12 Years of Democrat control in Michigan comes crashing down.

work at what? We don't have enought jobs for those wanting to work, let alone the loafers.

You really should back off on the hallucinigens.
It's true. Libs don't understand what it takes to create jobs. They don't just grow on trees or government largess you know.

And neither do the republicans.

And yes jobs do grow on govt spending. Why do you thinnk jobs were ok during most of the Bush years?
It is not the proper way to create jobs but it is there.
Mopst of the Bush era jobs were retail sales and such in the private sector and govt jobs.
I don't know about the repubs either, but I know conservatives do. Get out of business's way and let them make money. Lots and lots of money so they will hire people. Quit taxing away their profit or threatening them with lawsuits.

That will fix a LOT of it.
Lots and lots of money so they will hire people.

Business makes lots and lots of money in not hiring people. Layoffs are rewarded by increases in stock prices. Technology is what business likes to hire, not people.
Lots and lots of money so they will hire people.

Business makes lots and lots of money in not hiring people. Layoffs are rewarded by increases in stock prices. Technology is what business likes to hire, not people.
You need to take a remedial business course for the terminally slow. Maybe Economics for dummies?
Business man Rick Snyder R wins by a land slide.

Good Bye Jennifer. Thanks for the Devastated economy. Don't worry I bet Obama will have a job for ya in the Government somewhere.

Very good news....:clap2:
Business man Rick Snyder R wins by a land slide.

Good Bye Jennifer. Thanks for the Devastated economy. Don't worry I bet Obama will have a job for ya in the Government somewhere.

There is a definate message there, but what is it, is another thing altogether. Jen didn't devast the economy, Bush did. And she will probably go on vacation after 12 years of shit in congress. He retirement is locked in, her business deals are solid, she has it made. Maybe Obama will make her an ambassador of the bahamas, etc.

Oh, yeah, she Thanks you for giving her the paid easy life, and wishes you well to continue being taxed on her behalf. :)
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Business man Rick Snyder R wins by a land slide.

Good Bye Jennifer. Thanks for the Devastated economy. Don't worry I bet Obama will have a job for ya in the Government somewhere.

There is a definate message there, but what is it, is another thing altogether. Jen didn't devast the economy, Bush did. And she will probably go on vacation after 12 years of shit in congress. He retirement is locked in, her business deals are solid, she has it made. Maybe Obama will make her an ambassador of the bahamas, etc.

Oh, yeah, she Thanks you for giving her the paid easy life, and wishes you well to continue being taxed on her behalf. :)

No Granholm taxed the crap out of Michigan businesses. She is solidly to blame. Your ignorance of Michigan politics is vast.
Business man Rick Snyder R wins by a land slide.

Good Bye Jennifer. Thanks for the Devastated economy. Don't worry I bet Obama will have a job for ya in the Government somewhere.

There is a definate message there, but what is it, is another thing altogether. Jen didn't devast the economy, Bush did. And she will probably go on vacation after 12 years of shit in congress. He retirement is locked in, her business deals are solid, she has it made. Maybe Obama will make her an ambassador of the bahamas, etc.

Oh, yeah, she Thanks you for giving her the paid easy life, and wishes you well to continue being taxed on her behalf. :)

No Granholm taxed the crap out of Michigan businesses. She is solidly to blame. Your ignorance of Michigan politics is vast.

It was not one or the other. Both played their parts. But Jennifer was a big ass part of it.
Well Charles, I would put it in this order then. GM ran its own ass into the ground. Jennifer taxed teh crap out of everyone else and nationally, Bush could have done more.
After all P-BO has not been able to fix 8 years of W damage in 2. :rolleyes:

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