118 Private Jets Take Leaders To COP26 Climate Summit Burning Over 1,000 Tons Of CO2

Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Biden alone is probably twice that considering the small army of personnel and equipment that must fly in advance for him. Obama flying there had a lot of security goons flying with him.

20 years ago I was having video conferencing with Europe for work. Technology is a tad better today. When I see these envirowhackos act like there’s a climate crisis, then maybe I’ll listen. Maybe.

They should have gone by helium ballons...

How about "They should have just stayed home"? What did all that COP26 bullshit accomplish, besides asking the US to throw away more money we didn't have, on "climate change"?

Where was China, India, and Russia during this little kumbaya hootenanny?
How about "They should have just stayed home"? What did all that COP26 bullshit accomplish, besides asking the US to throw away more money we didn't have, on "climate change"?

Where was China, India, and Russia during this little kumbaya hootenanny?
They got to hang with the people that count...China, Russia and India are dirty common folk.
Not only that!

They also had a sumptuous meal.

Surely bleeding hearts like them should have been satisfied with a veggie burger and a glass of recycled water.

Then they could have given the money that was saved to the people for whom their hearts are always bleeding.
Not only that!

They also had a sumptuous meal.

Surely bleeding hearts like them should have been satisfied with a veggie burger and a glass of recycled water.

Then they could have given the money that was saved to the people for whom their hearts are always bleeding.
These actors of wealth have only false facemask to perform with.
They should have gone by helium ballons...
Wow….I thought I had an imagine….. Ballons would be hard to even lift…


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