guess the unions wrote that dribble
and on and on and it damn near made me cry
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Does anyone believe that average parents in 1814 and 1914 didn't worry about their kids futures too?

And if you look at the simple, statistical odds, kids today are much more likely to have opportunities in life than the youthful average Joe looking at life after mom's house 100 and 200 years ago. 400 years ago even the white folks were the property of their good, Christian king.

Baby steps toward the stars. Exciting times, eh?
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Does anyone believe that average parents in 1814 and 1914 didn't worry about their kids futures too?

And if you look at the simple, statistical odds, kids today are much more likely to have opportunities in life than the youthful average Joe looking at life after mom's house 100 and 200 years ago. 400 years ago even the white folks were the property of their good, Christian king.

Baby steps toward the stars. Exciting times, eh?

This is very close to what I wrote to a friend today. Also reminds me of a quote attributed to Aristotle either/or Socrates. I do think the internet magnifies our view of many things that we didn't even see when I was that age. We have always had killings, animal cruelty, crazy people. WE just hear about it more now.

Its easy to think the current political atmosphere is worse, nastier, more corrupt than at an earlier time but that's just not true.

However, we have never had as much money buying as many votes as we do today. We've never had as much gerrymandering, voter suppression and vote theft as we're seeing from the right.

Our republic has survived better and worse and I have hope and faith that it will continue.

And, I love the old Chinese curse, 'May you live in interesting times'.
Humanity has two major things going for it as a species on an evolutionary road back to the stars...
  • Flexibility
  • Variety
If we don't figure it out, maybe the Chinese or the Africans will.

Thank (insert your preferred Deity here) that our world came out of the colonization era with as much social and political variety as we did.

I'm still long in every market and betting the farm on you kids.

To the stars! :thup:

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