10k of noisy, single shot, unrifled .45's, or 1k of silenced .22 autos?

May 21, 2015
Ever heard of the Liberators? They were pos's supposed to be dropped to the Resistance in WW2, so that the recipients could get killed trying to take a real gun from a German Soldier. With half of the .22's being the Browning take-down .22lr auto rifle, there'd have been MANY more willing to shoot at a Nazi. :) The Liberators cost $3 each, the silenced High Standard OSS pistols, about $60 each. Anyone with any sense could have made the .22's 4" shorter than their 14" length, too.

There were was no penicillin for WW2, so a .22lr slug in you meant that you might as well suicide, and save yourself the week of agony while the infection killed you. If you're going to commit suicide by attacking soldiers, at least GET a few of the pos's before they get you! With the silencer, the guys could afford to PRACTICE a bit, and learn to snipe men to 30 yds with the pistols, 100yds with the rifles.

Such silencer, range-potential, and rapidfire, sort of of beats having to get within 10 ft with a Liberator .45 making all that noise and never knowing if the damned thing would even fire (cause you never dared practice with it and the pos US only gave you 10 rds with the gun). For the same money, the US could have given each guy 150 rds of .22lr and with the silencers, they could have used 100 rds for practice/confidence enhancement. 10 hits each, x 1000? oh yeah. that would have caused a ruckus! One hit in 5 attempts, silenced 22;s, from ambush? oh yeah to that, too.
Ever heard of the Liberators? They were pos's supposed to be dropped to the Resistance in WW2, so that the recipients could get killed trying to take a real gun from a German Soldier. With half of the .22's being the Browning take-down .22lr auto rifle, there'd have been MANY more willing to shoot at a Nazi. :) The Liberators cost $3 each, the silenced High Standard OSS pistols, about $60 each. Anyone with any sense could have made the .22's 4" shorter than their 14" length, too.

There were was no penicillin for WW2, so a .22lr slug in you meant that you might as well suicide, and save yourself the week of agony while the infection killed you. If you're going to commit suicide by attacking soldiers, at least GET a few of the pos's before they get you! With the silencer, the guys could afford to PRACTICE a bit, and learn to snipe men to 30 yds with the pistols, 100yds with the rifles.

Such silencer, range-potential, and rapidfire, sort of of beats having to get within 10 ft with a Liberator .45 making all that noise and never knowing if the damned thing would even fire (cause you never dared practice with it and the pos US only gave you 10 rds with the gun). For the same money, the US could have given each guy 150 rds of .22lr and with the silencers, they could have used 100 rds for practice/confidence enhancement. 10 hits each, x 1000? oh yeah. that would have caused a ruckus! One hit in 5 attempts, silenced 22;s, from ambush? oh yeah to that, too.

Get yourself some better whiskey. Please.
Ever heard of the Liberators? They were pos's supposed to be dropped to the Resistance in WW2, so that the recipients could get killed trying to take a real gun from a German Soldier.

Much of what you've said is based on solid fact, and you've presented an interesting glimpse of WW-II history. But during the period you're talking about the U.S. was struggling with the extreme economic pressure of assembling and deploying our army, navy, air force and intelligence services. We simply could not afford to send high-quality firearms to European Resistance organizations.

What we did send was a hell of a lot better than no weapons at all with which to sneak up on, dispatch isolated German soldiers and obtain their weapon(s), which was the intended purpose of the "zip guns" we provided -- many of which were quite successfully utilized. One prominent example was an uprising of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto who obtained and used a few of these cheap but effective "zips" to riot, kill off a number of their Nazi guards, capture their Mausers, Schmeisers, Lugers and P-38s, and stage a rebellion that lasted over a month, diverting several battalions of Wehrmacht troops and tanks from the front.

While it's true these expediently produced guns are not comparable to Sig-Saur and S&W, but imagine the outcome if the prisoners in Leavenworth got hold of a few.
500 guns at $60 each, = SAME price as 10,000 Liberators and nobody dared USE the liberators, so which one is a waste, hmm? I think that gov't doesn't DARE put many silenced, concealable, easy to use autoloaders out there and doesnt DARE have many guys at ALL thinking in terms of assasinations. Why, what if such guys get PO'd at YOU, 30 years later!
actually, the warsaw jews had a very few of their OWN guns, with which they captured a few more German guns. Can you imagine how much more likely they'd have been to RISK that, with silenced .22's?
leavenworth long ago downgraded to being a mere "medium security' prison and actually, a gun turns up in prisons every now and then. Nothing comes of it, normally. the guys just trade the knowledge of where one IS for a transfer to another prison or to lower security, a parole date, visits from a woman, etc.

A very rare exception, well hushed up by the feds, occured in 92-93, at FCI Phoenix when Mickey and Jim got a couple of Smith 9mm's and a wirecutter smuggled into them. They got killed in between the fences, by the perimeter guards using 00 buck. pistol bullets don't get thru the woven wire at an angle, but buckshot does, or at least, some of the pellets do.
the guards typically do a VERY casual walk around the fence, looking for dope packages, before opening the yard to inmates. Camo paint a small .22 and silencer, and a small bag of ammo, tie a fishline to it, spin it David/goliath style and you can throw it 100 yds or more.

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